Was it just me? I found this hard. It took me about 20 minutes, although I was distracted planning a 4th birthday party. But, no, I think this one was hard.
1 | Charlie at match [in] one-piece garment (7) |
CATSUIT – C (Charlie) + AT + SUIT (match) | |
5 | Top dog heard (4) |
PEAK – PEKE (= Pekingese) replaced by a homophone Had to trawl the alphabet for this one. |
7 | Take it on ahead of performance (5) |
REACT – RE (on) + ACT (performance) Don’t quite get what’s going on here. I understand ‘take’ = ‘reaction’, but that’s as far as I get. |
8 | America’s initial support, very large by the way (7) |
APROPOS – A (America’s initial (letter)) + PROP (support) + O.S. (very large = oversized) Another hard one. |
10 | Hooter [in] stadium leader’s blown (3) |
OWL – BOWL without the first letter | |
11 | Hugo’s girl[‘s] gem about small article (9) |
ESMERALDA – EMERALD around S (small) + A (article) From The Hunchback of Notre-Dame . |
13 | A plain in a foreign land (6) |
ABROAD – A + BROAD (plain) Tough synonym for me. Collins attests it in contexts like ‘broad hints’. |
14 | Meagre sum originally held in reserve (6) |
SPARSE – first letter of SUM in SPARE (reserve) | |
17 | Rude about five on the rocks (9) |
INSOLVENT – INSOLENT around V (five) I was trying to do something with IMPUDENT/IMPRUDENT, which comes up a lot. |
19 | Jack having a drop of rum, [and] glass of beer (3) |
JAR – J (Jack) + A + first letter (drop) of RUM Another unknown, but clear wordplay. |
20 | Once more, in retreat, artist falls (7) |
NIAGARA – AGAIN reversed + RA (artist) I was suprised by this one! Great reversal. |
22 | Fetch bishop round (5) |
BRING – B + RING | |
23 | Turn down short branch line (4) |
SPUR – SPURN (turn down) without the last letter (short) Didn’t know this definition, so hard to get. |
24 | Factor [in] a small amount (7) |
ELEMENT – double definition |
1 | Large firm[‘s] constant, terribly poor quota (11) |
CORPORATION – C + anagram of POOR + RATION Probably took me longer than it should have. I was looking for a word starting with L. |
2 | Creeping plant [in] house on wheels (7) |
TRAILER – double definition Though I didn’t know the plant. |
3 | Mad / route taken by Ivy climbing? (2,3,4) |
UP THE WALL – double definition | |
4 | Seeing upper-class in streetcar, a shock (6) |
TRAUMA – U in TRAM + A | |
5 | Normal soldier? Not quite (3) |
PAR – PARA (soldier) without the last letter (not quite) | |
6 | Horrify a missionary in conversation (5) |
APPAL – A + PAUL (missionary) replaced by homophone | |
9 | Why a player’s unable to go on? (5,6) |
STAGE FRIGHT – cheeky definition | |
12 | Well thought of agent on university board (9) |
15 | Express great happiness about Irish writer on the radio (7) |
REJOICE – RE (about) + JOYCE replaced by homophone | |
16 | Expert giving support to guys [in] danger (6) |
MENACE – ACE beneath MEN | |
18 | Impish youngster having most of shellfish (5) |
SCAMP – SCAMPI without the last letter I was stuck on SHRIMP somehow. |
21 | Simple tune from Hairspray (3) |
AIR – hidden in HAIRSPRAY |
LOI 13ac ABROAD as per a very recent 15×15
Time 8mins 45secs
Lots of tricky ones: apropos, element, react, abroad, owl, and my LOI trailer.
COD reputable.
21:22 on the clock; at least all correct. David
Edited at 2020-03-18 09:42 am (UTC)
Edited at 2020-03-18 09:47 am (UTC)
Thanks to Tracy, and to Jeremy for sorting out the bits I didn’t get.
Isn’t 9 down an overly literal clue? Especially when compared to the (for me) opacity of the rest.
Anyway, a quarter of an hour over my normal shut -off point, I limped over the finish line. Thanks, Jeremy, for the blog and thanks, Tracy, for the proper work-out you set us today.
Edited at 2020-03-18 11:14 am (UTC)
This is the only app on which my phone is deficient, and there is no solution forthcoming. I’m just going to have to accept a pleasure denied.
However, just to show that clues are only difficult when the answers are slow to come, I found this to be one of Tracy’s more straightforward offerings, finishing in just under 24mins. Catsuit and Stage Fright went straight in, and Corporation wasn’t far behind, albeit after trying to find a quota from L+Co+Constant as an anagram. Trauma and Apropos were my last pair but, unlike yesterday, they only added a minute or two. Wonders will never cease. Invariant
I don’t get REACT. I get the breakdown, which is how I solved it (once I’d got all the checkers …) but I still don’t see why REACT = “take it”. Kevin says “To take it is to react, though, no?”, but for me the answer to that is “no”! Why is it to react? Sorry to be thick.
Thanks Tracy and Jeremy (great picture, Jeremy!).
Edited at 2020-03-18 11:57 am (UTC)
take: verb trans. React to or regard (esp. a piece of information or a new situation) in a specified way. ME. ▸ b Accept without objection, opposition, or resentment; put up with, tolerate. L15. (SOED)
22 minutes later, answers “all present and correct”, but I did not see the parsing for rather too many of them. I join the many who did not see React as Take it, and I’m not sure I really do even after the explanations. Nor does Broad = Plain for me.
Can anyone explain to mewhat is going on in 9D, Stage Fright? It seems to be a straightforward “whole clue definition” with no secondary cryptic element to help one at all.
FOI 1D, LOI 13A, and COD 20A Niagara – nice clue.
Thank you to Jeremy for the blog
Edited at 2020-03-18 01:18 pm (UTC)
As I will have almost zip all to do in the coming months I’m looking to get better. I’d always left the 15×15 as a retirement project but may bring forward.
As ever indebted to u all. Stay safe. Johnny
FOI: peak
LOI: abroad
COD: Esmeralda (but there were many good ones to choose from)
Thanks Tracy and Jeremy (hope the birthday party can still go ahead)
Good challenge. Enjoyed it.
REACT and PEAK were my last two in. I liked APROPOS, as i could imagine Trump reading out the clue.
Thanks for hints, as ever.
Could not parse Appal but guessed right, as with many other clues. (Now trying to think of an accent where Paul wouldn’t work as a rhyme.)
Thanks to jeremy.
In the end, not sure how long it took as I needed two passes. One of those occasional ones where clues that just wouldn’t come in the morning, seemed fairly straightforward in the afternoon. However, upon reading the blog I have a technical DNF as I spelt Esmeralda wrong and put in an “e” for the “a”.
FOI – 18dn “Scampi”
LOI – 13ac “Abroad”
COD – 3dn “Up the Wall” – it certainly did…
Thanks as usual.