A very pleasant puzzle of about average difficulty from Mara: I came in a notch under 9 minutes, held up briefly at the end with 18ac. It seemed like there were a lot of references to attractiveness and foreign places which gave a warm, breezy feel to the solve. Or perhaps I was more attuned to them as I’m just back from (a very welcome) holiday. Much enjoyed – many thanks to Mara!
Across | |
1 | Item for breakfast, baloney (6) |
WAFFLE – double definition. | |
4 | A cute, unusual, pistol, originally — might it be filled with gunpowder? (6) |
TEACUP – anagram (unusual) of A CUTE and P (Pistol, “originally“). As in gunpowder tea. | |
9 | River circled by pilot, I gathered, in capital city (7) |
TRIPOLI – R(iver) circled/surrounded by an anagram (gathered/assembled) of PILOT I | |
10 | Relative in European resort, by the sound of it? (5) |
NIECE – or NICE (European resort) “by the sound of it” | |
11 | Flower in Agadir, I see (4) |
IRIS – “in” agadIR I See. Agadir is a city in Morocco, I see. | |
12 | Talk: problem in Persian, for example? (8) |
CHITCHAT – HITCH (problem) in CAT (Persian, for example) | |
14 | A spirited author? (11) |
GHOSTWRITER – cryptic definition, referring to ghost/spirit. | |
18 | Bronzed skin fading on a trip in Argentina? (8) |
TANGOING – TAN (bronze skin) GOING (fading). To trip = to skip, dance, etc. | |
20 | Cap half on in swimming pool (4) |
LIDO – LID (cap) O (“half” of On). Named after the beach resort near Venice, now a general (dated?) term for an open-air swimming pool. | |
22 | Version of Tosca somewhere in Berkshire (5) |
ASCOT – anagram (version of) of TOSCA | |
23 | Reportedly, I saw a sight! (7) |
EYESORE – sounds like (reportedly) I SAW | |
24 | Attempt to keep tail cool (6) |
TRENDY – TRY (attempt) to keep END (tail) | |
25 | Fruit boy found behind barrier (6) |
DAMSON – SON (boy) found behind DAM (barrier) |
Down | |
1 | Fashionable, how one might take one’s gin? (4-2) |
WITH-IT – a “gin and it” is a gin and Italian vermouth | |
2 | Adequate swimmer gulping oxygen? (7) |
FAIRISH – FISH (swimmer) gulping AIR (oxygen) | |
3 | Country also in a mess (4) |
LAOS – anagram (in a mess) of ALSO | |
5 | Theorist in nineties, surprisingly (8) |
EINSTEIN – anagram (surprisingly) of NINETEES | |
6 | European payment taken on the phone? (5) |
CZECH – Sounds like (“taken on the phone”) CHEQUE (payment) | |
7 | Quite beautiful (6) |
PRETTY – double definition | |
8 | Tory footballer? (5-6) |
RIGHT-WINGER – double-ish definition | |
13 | Various roasted nuts, including last of peanuts (8) |
ASSORTED – anagram (nuts) of ROASTED, including S (“last” of peanutS) | |
15 | Journalists in Dorset I fancy (7) |
EDITORS – anagram (fancy) of DORSET I | |
16 | Begin to accommodate first of undergraduates in royal house (6) |
STUART – START (begin) to accommodate U (“first” of Undergraduates) | |
17 | Asian influence ultimately in holy text (6) |
KOREAN – E (influencE “ultimately”) in KORAN (holy text) | |
19 | Hot inside particular nook (5) |
NICHE – H(ot) inside NICE (particular): nice as in precise/discriminating/particular, etc. | |
21 | Huge name, gargantuan to some extent (4) |
MEGA – naME GArgantuan “to some extent” |
FFOI 1ac WAFFLE — plenty to come….
LOI 6dn CZECH — they are hardly seen in UK these days!
COD 14ac GHOSTWRITER fine piece of misdirection
WOD 5dn EINSTEIN — Brian the Beatles manager, unless I’m badly mistaken
Was 12ac in ‘The Biggie’ as well, or am I not supposed to ask?
On edit: I have just realised what an excellent clue 18ac is — it parsed all understanding hereabouts. Mr. Mara at his best!
