For a while I thought we might have a schooldays theme emerging with 3d, 10a, football teams etc., but it’s not enough to warrant that classification. My thanks to Hurley for such a gentle puzzle, which should cause no major issues for our solvers, even those who like to take their time and enjoy the journey, rather than speeding to the destination.
7 Begs, we hear, for commendation (6)
PRAISE – Sounds like (we hear) PRAYS (begs).
8 Football team level with the Spanish earlier (6)
ELEVEN – EL (‘the’ in Spanish) ahead of (earlier) EVEN (level).
9 Equal rights advocate, finest – I’m converted (8)
FEMINIST – Anagram (converted) of [FINEST – I’M].
10 Cheat to find somewhere to sleep (4)
CRIB – Double definition, the first to plagiarise or cheat, the second a child’s cot.
11 Hidden in attic over time (6)
COVERT – Hidden answer in {atti}C OVER T{ime}.
13 Fabric salesperson received by Church (5)
CREPE – REP{resentative} (salesperson) inside (hidden by) CE (Church – of England)
14 English artist’s epoch (3)
ERA – E{nglish} and RA (artist – Royal Academician)
15 Solitary guy has change of heart: he’s not successful (5)
LOSER – LOnER (solitary guy) exchanges middle letter N for S (has change of heart).
17 Elf’s grudge, harbouring resistance (6)
SPRITE – SPITE (grudge) containing (harbouring) R{esistance}.
19 Pinnacle of European talent – all starting for this writer (4)
POET – First letters (all starting) of Pinnacle Of European Talent.
20 It’s close at work – a special day (8)
SOLSTICE – Anagram (at work) of [IT’S CLOSE].
22 Grainy food provided repeatedly, they say (6)
CEREAL – Sounds like (they say) SERIAL (provided repeatedly).
23 Temporary work on stage (6)
ACTING – Double definition, the first as in ACTING Commanding Officer, temporarily in charge.
1 Press demur generally seeing major cutbacks (4)
URGE – Hidden inside {dem}UR GE{nerally) and revealed when that phrase is cut back from either end (major cutbacks).
2 Forceful six are annoying (6)
VIRILE – VI (six in Roman numerals) and RILE (are annoying).
3 List of names to have an effect (8)
REGISTER – Double definition.
4 Skin of cat, maybe, absorbing learner (4)
PELT – PET (cat, maybe) containing (absorbing) L{earner}.
5 Secure changes for free (6)
RESCUE – Anagram (changes) of [SECURE]. The anagram descrambler in my head first tried RECUSE before it found RESCUE, and there are a few other alternatives to play with.
6 Contrite writer I shelter (8)
PENITENT – PEN (writer) and I (I) with TENT (shelter).
12 Individual watching cricket side – attractive person (8)
ONLOOKER – ON (one of the ‘sides’ in cricket) and LOOKER (attractive person).
13 Alsace do going awry? What doctor has to deal with? (8)
CASELOAD – Anagram (going awry) of [ALSACE DO].
16 Easy chance for model (6)
SITTER – Another double definition.
18 Leading pairs from rookie tag teams follow set order (6)
ROTATE – First two letters (leading pairs) of RO{okie}, TA{g} and TE{am}.
20 Dispose of little room, by the sound of it (4)
SELL – Sounds like (by the sound of it) CELL (little room).
21 Where sweet may be found, cold one (4)
CONE – C{old} and ONE (one). An ice cream (sweet) is often eaten in a CONE.
30 minutes from start to finish all parsed and enjoyed. Although PRAISE BIFD as the homophone just didn’t come to mind.
Edited at 2022-03-03 08:48 am (UTC)
Made an absolute Horlicks of the rest of it along the way, carelessly putting LONER not LOSER (thus making SITTER impossible till I spotted it), putting SHED for SELL, PLEASE for PRAISE, making the anagram at 5dn RECUSE instead of RESCUE and needing all the checkers and a long trawl for SPRITE. Dear oh dear what a catalogue of incompetence.
Basically I shouldn’t do crosswords before espresso!
Thanks Rotter and Hurley.
Edited at 2022-03-03 10:12 am (UTC)
A fair puzzle but far from straightforward. I think SOLSTICE was my COD. Thanks to Hurley and to rotter for his usual succinct but helpful blog. John M.
Edited at 2022-03-03 09:44 am (UTC)
TIME 4:36
Thanks Hurley and therotter
Thanks Hurley and Rotter
I am a regular solver but do not often comment — indeed this is I believe the first for the Quickie blog — I suspect That I might find the 15by15 easier today! Barry J
Edited at 2022-03-03 11:46 am (UTC)
Just didn’t get anywhere near it today — call it wrong wavelength or whatever — but I really struggled. Too many clues with lots of different options which made even biffing things hard. The grid format didn’t help either.
Whilst ice cream can be a “sweet” or a dessert, as far as I’m concerned it no longer becomes a sweet when it is in a cone. Petty, I know, but I’m in that kind of mood.
FOI — 8ac “Eleven”
LOI — dnf
COD — 12dn “Onlooker”
Thanks as usual!
I decided to start with the down clues today, having spotted PELT and carried on from there. I don’t think it made any difference.
I’m absolutely with James when it comes to an ice cream cone – it’s not a sweet, either as a pudding or confectionery! Yummy though, but only in a waffle CONE😋
FOI Pelt
LOI Acting
COD Covert – it was indeed well-hidden
Thanks Hurley and Rotter
Edited at 2022-03-03 01:03 pm (UTC)
Thanks Rotter and Hurley.
… and I went up many of the blind alleys others have already mentioned (recuse, loos, etc). I also started by not believing 21D Cone could be that simple — possibly the first time my performance on any part of a QC has precisely matched Phil’s!
All green in the end, which pleased me after my struggles, but no idea of time — I did this on my phone over several sessions and the clock doesn’t stop when you do, so it returned a somewhat embarrassing 2 hours 23 minutes! It wasn’t that long, but it was not a quick one — probably approaching 20 minutes.
Many thanks to Rotter for the blog
Missed many others, CEREAL, PRAISE and a couple of anagrams like FEMINIST and CASELOAD.
maybe Wordle and QUORDLE are burning out my brain cells.
Wordle in around 30secs, Quordle in 8 and Worldle 1st guess. Strange to be able to do those yet struggle along so slowly on the QC.
Well played Hurley and thanks to Rotter
FOI CREPE, I think.
Not on the wavelength so made heavy weather of this one on what became a busy day.
Liked ELEVEN, PELT, VIRILE , and thought ONLOOKER was clever, among others.
Thanks vm, Rotter.
I really don’t get on with this setter and took ages to get the rest of the clues. I thought 21dn was weak. I thought cone straight away but then, considering the setter, thought it much too easy.
This is turning into a very disappointing week after some recent progress.
Never mind.
i’m sure this was easy (despite my issues) yet everybody says it wasn’t. I knew SOLSTICE, CASELOAD, RESCUE, FEMINIST were anagrams but couldn’t figure them out for two hours. Even simple things like rep=SALESPERSON, writer=PEN went in slowly. Went for loos/lose and tried malt (mat) for cat’s fur – neither quite passed/parsed.
Think I pvertrained the past two days as was wide awake from 3:30-5:30am last night before dropping back to sleep until 8am. Mental acuity incapacitated, yet my work writing flowing with barely a thought.
Held up by an elf defining a sprite. My fantasy books / D&D days would have the former as a humanoid, the latter as a fairy type creature.
COD didn’t have will to appreciate them today
At least I completed today’s, yesterday’s is still half-empty but less time spent on it (so far).
Edited at 2022-03-03 10:03 pm (UTC)