I think this was towards the harder end of things, so I was happy to come in at the 13 minute mark. Some tricky clues, some generous checker-providers, some cracking clues, and lots of lovely surface readings combined to make it a very enjoyable solve. I really liked 10ac – it’s always great to have a clue that makes you suddenly read an old word in a new light. I also liked 16ac – not the hardest, but an unusual &lit clue that grew on me. The definition is maybe a touch cryptic for a quirky, Chambers-esque dictionary entry, but it’s very close. So yes, many thanks to Mara for this.
Across | |
1 |
Weather that’s turbulent in gale WITHSTAND: anagram (turbulent) of THATS going inside WIND (gale). |
6 | Read out letter that’s prompt CUE: or read out the letter “Q” |
8 | Shirt — an awful stain TARNISH: anagram (awful) of SHIRT AN |
9 |
Bung for member’s supporter SLING: Double definition – to bung = to throw. |
10 |
Sad record playing at an ungodly hour? DISCONSOLATE: a “record playing at an ungodly hour” could be a “disc on so late”. |
12 |
Drilling holes is dull BORING: double definition of the appositely lacklustre variety. |
13 | Socialist keeps fighting for compensation REWARD: RED (socialist) keeps WAR (fighting) inside. |
16 |
Simultaneous stressed syllables similarly starting so, say? ALLITERATION: an “&lit”, or all-in-one clue, where the whole clue is a (lovely) definition for the answer, alongside the wordplay element required to make it a cryptic clue – in this case a sevenfold example of alliteration. (Or perhaps a sixfold example – I’m probably wrong but I’d call three words beginning with the same letter triple alliteration.) “&lit”, by the way, is short for “and literally so” – in that the clue is literally the definition, as well as the wordplay. |
19 |
Plant: unusual bush about right? SHRUB: Anagram (unusual) of BUSH about/going around R(ight). |
20 | Compound of iron: it assimilates vanadium under laboratory conditions IN VITRO: anagram (compound) of IRON IT assimilates/absorbs V (vanadium). Literally means “in glass”. Another lovely clue. |
22 |
River Clyde emptied partly DEE: hidden, “partly” in the letters of ClyDE Emptied. I gave serious thought to the existence of a river Cle (“Clyde” partly emptied). Go to the back of the class. |
23 | He and I get it wrong heading to Honolulu for senior’s birthday EIGHTIETH: anagram (wrong) of HE and I GET IT ; H (heading for Honolulu) |
Down | |
1 |
Scottish engineer has question for the audience WATT: which to an audience sounds the same as WHAT (question). |
2 | Piece of wedding cake, maybe, catching stray dog TERRIER: TIER: (Piece of wedding cake, maybe), catching/holding ERR (stray). Wins the prize for today’s most surreal surface reading. |
3 |
Runner’s short fleece SKI: SKIN (fleece), “short” means dock the last letter. |
4 |
Capital in Bulgaria, then: Sofia ATHENS: hidden “in” BulgariA THEN Sofia. |
5 |
Lying plate on stone, roughly DISHONEST: DISH (plate) on an anagram (roughly) of STONE. LOI. |
6 |
Tea to drink in teacups, perhaps? CHINA: |
7 |
Boffin for example, good man, a mastermind ultimately EGGHEAD: E.G. (for example) G(ood), HE (man) A, D (mastermind, ultimately) |
11 |
One who painted copper CONSTABLE: double definition. |
12 | Banquet’s starter brought up, cooked BRAISED: B (Banquet’s starter), RAISED (brought up) |
14 | A saint in European missionary APOSTLE: A ; St. (saint) going inside POLE (European). |
15 |
Stressful day’s ending in Hertfordshire town TRYING: Y (day‘s ending) going inside TRING (Hertfordshire town) |
17 |
Huge composition of Elgar LARGE: anagram (composition) of ELGAR. |
18 |
Upper-class person of superior heredity, the tops! POSH: first letters (“the tops”) of person of superior heredity. |
21 | Inverted, the box containing a tank VAT: TV (the box), invert it and shove in the letter A. And a nice little one to finish. |
16 ac ALLITERATION was also admired.
Whatever happened to Mr. Flashman? Did he get a dictionary for Christmas?
Edited at 2017-01-05 07:13 am (UTC)
Had difficulty parsing a couple, but I’m on my family Christmas holiday (hi horryd) so can’t spend too long on the crosswords!
Next week back at work with a laptop and fresh piece of paper for the anagrams so solving times should be quicker!
Happy New Year to everyone 🍾
I also parsed 6d as mohn did.
As others have noted, Mara produced some excellent clues today, of which 10ac has to be my favourite. Invariant
I agree with mohn2 on the parsing of ch(in)a, that’s a bit of chestnut.
Member of the flock rounded on a setter (4).