An enjoyable, average-difficulty puzzle from Hurley. I usually like to try the across clues first, which seemed like a slight handicap today, what with that nice big 7d on the far left – without it I managed only two along that side (17ac and 20ac). It never seems to make that much difference though: I find that if I work out from an easy opener I tend to get fixated on some clue with a checker or two that I feel I should get and forget to move on, so it sort of averages out. My slight hold up today, for no good reason, was the chestnutty girl at 22ac after which 16d fell quite quickly, and I came in just shy of 9 minutes. Good fun – many thanks to Hurley!
Across | |
1 | Organised fight in temporary accommodation, that’s clear (11) |
TRANSPARENT – RAN (organised) SPAR (fight) in TENT (temporary accommodation) | |
8 | Powerful body’s miserable cop-outs (7) |
OCTOPUS – is an anagram (miserable) of COP OUTS. In the figurative sense of far-reaching influence. | |
9 | Partly glad I thought about such a wave (5) |
TIDAL – “Partly” in the letters of gLAD I Thought; about = reversed | |
10 | Satchel, it’s adapted for sport (9) |
ATHLETICS – anagram (is adapted) of SATCHEL IT | |
12 | Humdrum existence of Rugby Union team originally (3) |
RUT – RU (Rugby Union) T (Team “originally”) | |
13 | Fellow needing sleep first in Italian port (6) |
NAPLES – LES (fellow) needing NAP (sleep) first | |
15 | Not refined, bringing rowing gear into Church (6) |
COARSE – OARS (rowing gear) into CE (Church of England) | |
17 | Oddly silky and insidious (3) |
SLY – “oddly” S i L k Y | |
18 | Cricketer, sympathetic about trouble (4-5) |
TAIL-ENDER – TENDER (sympathetic) about AIL (trouble). I was thinking of fielders, and got as far as “deep cover”, which would have worked perfectly, if deep meant sympathetic, and over meant trouble, and it was hyphenated. | |
20 | Ignoring outsiders, Suzy, with gesture, say, for this Asian (5) |
UZBEK – “Ignoring outsiders” sUZy with BEK (sounds like (“say”) BECK). Beck is an old contraction of the very old “beckon”. | |
22 | Girl’s card game, lost at the end (7) |
BRIDGET – BRIDGE (card game) T (losT “at the end”) | |
23 | Some regret nag re-enters village courting couples frequented (6,5) |
GRETNA GREEN – “some” of the letters of reGRET NAG REENters. If you thought that hiding Gretna Green in a sentence would be difficult, then this clue rather confirms it. Didn’t stop me from missing it on the first read through though. |
Down | |
1 | Problem getting new start for small person (5) |
TITCH – HITCH (problem) gets a new starting letter. A clue will occasionally ask you to swap a letter (or perhaps two middle letters) with an unspecified one; embrace it into your 21d and rejoice that there are fewer random letters than there are random girls and boys. | |
2 | A first part of timely gift now (2,7) |
AT PRESENT – A T (first part of Timely) PRESENT (gift) | |
3 | Excitedly kiss popular flier (6) |
SISKIN – anagram (excitedly) of KISS; IN (popular) | |
4 | Do something in law (3) |
ACT – double definition. | |
5 | At outskirts of Essen, German painter, one who’s lasted (7) |
ENDURER – EN (“outskirts” of EsseN) DURER (German painter) | |
6 | Be honest — order girl to include article on time (4,3,5) |
TELL THE TRUTH – TELL (order) RUTH (girl) to include THE (article) on T(ime) | |
7 | Rob hung jeans out in African city (12) |
JOHANNESBURG – anagram (out) of ROB HUNG JEANS | |
11 | Twenty queue for final result (9) |
SCORELINE – SCORE (twenty) LINE (queue) | |
14 | Sound of dog, rising, talented, due now? (7) |
PAYABLE – PAY (YAP = sound of dog, “rising”) ABLE (talented) | |
16 | Safety feature could be bargain? Almost (3,3) |
AIR BAG – anagram (could be) of BARGAI |
19 | Eat eagerly, like at home (3,2) |
DIG IN – DIG (like, as in “I dig it”) IN (at home) | |
21 | Man’s range of knowledge (3) |
KEN – Double definition |
The literal for Gretna Green is way off. If you were a regular courting couple, you could just have the banns read in the parish church. Gretna Green was for eloping underage heiresses who had to get married in a hurry.
Sub 20 for me so happy. But what’s Siskin? Don’t usually contribute this early but in Japan for RWC. However now at a loose end Saturday with no QC. That said prefer typhoon to yesterday’s QC. Ugh! Johnny
Very enjoyable puzzle but a complete brain freeze on AIR BAG pushed me over 6’.
Many thanks to setter and blogger.
Edited at 2019-10-10 10:09 am (UTC)
Edited at 2019-10-10 10:17 am (UTC)
TAIL-ENDER held me up for no good reason and the gimme at 7d was a huge help.
Finished in 12:40.
I’m also with Vinyl1 on Greta Green – doesn’t ‘frequent’ indicate revisiting, whereas a courting couple would likely head there just the once?
Reminds me of Sir Terry Wogan berating road sign makers for standardising on ‘Use Both Lanes’ rather than ‘Use Either Lane’!
Vinyl1 is right in saying the couples who frequented Gretna Green had gone there to be married, but presumably they were already courting. I’m not sure there was a ‘shotgun’ element to any of it and that would be unlikely as the whole purpose of the visit was to get round a quirky difference between English and Scottish law by which parental consent to a marriage was required for under-21s in England but not in Scotland where the restriction was 14 for boys and 12 for girls! Gretna Green was handy for this, being just across the border.
Edited at 2019-10-10 05:34 am (UTC)
FOI JO’BURG, LOI KEN, COD COARSE. Thanks Hurley and thanks William for an excellent blog.
I can’t take credit for this one, but second the sentiment – thanks Roly!
I was tempted to jump in at 7dn, too, but it was my LOI in the end having failed to spot it immediately (doh!) and moved on. Otherwise, back on form today.
Thanks for the blog
Edited at 2019-10-10 09:23 am (UTC)
LOI Transparent
Time Just under nine minutes
An enjoyable offering from Hurley, completed within target.
So my new trick is now to hit “Q” instead of “tab” when switching between clues. And then not noticing. Hence (yet) another 2 errors today as, apparently, AIR-BAQ is not a thing, and neither is GRETNA QREEN.
Sigh. Other than that, not too bad at 5.05, so certainly compares favourably to yesterday.
Please can you tell a New Solver what all the acronyms (COI etc) mean?
Word Of the Day
First One In
Last One In
You don’t need an account, but it helps everybody if you sign off with a pen-name (there are too many Anons) Invariant
The glossary needs updating to include the GR (Golden Raspberry) for a particularly disliked QC clue (invented by LouisaJaney of this parish). And it mis-defines the Kevin, if I may say so as its originator – it is not a unit of SPEED but a unit of TIME. (I gave a full explanation in the blog to QC 1176 on 11 September 2018. Yes I am that sad.)
I found this an enjoyable, middle of the road, puzzle. Thanks setter.
Thank you Hurley for an accessible puzzle.
Probably the first time I didn’t write down the anagrams.
Loi payable.
Cod uzbek
Count me in for the saturday qc demo.