A straightforward-enough puzzle, completed a couple of minutes under target. I was slow to see 1ac, for no good reason, and needed all the checkers for 8ac and several checkers for 10ac, but the rest was fairly 7d, so many thanks to Hurley!
Across | |
1 | They help you see clean contests, for a change (7,6) |
CONTACT LENSES – anagram (for a change) of CLEAN CONTESTS | |
8 | One stocktaking? (7) |
RUSTLER – cryptic definition, as in one stealing livestock, with the surface implying a shopkeeper. | |
9 | Musical instrument prohibition by judge, old (5) |
BANJO – BAN (prohibition) by J(udge) O(ld) | |
10 | Extremely simple, unvarying, way to produce TV programme (6,6) |
SESAME STREET – SE (“extreme” letters of SimplE) SAME (unvarying) STREET (way) | |
12 | Possibly painting European railway route (6) |
ARTERY – ART (possibly painting) E(uropean) RY (railway) | |
14 | Sir Isaac’s novel tone curtailed (6) |
NEWTON – NEW (novel) TON (TONe, curtailed) | |
17 | Church girl’s sacred vessel (7) |
CHALICE – CH(urch) ALICE (girl) | |
19 | Celebrates founder of communism, we hear (5) |
MARKS – “we hear” the same as MARX (founder of communism) | |
20 | Hospital thanks gift provider (5) |
SANTA – SAN (sanatorium/hospital) TA (thanks) | |
21 | Offence by Charlie before becoming genuine (7) |
SINCERE – SIN (offence) by C (Charlie in phonetic alphabet) ERE (before) | |
22 | Excitement as American writers visit southeast (8) |
SUSPENSE – US (American) PENS (writers) visit SE (southeast) | |
23 | Section of most attractive figure (4) |
STAT – “section of” moST ATtractive |
Down | |
1 | Cereal company supported by sailors (4) |
CORN – CO. (company) supported by RN (Royal Navy/sailors) | |
2 | Won seat unexpectedly? You’re welcome! (2,5) |
NO SWEAT – anagram (unexpectedly) of WON SEAT | |
3 | Initially athlete looks lively on arrival in Scottish town (5) |
ALLOA – “Initially” Athlete Looks Lively On Arrival | |
4 | Flop in the country (6) |
TURKEY – double definition | |
5 | Resentful state of English male had effect over period on hospital department (12) |
EMBITTERMENT – E(nglish) M(ale) BIT (had effect) over TERM (period) | |
6 | Faculty notice about new Society (5) |
SENSE – SEE (notice) about N(ew) S(ociety) | |
7 | Road tests, when arranged, agreeably brief (5,3,5) |
SHORT AND SWEET – anagram (when arranged) of ROAD TESTS | |
11 | 200 like us saving gold in mountainous region (8) |
CAUCASUS – CC (200 in Roman numerals) AS (like) US saving Au (gold). Given its origin, there’s a strong argument for abandoning the racial term “Caucasian”. You don’t see it very much any more, so I guess it is being abandoned. | |
13 | Surrey town: agree it’s evolving (7) |
REIGATE – anagram (is evolving) of AGREE IT | |
15 | Downpour: worry, missing outsiders, in shelter (7) |
TORRENT – ORR (wORRy, missing “outsiders”) in TENT (shelter) | |
16 | Against observers using houses (6) |
VERSUS – “housed” in the letters of obserVERS USing | |
18 | Long periods entertaining Northern girl (5) |
AGNES – AGES (long periods) entertains N(orthern) |
Thanks to Roly
FOI 1ac CONTACT LENSES which made life rather easy.
COD 10ac SESAME STREET. Who didn’t like these Muppets!?
WOD 13dn REIGATE where Martin Bormann lived for a while!!
Before he buggered-off to Paraguay.
Rolytoly – you missed a bit (ENT) at end of 5d!
I enjoyed Jennings when aged about 11 but I tried re-reading one of the books last year in a quest for schooldays nostalgia and found it impossible to get through.
I loved them too.
Edited at 2020-04-09 07:22 am (UTC)
Time was about 18 minutes after all the mishaps. David
Many thanks all round.
We had a san at my school in days of yore.
Edited at 2020-04-09 11:13 am (UTC)
We had banjolele in the biggie yesterday (which was a stinker in my view). Here I liked contact lenses, no sweat (the anagram didn’t jump out straightaway), and Reigate. It did make me wonder what it might evolve into 😉 As usual the hidden at 16d took a bit of seeing! So it wasn’t a complete walk in the park (what’s one of those?)
FOI Banjo
LOI Versus
COD Rustler
Time 9:10
FOI: contact lenses
LOI: sincere
COD: rustler
Happy days
7:19 to bring me back into a reasonable K range.
Ashamed to say that I biffed my LOI, VERSUS, to discover it was a hidden. EMBITTERMENT was tremendously convoluted, and the surface could be construed as a commentary on the performance of the last few ministers of health, given the seemingly parlous state of the NHS during the current crisis.
Jennings was marvellous but I must admit to a sneaking preference for Bunter. Yarooh!
Thanks Hurley and roly.
No problems at all with this one, cruised home in 5’ish.
Many thanks to Hurley and Roly.
1ac came quickly, as I wear them as did 8ac “Rustler” (is this a chestnut? Always seems to be the answer when stocktaking is involved).
Only quibble was “bit” for “had effect” – can’t really see the context, but hopefully someone will enlighten me.
FOI – 1ac “Contact Lenses”
LOI – 21ac “Sincere”
COD – 23ac “Stat” – nice surface
Thanks as usual.
The problem was caused entirely by unaccountably failing to crack my LOI for almost a full minute.
COD EMBITTERMENT (a Boris reference ?)
C is for cookie etc.
Had Blankety Blank in my mind…
Cod no sweat.
It didn’t hold me up, but a question to more experienced solvers if I may: is it normal for the anagram to take only some of the letters in a word? I’m thinking of 13D, where one had to knock the S off [agree it’s] to get the letters for Reigate.
A very nice puzzle; thank you to Hurley and to Roly for the blog.