I have supplied you with a set of explanations and the odd bit of trivia, with clues, definitions and SOLUTIONS
1 Vile of French, having photo framed in black (10)
DESPICABLE Of for French people DE, then PIC for photo framed by SABLE for black.
6 Our team may keep one piano clean (4)
WIPE I think in bridge conventionally the two teams are WE and they. Probably works in other fields. Our team is WE, of course, and here I (one) P(iano) is “kept”
8 Download track from opera with note from bank? (8)
RIPARIAN If I download a track from a CD to computer, I RIP it. If the track is from an opera, it might well be an ARIA. Add N(ote). Riparian means “of or inhabiting a riverbank.”
9 Significantly increase nonsense about Liberal (6)
TRIPLE Nonsense is TRIPE, “about” L(iberal)
10 Tolerate erasing Romeo in script (4)
BOOK To tolerate is to BROOK. Erase the NATO Romeo.
11 I slump awkwardly, embraced by man, irresistible (10)
COMPULSIVE An anagram (awkwardly) of I SLUMP taken in by COVE for a generic man.
12 Artist restrained by injunction after misbehaviour of lead star (9)
ALDEBARAN The brightest star in Taurus. A anagram (misbehaviour of) of LEAD followed by RA for artist (the frequently used Royal Academician) within (restrained by) BAN for injunction.
14 Feeling smart about Conservative account (5)
SCORE If you are feeling (a) smart you are SORE. Insert C(onservative)
17 Writer not ultimately adopted by Andersen? (5)
DANTE The question mark indicates that we have a definition by example (Hans Christian) Anderson being a DANE. Insert the last letter (ultimately) of noT
19 Encouraging period of work penning most of Disney film (9)
STIMULANT Period of work is STINT, and the Disney film is MULAN, “mostly” because you don’t need the N. These days “Disney film” presents a much wider choice, including the Star Wars franchise and the Marvel genre, and it took me a while to call Mulan to any kind of mind.
22 This hole designed to stash billions, in principle (10)
SHIBBOLETH The word comes from a particularly unpleasant sequence in the Biblical book of Judges in which the inability of the Ephraimites to pronounce the SH at the beginning of shibboleth marked them for slaughter. It has since become “any custom or tradition, usually a choice of phrasing or even a single word, that distinguishes one group of people from another” (wiki). I didn’t find “principle” a particularly helpful definition, and still don’t. But the wordplay is ok: an anagram (designed) of THIS HOLE plus two B(illions) stashed therein.
23 Lowlife heading for major argument, but held back (4)
WORM Heading for major is M, argument is ROW. Reverse (held back) the whole
24 Allocate grand in passing, without setting limits (6)
ASSIGN A generous, pretty well plain sight clue, in which G(rand) is inserted into ASSIN, which is passing without its first and last letters
25 Imperial advisor not quite ill-advised to enter (8)
RASPUTIN Too long looking for a generic advisor rather than the hairy specific one. RASH for ill-advised, not quite so drop the H, and then PUT IN for enter. I never noticed before the coincidence of the current supremo’s name.
26 Is no longer hot in thin coat (4)
WASH Is no longer WAS, plus H(ot). As in a thin coat of paint in preparation.
27 Blokes in British bird group showing confusion (10)
BEMUSEMENT A British bird group is the unlikely B EMU SET. Insert MEN for blokes.
1 Directors supporting rise of classic pub feature (9)
DARTBOARD Directors are the BOARD, and classic gives TRAD (as in jazz). It needs to rise, or reverse over the top.
2 Fool with club that’s found in trunk (7)
SAPWOOD Fool is SAP, and WOOD is a (golf) club.
3 Knot in whip leads to gossip (8)
CHITCHAT Knot is a (clove, for example) HITCH. Whip is CAT (as in o’ nine tails)
4 Mathematical statement converted into memorable hit briefly (8,7)
BINOMIAL THEOREM An anagram (converted) of INTO MEMORABLE HI (the hit bit is “briefly”). Careful attention to the fodder enabled me to avoid my usual shibboleth of spelling theorem with a U.
