Hi everyone
I have had a last minute hospital summons this morning. Could someone cover for me today? If not, i’ll put the blog up this afternoon when I’m home
I have had a last minute hospital summons this morning. Could someone cover for me today? If not, i’ll put the blog up this afternoon when I’m home
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1 MANSFIELD PARK – mans = chap field= part of farm park = leave car whole thing – novel
8 BLOODY – old boy anagram
9 DENISE – girls name, den= study ise=is seen at close of annexe (is and last letter I suppose)
10 SWAN – bird; s= small wan= pale
11 PASSPORT – thing that allows you to come and go; pass = circulate port= decanter
12 MORAL I suppose it’s a double definition although I’d quibble with moral being the end of a story, more like the point
13 APPLY – make use of. App = phone feature, LY = first and last letters of lightly
15 BADGERED – hassled. Badge= ID red= a colour
17 SODA – soft drink. Sod= turf a=a
19 SUPINE – lethargic, sue= girls name, around (pockets) pin= brooch
20 STINGY – mean (as in tight) sting = overcharge y= unknown amount (in algebra)
21 METEOROLOGIST – double definition
2ALLOW – permit; AL = a pound Low= cheap
3 SPOONER – double definition
4 IVY – double definition? Sort of? Ivy climbs and there’s an Ivy League
5 LADYS MAID – anagram of madly said, a servant
6 PINUP – pretty picture. Pup (pet) around in (home)
7 RESPRAY – is this what you mean by an &lit? To RESPRAY your car is to give it a new coat of paint
11 POLAR BEAR – big beast, polar = opposite bear= stand (as in I simply can’t BEAR it any more, something my 11 year old is often heard to declaim mainky referring to her brother)
12 MEASURE – is this another &slit? It’s a quantity of drink everywhere I think so I suppose also in American bars…
14 PUSHING – pressing (like the pressing game favoured by the 1951 push and run team) pug (dog) round shin(part of leg)
16 GUISE – a homophone. Guise = appearance, sounds like guys
18 DEGAS – artist. Lovely paintings of ballerinas. Lots of them in the NYC Met museum of art. Highly recommended. D= daughter, egas= (upset) sage (wise)
20 SAL – girl – first letters (first of all) of Seen Applying Lipstick
Hope this is all ok and not bonkers! The app thinks it’s right.
Agree with you I struggled with MEASURE – did not get the US reference at all. Also share your view re. MORAL.
Outstanding effort at short notice – why not join the blogging team?!
Was I right about the answers I thought might be &lits? I still feel like a real beginner to be honest. I think I was lucky that today there was no cricket and no stupid flower names to stump me! Art and literature I can do. Cricket and flowers? Not so much.