Solving time – 16:34
I enjoyed this very much but it was one of those puzzles that I looked at when I’d finished and wondered why it took so long to solve. On reflection, I can see that there are some good disguises at work and many natural sounding phrases in the clues, which meant they took more time to parse. There are probably 3 or 4 candidates for COD but I’ll go for 12d.
Across | |
11 | S in IVORY COAT – simple enough wordplay but a tricky clue to solve because the definition is well-disguised. |
15 | GUFF,(WAS)* – spent a while trying to make something out of (H AIR WAS)*. |
19 | ROMP in SUE (reversed) – EURO MPS. Got this from the definition as I always think EURO when I see “Strasbourg” |
22 | (PAL I)* in CHANCY |
25 | L in FIBBER,TI,GIBBET – the hardest clue of the puzzle for me, even though I knew the word. I didn’t understand why GIBBET = Tree but that’s explained by Peter in a comment. |
27 | KO,BEER (reversed) |
28 | alternate letters in “PeEpInG iNtO dIaRy” |
Down | |
1 | [-m]ISS in KING – good clue, with a misleading definition. |
3 | KEY,WAKE in WAY – and this is good too. Filled it in fairly quickly but it took much longer to work out what was going on, mainly because I thought “means” was part of the definition or a link word. |
7 | (DIRT THEN HAM)* – THE THIRD MAN. “Flick dirt” disguises the definition well but to me the whole clue read like it had to be an anagram so it wasn’t as deceptive as it could have been. |
12 | FOR DS in OX HIRE – I liked this one too.”Lower-rent houses” is very deceptive and it took me a while to see D[etective] S[ergeant] for “Sgt Lewis”. |
18 | M in CHAFER |
20 | SHY,STER[-n] |
24 | B in [-h]ERO – EBRO is a Spanish river (“runner”) |
Not sure I can explain 25 exactly and I don’t think (4-3)at 19 is exactly fair though I’ve been assured in the past that this sort of thing is okay so I’ve only myself to blame for being caught out yet again.
My COD nomination goes to 12D.
Also “fickle” wasn’t the first quality that came to me to define a flibbertigibbet though I am satisfied now that it’s fine.
And once I’d got one runner as Ebro, he had be looking for an African runner which turned out not to be a river at all. I liked that.
1D or 23D for COD for me.
ps I’m getting a bit fed up with setters using APSE. It’s lazy, as I can think of at least one other word which goes A-S-!
It’s obvious now you’ve told me!!
I stuck at EuroMas which I’d convinced myself was something to do with Maastricht. I could be a bad loser and argue that EuroMPs isn’t allowable, but Peter would no doubt tell me why it was 🙂
Members of the European Parliament are strictly MEPS, but I guess the term Euro MPs has become acceptable shorthand for same. Another possible niggle: MEPS certainly used to meet in Strasbourg in the early days, but I thought the whole shebang moved to a new headquarters building in Brussels some years ago. So “Brussels group” might have been fairer.
10 ac for my COD – definition-wise not especially hard, but I liked the simplicity of the linear cryptic reading.
Those MEPs are still wasting money by meeting in both Strasbourg and Brussels and moving regularly between the two. (That doesn’t mean I’m anti-Europe, but this particular practice is really silly.)
8d – iz (sound like “is”) in CITE,N (abbrev for Newton)
9d – cryptic def. “In need of a fall” refers to snowfall, which is what you need to ski.
Lovely to see a great alternative to TORSO – no trunk, no twisted roots – hurrah! Like others I’ll nom 12D which is just brilliant.
Only a teeny bit relieved to see where I missed out. I wouldn’t have gotten Oxfordshire without help. Euro MPs is a completely alien phrase (awaiting to hear what fellow Antipodeans and Americanos del Norte think of that, I guess it must be in Collins), and I am now enlightened as to what a chamfer is fer.
Sigh… at least I don’t have anything happening tomorrow morning, and can attempt to redeem myself on a jumbo and a Listener.
A self-kicker when you realise how straightforward it is.
Stumped badly, after working on and off all day still blank at 3D, 12D and 18A. Yikes! As you guys say, full marks to the setter! Tough go of it, hoping to do better tomorrow. Regards all.
I’ll go for 12D as my COD.
5a Spicy cuisine taken with cold water (6)
13a Illustrator’s sparkle when speaking (4)
PHIZ. Sounds like FIZZ – illustrated some Dickens apparently.
17a Flood because of leak (7)
OVER RUN. I think – don’t really get it?
18a Aggressively pass a share of the spoils (5,2)
CARVE UP. A daily experience on the mean streets of MK.
21a Part from onE’S PArents returning for recess (4)
2d Last of all, professionaL goaliE tO sign (3)
4d Body peaks before start of Olympics (5)
6d Strain’s affected demeanour (4)
8d Subject is mentioned in quote by Newton (7)
CIT IZ E N. Sounds like IS inside CITE next to (N)ewton.
9d Decline in need of a fall? (3,5)
SKI SLOPE. Nothing to do with the Roman Empire although there are plenty of great ski resorts in Northern Italy.
16d Stone drain concerned with trapping high acidity (8)
23d Brief golden age? (5)
PRIME. As mentioned in comments above – a DD of to prime or brief someone before a meeting, say, and the prime or golden age of one’s life. Clear?
26d I disapprove when reserve falls short (3)