Edited at 2021-11-04 05:06 am (UTC)
Edited at 2021-11-04 06:15 am (UTC)
I think my main hold-ups were WAFFLE (it may be a staple of the American breakfast, but not of mine) and TANGOING. There seems to be some dispute about the nationality of the dance as diverse as from the Argentina/Uruguay border region (Wiki) and Latin America (Chambers). I could be no more specific than (ignoring Chambers) South American. I guess the question mark covers most bases anyway.
Definitely feel like progress is being made here although I routinely find myself getting held up on the last few clues!
Today’s hold up was in the SE corner, it took almost 13 minutes to get KOREAN 17a – I couldn’t figure out what part of the clue was the definition, in the end I’m embarrassed to say I had to resort to Google Maps and a trawl around Asia…
After that DAMSON dropped in fairly (another 3 minutes!) quickly.
LIDO took far too long as did EYESORE, however they were both lightbulb moments and found them rewarding.
All in all a bit of a challenging solve, not due to any unknown GK or wordplay, however.
I really enjoyed TRENDY and FAIRISH, I love it when you follow the wordplay and it just works!
A statistical aside:
I’ve been making a record of my times, along with the amount of clues the puzzle has. After a bit of division, we get a ‘Clues per Minute’ figure — even though today’s solve was slower overall, it had 2 more clues than yesterday and so I ended up with a faster ‘Clues per Minute’. Funny really because it felt a heck of a lot slower after spending half the time on two clues!
Edited at 2021-11-04 08:24 am (UTC)
Statistical note: I also keep records, but have found my times don’t really correlate with the number of clues.
Tried to jam Patagonia in at 18a when I saw “in Argentina”.
NI(E)CE and NIC(H)E both seem to have come up a lot recently , but I was spared the NHO flag=IRIS which appeared yet again in the 15×15 this week. Thanks setter for avoiding that.
6d CZECH caused a bit of thought. Any alphabet trawlers would have had a long run after staring at C-E-H, as I did. I did a demonym trawl instead : pole Dane, Turk, swede, Finn, lots of homonym potential.
I have to say that there were various clues that I did not like, even would go as far to say that they were very poor clues.
TANGOING. I do not see the reference to Argentina. What has Argentina got to do with the answer?
CZECH: Cheque = payment taken over the phone? Really? I have never heard of cheque being referenced in this way. I would have thought that seeing as Czechoslovakia does not exist anymore, this would have been somehow indicated in the clue. “Old European” for example.
RIGHT WINGER. I liked that clue. Very good.
So, a disappointing DNF with 5 clues left unanswered.
I have always liked Mara’s puzzles, but this one was, in my opinion, very poor.
I think over the phone here was indicating that it was a homophone, like broadcast or sounds. So the cheque part of the definition was payment. Although Czechoslovakia is no more, we still have the Czech Republic so there are definitely Czechs around.
Edited at 2021-11-04 08:38 am (UTC)
Thanks to roly
I was on the wavelength today, finishing in just under 15 although with a typo at 1 dn. I’ve never know what the “it” is in gin and it, but have read many books where it features. FOI: Tripoli, LOI: Chitchat where I needed the blog to understand the parsing. COD: Tangoing.
Thanks to Roly and Mara
TIME 4:07
Edited at 2021-11-04 08:48 am (UTC)
I have once tried the tango, on a trip to Buenos Aires. I went to a salon that offered to teach tourists the basic steps — it is very much more difficult than it looks, and the gracefulness of good tango dancers is something I never ever came remotely close to. The visit to the salon was also memorable for being in La Boca, one of the roughest barrios (suburbs) of Buenos Aires; one saw another side of the city, and had I known before setting out what sort of neighbourhoods I would be going through I think I would have had major second thoughts about the wisdom of the visit.
Many thanks to Roly for the blog
For some reason I always (wrongly) think a Gin & Tonic is a Gin & It from the Shhh you know what of the past. I liked the dynamite/pistol misdirection and it took a minute to parse, also Persian and cat. Wasn’t convinced about Nice=Particular but NICHE had to be. Altogether a good PM/AM to get me off to my ‘flu jab, puppy care and WFH today. Wuff wuff.
Thanks Mara and Roly and all.
as I don’t watch Strictly, and hadn’t the least idea why Argentina had anything to do with it.
But otherwise it went in with just the right amount of brain power required to solve it without it being too easy.
Thank you, Mara and Roly
Edited at 2021-11-04 09:17 am (UTC)
Edited at 2021-11-04 09:55 am (UTC)
I took some time to realise that my TAN was GOING and that therefore trip=dance, and then STUART was my LOI for some reason, looking back — I probably had the beginning “a” from accomodate, and the first “u” from undergraduate in my head, and was trying to concoct a royal house from that inauspicious start, so a misdirection from the setter that fooled me, if no one else!