5 Good thing for Aussie, heading off, about to go to a restaurant (3,3)
EAT OUT Ah, yes, got it. A good thing for Australians is (I believe) BEAUT. Take off the heading B, and place the remains around TO in plain sight.
6 Fanciful stage production abandoned by university after initially warm welcome (9)
WHIMSICAL The stage production you need is a MUSICAL. Take out the U(niversity) and place (initially) W(arm) and welcome HI in front
7 State supporting China in discussion (7)
PALAVER China (plate) is CRS for mate, whence PAL. State is AVER, not one of the united ones, then.
13 Institute a bit less disorganised when set beside hospital (9)
ESTABLISH An anagram (disorganised) of A BIT LESS beside H(ospital)
15 Grounds mostly for keeping abundant supply in bar (9)
ESTAMINET Not, perhaps, the first version of the definition that comes to mind. Grounds gives you ESTATE, though only mostly so ditch the E. An abundant supply is a MINE (as in of information). Insert.
16 Source of exchange rate unchanged? It’ll get attention (8)
EMPHASIS Source of exchange is E, rate is MPH, and unchanged AS IS. A particularly misleading surface.
18 Speech problem keeps one in care of a parent (7)
APHASIA Keeps one give you HAS I, place inside A PA for parent. Inability to express thought in words.
20 Advocate English article following French article (7)
APOSTLE Caused me no end of trouble trying to get E(nglish) plus an article after a French article. Only when I realised after was there to mean POST did I add the A and the LE
21 Hot sweet endlessly served up for associate (6)
HOBNOB H(ot) plus an endless BONBON for sweet. The definition is a verb.
I started out well by seeing binomial theorem instantly, counting the vowels in much the same fashion as out blogger. I did pretty well until the end, when there was a long empty period before seeing emphasis and being able to put in two or three in a row, including a biffed bemusement. I ended up finding estaminet as my POI, a word that was often seen ten years ago, along with Tiepolo and etagere. They went out of fashion, but occasionally re-appear. Then apostle fell after a brief struggle – if you see A _ O, the most likely thing to do is try a P.
Unlike today’s Time Lord Zed, I found the treacle at the top and the ‘easier going’, at the bottom.
The Norhwest Passage was my undoing as I confidently entered 2dn as SAPJACK maple syrup,
and 10ac BEAR for some reason. Not being familiar with IKEA’S 12ac ALDEBARAN, (a small wardrobe) sealed my fate. DNF in a country hour.
(LOI) 8ac RIPARIAN — a recent favourite among shetters.
COD 22ac SHIBBOLETH — the Ephraimites were asking for it, If you ask me! But as per Zed principle wasn’t quite the definition for the unprincipled shorryd either.
WOD BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY which initially I thought fitted 4dn rather well. BINOMIAL THEOREM which was not a ‘hit’ that I remembered too well, unlike Lord Vinyl.
I also preferred BAFFLEMENT at 27ac as BEMUSEMENT left me somewhat bewildered.
Edited at 2021-11-04 04:09 am (UTC)
Edited at 2021-11-04 06:57 am (UTC)
I know they’re hardly the standard crossword references, but the Macquarie Dictionary Online gives a few meanings for SHIBBOLETH, including “a belief which has been, and may still be, accepted as reflecting a true account of reality, but which is false or is implied to be false by so describing it” and one of the senses in the OED Online is “…a moral formula held tenaciously and unreflectingly, esp. a prohibitive one; a taboo”, both of which are a bit closer to the ‘principle’ def for 22a than a group’s distinctive habit or form of pronunciation.
EAT OUT was beaut.
Thanks to Zed and setter
STIMULANT went in from definition though I think it has to be an adjective to work and that’s not a usage that leapt to mind. I NHO MULAN and note it only came out last year, which seems rather quick off the mark for Times crosswords! Never parsed 5dn.
