12:52. There was always something that could go in easily, but I found myself scratching my head at several clues that I could only get on a second pass. My slow-ish time was due to the likes of 1 Across / 4 Down and 12 Across / 6 Down.
1 | Be close by old rocker, ignorant (9) |
BENIGHTED – BE + NIGH + TED (old rocker) I guess this is Ted Nugent? I recognized the answer once I pieced it together, but it’s not a word that came to mind. Lovely word, though! |
6 | Greek character not quite willing to get degree (5) |
GAMMA – almost all of GAME (willing) + M.A. (degree) | |
8 | Stories about water mammals [in] chancy endeavours (9) |
LOTTERIES – LIES (stories) around OTTER (water mammals) OTTER is correct, but man alive. |
9 | Some pretty, rolling territory in Europe (5) |
TYROL – hidden in PRETTY ROLLING | |
10 | Moving up when about to come to conclusion (9) |
ASCENDING – AS (when) + C (about) + ENDING (conclusion) | |
12 | Pass first of exams, then blunder (6) |
ELAPSE – first letter of EXAMS + LAPSE This one took me awhile. Couldn’t find LAPSE. |
13 | Something mucky reported [in] this country? (6) |
GREECE – GREASE replaced by homophone | |
16 | Box with crazy old jokes? (9) |
CHESTNUTS – CHEST + NUTS Question mark here means “for example”, because it could also be old stories, etc. |
18 | Fruit black [and] dead (5) |
PLUMB – PLUM + B As in “plumb tired”. |
19 | Bring back soldiers to home, say (9) |
REINSTATE – R.E. (soldiers) + (to) IN (home) + STATE (say) Very misleading, and a lovely, almost self-contradictory surface reading! |
21 | Island in secret exploit (5) |
CRETE – hidden in SECRET EXPLOIT | |
22 | Waits in street least cloudy at night (9) |
STARRIEST – TARRIES (waits) in ST (street) This might be a chestnut but it’s lovely. |
1 | Songs [offered by] a daughter in dances (7) |
BALLADS – A + D (daughter) in BALLS | |
2 | See one getting upset, concealing twitching (6) |
NOTICE – ONE anagrammed, around TIC (twitching) | |
3 | Gather good healthy meat? (5) |
GLEAN – G (good) + LEAN (healthy meat?) | |
4 | A honeyeater in perpetuity (3) |
TUI – hidden in PERPETUITY A New Zealand bird. |
5 | Unpleasant bird, sea eagle flying about (12) |
6 | Lose a job [and] prepare to send out messages in December? (3,4,5) |
GET ONES CARDS – double definition, the second humorous We don’t have this expression in America, but it was easy enough to piece together. |
7 | Maiden takes horse-drawn vehicle, heading off [for] match (8) |
MARRIAGE – M (maiden) + CARRIAGE, without the first letter | |
11 | One church hospital overlooking river, a cold building (8) |
ICEHOUSE – I (one) + CE (church) + H (hospital) + OUSE (river) | |
14 | Regard repose as protection for muscle (7) |
RESPECT – REST (repose) around PEC (muscle) | |
15 | Compassionate article penned by philosopher (6) |
HUMANE – AN in HUME Spent a lot of time looking for five-letter philosophers. |
17 | Weapon bringing shock [and] awful tears (5) |
TASER – anagram of TEARS | |
20 | I had to introduce a princess in the theatre (3) |
IDA – I’D (I had) + A Princess Ida, by Gilbert and Sullivan. |
Edited at 2020-04-15 12:49 am (UTC)
FOI 9ac TYROL German Italy
WOD TUI very well known hereabouts.
I hammered today’s 15×15 in just under 15 mins – “which was nice. Today I are mainly eating seaweed.”
I see the Trumpton Calendar has lost a month. Caesar! Beware the Ides of February!
Teddy Boys were the 1950s and whilst some were antisocial most were not. It was part of a teenage rebellion against the suffocation of the status quo demonstrated in a distinctive style of dress. We met in the new Mecca – the coffee bar – and played Elvis on the juke box.
Carl Giles lived in Suffolk and I can assure you Jimbo that in East Anglia and the Fens, the Teds lived on for quite a time, even after ‘The Battle of Skegness’.
And to imagine for even a second that Jimbo once threw sand into the faces of Lambretta owners.
LOI was ELAPSE which I had looked at two or three times en route; I’ll make that my COD.
