
For a while, the Crossword Club page had links to two puzzles listed as the Times Cryptic for May 28 – 25798 and 25799. Mctext posted a blog for 25799, and the Crossword Editor has requested it be temporarily removed. I’m working on that right now (sorry mctext), and if I can make LiveJournal work, the blog will reappear around midnight UK time…

Which I can’t. So if it’s Thursday, this must be Belgium and you can look down to see the solution to 25799. If it’s Wednesday, scroll past really fast to 25798 to avoid having a rather fun puzzle ruined.

6 comments on “Whoopsie…”

  1. Don’t delete anything, George, whatever you do.. defer it if you can but personally I think it makes no material difference either way by now
    1. Grrrr – I can’t defer posts that aren’t my own (Andy probably can – I’ll shoot him an email).
      1. You have the same rights as I do. I can’t edit other people’s posts. I suspect mctext is the only one who can do that.
        1. It is nearly 1900 UK time and RR’s request was to block until midnight. Given that no-one is forcing people to read Mct’s fine blog before then, to so read it you have to make an effort to scroll down and this is not a prize crossword , why not just leave it where it is?
          1. Ugh – things got busy again at work and I haven’t done anything about it. McT does need to get in and at least change the date so it doesn’t mess up the syndicated version which links to a specific day. Compound it with 25799 really being z8b8d8k’s turn (though maybe he won’t mind McT having a swansong).

            Edited at 2014-05-28 07:08 pm (UTC)

  2. Only just found this thread. As part defence, when I wrote to Jerry for advice, at 14:30 my local time, the puzzle was still on the Club site and it was the only one on the Times website. I’ve duly changed the date as advised.

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