DNF. Got almost all of these in a very reasonable 25 minutes or so, but got stuck on the last three for an eternity. Eventually made a guess on one, which was wrong (I hadn’t heard of the actual answer), and had to look up the other in the dictionary. Ah well!
Author: plusjeremy
Times Cryptic No 29123 — Yankees prevail
39:50, though the time is irrelevant as the puzzle was solved by myself and three other (in?)famous NYC solvers, who will make themselves known if they wish. (Perhaps even photograph evidence will be supplied.)
Times Cryptic No 29117 — Toughest Friday of the year so far
52:13. I’m writing from the beaches of Southern California. Perhaps the distance from the motherland has dulled my solving abilities, but I think this was actually a tough one.
Times Cryptic No 29105 — You can’t win ’em all
DNF. I was so absurdly off the wavelength here, there’s very little I can say. I labored to fill in as many squares as I could, but in the end, there were three clues I couldn’t get.
Times Cryptic No 29093 — A marathon, not a sprint?
43:39. Well, that’s how I felt solving this puzzle anyway. Don’t get me wrong, there were a lot of absolutely delightful clues here (meaning surface reading, wordplay, word choice, etc), but I felt that a fair amount of the difficulty for me stemmed from using very uncommon synonyms or abbreviations. But let me parse the clues and I’ll get back to you.
Times Cryptic No 29081 — I guess that’s a thing
20:02. It was that sort of puzzle, where clue after clue I would ask myself, “Is that a thing?”, and eventually answer, “I guess that’s a thing.”.
Times Cryptic No 29069 — A disappointing DNF
This one hurt.
Times Cryptic No 29057 — Wag the dog
This was an excellent puzzle, which I enjoyed bashing my head against at the time, and enjoyed even moreso while writing the blog.
Times Cryptic No 29045 — A solid performance
24:30 for a puzzle which I found quite enjoyable, and neither too easy nor too hard. I imagine I’m on the slower side today, because I seemingly cannot finish a puzzle in under 20 minutes anymore, but nevertheless I felt at home with the clues, which is a welcome change for me.
Times Cryptic No 29033 — I work hard for my money (?)
40:52 for a challenging and very enjoyable puzzle. I worked hard, and in the end, everything was gettable.