Solving time: Medium.
I found this quite a challenge today, with a couple of definitions that were new to me and had to be verified by my dictionary (the trusty Big Red Book – Chambers Dictionary). We seem to have a lot of clues today where there are two definitions as the predominant clue type. This again makes for a slightly stiffer challenge, IMHO.
Across |
7 |
NIMBY – Not sure I understand this, got it from the checking letters. I think it’s a cryptic definition. The Big Red Book (Chambers) defines it as someone wanting something else to happen but elsewhere. |
8 |
CAMELOT – Court = definition. CAME (arrived) + LOT (Chance). |
10 |
FORBEAR – Refrain = def. FOR + BEAR (Pooh?) |
11 |
LATTE – Coffee = def. LATE (delayed) with T (time) inside it. |
12 |
RASPBERRY – Double definition with one part cryptic. Fruit = main definition. What one is likely to get if you are derided or hated by people. |
14 |
SET – Double definition. Organised and a series of games, in tennis for example. |
15 |
HUN – oLD INVADER = definition. HUN(T) (search, endlessly, minus last letter.) |
16 |
ALCHEMIST – Gold-seeker = definition. An anagram (extraordinary) of CLAIMS THE |
18 |
PALED – Looked shocked = def. PA (SECRETARY) + LED (Was in charge). |
20 |
NOWHERE – The definition here is the whole clue, with the first half, also providing the indications. NOW (currently) + HERE (present). |
22 |
TAKEN UP – Accepted = definition. A way of describing how you would be if you were given a ride in a hot-air balloon. The question mark here is quite important to show you need to think outside the box. |
23 |
SCENT – Trail = definition. One of the ways that compilers show that something is contained within a clue is say that one word “drops” over another. That is how this clue works. SENT (made) ‘goes over’ C (cold). |
Down |
1 |
ONE FOR THE POT – Contribution to kitty is the main definition of this double def clue, with the other being cryptic. How you sometimes describe putting a teabag into your teapot. |
2 |
IMPRISON – Send down = definition. IMP (naughty child) + SIR (rev) [Teacher’s up, i.e. reversed in a down clue] = ON (working). |
3 |
TYPE – As with 20ac, this has two definitions, part of which does double duty. The sort = one part of definition. A description of what someone may do if they don’t use a pen. |
4 |
SCARER – One (who) frightens = definition. S (son) + CARER (nurse). |
5 |
EMPLOYEE – One used = definition. EM (me, reversed, upset) + PLOY (DEVICE) + EE (the end letters, extreme, of elaborate). |
6 |
FLAT – Two definitions, a place to live and when something is described as boring, it is this. |
9 |
TWENTY-TWENTY – Again, two definitions. You are looking for a type of cricket match (note the use of ‘perhaps’). The description of perfect vision is the same name. |
13 |
BOARDING – Another two definitions, Getting on to a vehicle and a type of school. |
14 |
SHIVERED – ..and two more definitions! An effect of appearing cold, and something that means to disintergrate (a definiton I wasn’t aware of, and verified in Chambers!). |
17 |
CANAPE – The definition is (a) bite (of food). CAN + APE (WILD ANIMAL) |
19 |
LIKE – Two definitions. One of the options available to users of Mr Zuckerberg’s site means that same as a word used to compare something. |
21 |
WASP – Insect = def. A way of saying something wasn’t loud is to say it WAS + P (quiet)! |
Thanks to Teazel for an enjoyable solving session. There are a few entertaining puzzles around today. Perhaps go and discover them!
Edited at 2014-06-19 07:57 am (UTC)
Lots to enjoy in this puzzle. Highlights for me: 7ac was ingenious, 16 ac was a very nice surface, and the excellent Twenty-Twenty was my COD.
Thought the definition of EMPLOYEE as “one used” was a tad controversial / politically charged, but no complaints – if Teazel was a British Leyland shop steward in a previous life and I am on the same wavelength as him/her, then this has indeed been a wonderfully surprising voyage of self-discovery!
Edited at 2014-06-19 11:16 am (UTC)
23 mins for this one as I wasn’t on Teazel’s wavelength.
Loved 2020 and nowhere.
Couldn’t see employee at all and feel that it is stretching it a bit.
Banana? ROFL.