Solving time 6:47
Few problems with this puzzle on a day which is effectively Monday.
Happy New Year to all.
Across | |
1 | ROTIS=riots*,SERIE(s) |
9 | (c)HECK(L)ER |
10 | PUBLISH – Cryptic def., ref. “publish and be damned” |
12 | AES=sea rev.,OP. |
13 | DISPLACES=(C(lerk),paid less)* |
17 | DOONE’S(LEVEL)BEST – ref. Lorna Doone – novel by R D Blackmore, to best = to defeat |
20 | BOATSWAIN – CD ref. the “bosun’s pipe”, a naval equivalent of the bugle, possibly played by a ship’s mate though my naval knowledge is scanty. |
21 | TITAN – hidden |
23 | C,HIDDEN |
24 | SYRING(e),A |
25 | NOEL – E in “NO L” – “eighteen” in the on-line version is presumably “18” in print – it indicates the answer to 18D |
26 | GRINDSTONE – CD ref. “keep one’s nose to the grindstone” |
Down | |
1 | RE(HEARS)ED – a COD possibility for smooth wording |
2 | TACKS = “tax” |
3 | S,ELF,POSSESSED – elves, fairies etc. are “the little people” |
4 | EARLDOM – CD ref. Earl Hines, jazz pianist |
5 | I’M,PAST,O |
7 | PRINCIPLE = “principal” |
8 | E,THO(ma)S |
11 | BELLES,LETT(RE)S = literature |
15 | LOOK,A,LIKE – butcher’s = butchers’ hook = look – Cockney Rhyming Slang |
16 | P(O,TENT)ATE |
18 | LEA(R)NER – basic skill = R from the “three R’s” |
19 | VEN.,IS,ON |
20 | BACON – Francis Bacon was born in Dublin |
22 | TO-(N)DO – a round painting |
Nice to get back into the swing of it, but lack of practice over the holiday period left me dull-witted enough to really struggle with most of this, with several hold-ups in the lower half.
A couple of very neat clues – 1D is nicely presented but my COD goes to 18D, an almost perfect &lit.
I am picking 1A as my COD
A good few clues to get me thinking – and I’d say that my naval knowledge is shanty.
Put in Syringa confidently, then found it didn’t fit with the “Letters” that I decided must be the second half of 11D! Only when I got the whole of 11D could I put it back in.
I liked 18D, elegantly put.
Like others, I’d vote for 18D as my COD.
New Year!
1A gets my COD.
For one that everyone seemed to find pretty easy I was surprised to find just the one omission from the blog:
6a Son welcomed by primate for recess (4)