I then spent a few minutes on 18a coming up with TAN, WORN (fading) and A. I did not associate the tango with Argentina, so I have learnt something today.
One wrong after 21 minutes.
NHO dance=trip before which kept me guessing for a while,
LIDO may be a bit out of use but spent a lot of time in the Tooting Bec Lido as a youth so familiar to me
Thanks to setter and blogger
Edited at 2021-11-04 10:45 am (UTC)
LOI PRETTY (doh) which shd have been pretty easy even if it is not exactly a synonym for Beautiful.
WITH IT another old-fashioned clue!
TANGOING COD. I am sure I knew the dance back in yore before Strictly.
Thanks for blog, Roly.
Edited at 2021-11-04 10:44 am (UTC)
Feeling grumpy…
Put “Into It” for 1dn, thinking it related to being fashionable which made 1ac “Waffle” impossible. Was convinced “Persian” had something to do with a rug (completely forgetting about the cat). Even after going through every European country (or what I thought) I still missed 6dn. DNK 18ac “Tangoing” so that was always going to be a struggle. For some inane reason, I initially put “Billy Bunter” in for 8dn, which on first pass actually did fit.
Also, I’m guessing the use of oxygen as “air” is in terms of expression rather than scientific fact.
Overall — one to forget I think.
FOI — 3dn “Laos”
LOI — dnf
COD — 14ac “Ghostwriter”
Thanks as usual!
Edited at 2021-11-04 11:25 am (UTC)
Edited at 2021-11-04 01:20 pm (UTC)
Went straight in for me having spotted what I thought was the hidden and equated rise with blossom/flower.
Held me up for quite a while!
Good brain exercise though – my thanks to Mara, who I often find challenging.
FOI – 11ac IRIS
COD – a toss-up in my book between 8dn RIGHT WINGER and 14ac GHOSTWRITER
DNF today. And I have a dog called Tango.
Took a few moments to get started but all done and parsed in 12 minutes. I thought there was lots to like – TEACUP, GHOSTWRITER, EINSTEIN and ASSORTED all got ticks.
FOI With it
LOI Tangoing
COD Tangoing
Many thanks Mara and Roly for the very clear and precise blog
Funny how often the same words turn up in both crosswords! Even funnier / stranger is how often I don’t see the repeat straight away 😅
Edited at 2021-11-04 06:20 pm (UTC)
My LOsI were TRENDY, NICHE (I DNK that ‘particular’ = NICE, and still don’t really) and TANGOING, and I finished in 43 minutes – about par for me at the moment. Mrs Random also found it quite tricky, saying she finished without being able to parse everything. Her time was 32 minutes, which is just over par for her, currently.
Many thanks to Mara and rolytoly.
I know it takes two to tango but I’ m obviously not one of them! In an otherwise straightforward puzzle, I became fixated on trying to construct a solution in the form of “tan o n a”. Like John Dun I even toyed with the invention “tandowna” but at my personal 10 minute cut-off I had to throw in the towel
“C’est la vie” I guess or maybe “asi es la vida” is more appropriate!
Only Stuart and Korean held me up, they should be chestnuts but I have never seen them used before. It’s strange how many simple bits of wordplay are constantly being discovered.
Next door they are stripping old tiles off the roof – every 30 seconds there is a thud as a tile is thrown 25 feet down into a metal skip. Not ideal for concentration.
Had not heard of Gunpowder Tea – is it what they drank while planning the Gunpowder Plot?
TANGOING was clever – when I tried to learn ballroom dancing I tripped up quite a lot.
Quibble with 2 down FAIRISH (inserting Oxygen) – air is not the same as Oxygen. Air is only 20% Oxygen and 18% Nitrogen – 2% Neon, Co2 etc.
Caught out by an expert in hot air.
Eventually had to put it in as it was the only anagram that fitted.
Nice puzzle
45 mins until TEACUP
No surprise I disliked all three of these clues/answers.
Even though I had Tan/O/N/ what on earth is Tangoing about? Insane
Waffle — disappointing — not something I’ve ever had for breakfast.
With It? How old is that expression for Gin and ?
I really enjoyed the struggle but was displeased to see what I missed out on.
And usually I’m quite benign!
Thanks all
John George
Have a good weekend!