Very slow at the end, though, Rasputin/apostle 2nd last pair in, sapwood and riparian last.
Sure I’ve seen the stimulant clue recently, so it came easily today. As did the Aussie beaut, common slang hereabouts. Also never noticed Ras/Putin – a quick google in Russian language reveals the same spelling in Cryllic, too.
For ALDEBARAN I have Blur’s song Far Out to thank, being as it is about celestial bodies and naming several of them.
Edited at 2021-11-04 08:39 am (UTC)
Or actors when rehearsing firstly read through and then proceed to go ‘off book’.
Her clue of the day
I think she would say
I have such a clever missus
Could strongly deny
That the emu’s a bird
Well, it’s simply absurd
It can’t even fly
Edited at 2021-11-05 12:04 am (UTC)
Edited at 2021-11-04 08:52 am (UTC)
FOI DESPICABLE (like the setter 🤬)
LOI BINOMIAL THEORY (more birds please)
COD EAT OUT (Bonzer Blue !)
TIME 17:14 (my SNITCH rating is screwed)
My progeny are sufficiently numerous, and of such an age, that I have enjoyed both versions of Mulan So no problem there.
I always remember ALDEBARAN as the star that sounds a bit like the planet, which is ninja-turtling of a sort.
Z8 – a couple of typos – MMORABLE at 4d and BOBBON at 21d.
…and even if I’d cracked that corner, I had ALDERABAN for 12a, so that’s technical and literal DNFs. Anyway, pleased to note that RIPARIAN is now in my vocabulary after an appearance a couple of weeks ago.
RASPUTIN LOI, now have Boney M earworm.
Thanks z and setter.
Some clever stuff here -APOSTLE, RASPUTIN, DANTE. I normally have a bowl of ALDEBARAN most mornings but wouldn’t allow HOBNOBS in the house – they are the devil’s biscuits.
Thanks to z and the setter.
Answer after answer slotted in neatly, even managing to dredge half-remembered vocab (RIPARIAN, APHASIA, SHIBBOLETH, ALDEBARAN) out when crossers were available. A whole load of hopeful biffing (RASPUTIN, WHIMSICAL, BEMUSEMENT) when they weren’t.
Eventually after 40 mins was stymied by WORM – which I simply couldn’t figure – and ESTAMINET – which I’ve never heard of.
All in all pretty chuffed with myself. Maybe I’ll give the 15×15 a go more often.
We prefer not to draw attention to such occurrences early in the day so as to give contributors a chance to tackle whichever puzzle they do second without already knowing one of the answers.
Edited at 2021-11-04 12:46 pm (UTC)
You could have deleted that, actually.
Edit: OK, pretty obvious clue that was, anyway.
Edited at 2021-11-04 05:41 pm (UTC)
So many clueless Anonymice!
Edited at 2021-11-04 06:37 pm (UTC)
Thanks setter and blogger
FTP: ASSIGN (obvious in retrospect); RASPUTIN (from three checkers — had been thinking Mikado imperialism until I got the S checker to go with R and N); EAT OUT (didn’t spot the BEAUT)
NHO: ALDEBARAN (worked out from four checkers though could have finished with either N or R)
I had heard of SHIBBOLETH but had no idea what it was — pencilled in from the B and E checkers.
APHASIA — couldn’t have told you what it was before now.
STIMULANT — took a while to come up with MULAN.
ESTAMINET — dug up from the recesses.
Les castors bâtirent. Les “mazagrans” fumèrent dans les estaminets.
My first encounter with ESTAMINET was in Rimbaud’s “Après le Déluge,” in Illuminations, many years ago. A bit of a surprise to find an ESTAMINET here.
Edited at 2021-11-04 03:45 pm (UTC)
Edited at 2021-11-04 04:02 pm (UTC)
Thanks Z.