DNK TUI but was confident no other letters could fit the clue. I now realise that I do not know what BENIGHTED means so will look it up later. I got it from the parsing.
A good test from Izetti. I thought the dog might be in for a long wait, but we can go out now. David
Prob the same difficulty as the main puzzle.
LOI get ones/your cards and elapse.
Dnk Tui.
Dad liked rock music but acted/dressed more like a mod.
COD plumb. Reminds me of Billy Butlers Hold Your Plums on the radio.
Edited at 2020-04-15 08:08 am (UTC)
Edited at 2020-04-15 07:48 am (UTC)
Edited at 2020-04-15 08:51 am (UTC)
Teddy boys and rocking to Elvis, brings back the memories. I wonder what happened to that first one, he certainly danced way better than the one I (happily) ended up with.
Not sure why, as little here to actually complain about. Like others I found 12A Elapse very elusive; it was my LOI though having got it, I now cannot see why I didn’t see it earlier.
18A Plumb = dead not a problem; in my cricketing days I was rather too often “plumb LBW”, ie trapped dead in front of the wicket.
Thanks to Jeremy for the blog, and to Izetti.
Izetti pushed me to 1.6K which I think I’m going to rate as a Very Good Day in the light of some of the times above. I didn’t help myself by misreading “country” as “county” in 13ac and spending a long time desperately trying to think of an English (no, Scottish … no, how about Welsh, … no, Irish?) county fitting _R_E_E! I also put GET YOUR CARDS at first, which led to ELAPSE being my LOI. I had no issue with TEDs being called “old rockers”, there’s a clear historic link with rock and roll music.
Thanks Izetti and Jeremy.
Thanks to Jeremy
Edited at 2020-04-15 11:36 am (UTC)
Sorry for the confusion.
Game ‘bags’ tend to be singularised up in Norfolk and The Broads:
‘Six pheasant, two woodcock, fourteen partridge, five snipe and six otter’
In days of yore, one actually did have employment cards. As I recall, one of them said how much tax you had paid and the other how much national insurance. When you left a job voluntarily or otherwise, you got your cards. Now it is taking to mean being dismissed, of course.
NHO TUI, but atypically spotted the hidden straight away.
A strange grid – there was no need to waste time on BALLADS or RESPECT, since only one letter was unchecked. 0.55K.
COD GET ONES CARDS (or your P45 in my youth)
Other than that, some nice clues, although I can appreciate for younger people 6dn and a few others, may not come easily.
FOI – 1dn “Ballads”
COD – 10ac “Ascending”
Thanks as usual.
Took me ages to get going, and I was held up by more than a few, but they kept coming, albeit slowly. MARRIAGE, then CHESTNUTS were last two in. I kept trying to put RAP in as a headless TRAP until I twigged the correct horse drawn vehicle. Then it was a shortish alphabet trawl to get the CHEST of my LOI.
Still, I didn’t chuck my toys out of the pram, and it was a very decent challenge from Izetti for this solver. Now off to see if I can do the 15×15 in a similar time.
FOI: gamma
LOI: humane
COD: starriest
What an interesting week we are having – such a variety of styles. Keeps us on our toes – who needs Joe Wickes! 😂)
FOI Tyrol
LOI humane
COD icehouse
Thank you Izetti and Jeremy. Maybe I should try the 15X15 with my afternoon cup of tea
Blue Stocking
Having been somewhat baffled by the problem in 8a, I’ve just checked in my old Collins dictionary, and it does indeed say that the plural of the mammal in question can be otter or otters. Personally, I’ve never come across it before in relation to otters, but people might say that they’re looking for giraffe or rhinoceros on safari, for example. I guess it dates from hunting terminology, which would make sense in terms of the poor old otter that was nearly hunted to extinction. Or could it be – on this occasion – a typo?
FOI Tyrol
LOI Ascending
COD Tyrol – more mountainous than rolling but beautiful
Time 14:25
Thanks Izetti and Jeremy
I’ll echo the comments on the 15×15 – I did it in less than twice this one! So if you haven’t had a go yet, try it out 😊
Interesting grid today with only two first letters and two end letters unchecked. Must find a way to bring BENIGHTED into everyday conversation.
Many thanks again to Izetti and to Jeremy.
DNK TUI or IDA, but guessed correctly.
Fiddly doing it on my phone but time was similar to previous experience with paper version.