Thanks Mara for what should have been an easy puzzle.
1 Barrier and enclosure wet (6)
DAMPEN – DAM (barrier) and PEN (enclosure).
5 Container of wine a waiter finally found in small restaurant (6)
CARAFE – A (a) and R ({waite}R finally) found inside CAFÉ (small restaurant). It was probably too many of these (carafes of wine) at my weekend reunion that are to blame for my slower than usual QC solves this week!
8 Flyer, puffed up thing full of boastful talk? (3-3,7)
HOT-AIR BALLOON – A cryptic clue for the flying vehicle, the BALLOON being a puffed up thing, and HOT-AIR being boastful talk.
9 Old bovine knocked over, end of contest (4)
KAYO – My last one in – O{ld} and YAK (a bovine animal) all reversed (knocked over). Kayo or KO is defined in my Chambers as a ‘knock-out’, which would certainly end a boxing contest!
10 Sender of goods abroad, old beer (8)
EXPORTER – EX (old) and PORTER (a type of beer).
11 Queen carried by wings of great bird (6)
GANNET – The Queen refers to ANNE, who is carried (contained in) G{rea}T (wings of, meaning outside letters).
13 Slippery stuff country reported? (6)
GREASE – Sounds like (reported) Greece – the country.
15 Fellow player met me at a gathering (4-4)
TEAM-MATE – Anagram (gathering) of [MET ME AT A].
17 Smack friends the wrong way (4)
SLAP – PALS (friends) reversed (the wrong way).
19 Daft timing, she cooked a very late meal (8,5)
MIDNIGHT FEAST – An anagram (cooked) of [DAFT TIMING, SHE].
21 Ruined, that girl taken in by father (6)
DASHED – SHE (that girl) inside (taken in by) DAD (father).
22 Boat loaded with most of new basket (6)
PUNNET – PUNT is the boat, inside which is inserted (loaded) NE{w} (most of new). A PUNNET is a small shallow basket for fruit such as strawberries.
2 Fragrance in a capital city for Italians (5)
AROMA – A (a) and ROMA (what the Italians call what we call Rome).
3 Military unit also into strategy (7)
PLATOON – TOO (also) into / inside PLAN (strategy). PLATOON originates from the French Peloton (ball or knot of men) which is most often heard these days when referring to the chasing pack of riders trying to catch the breakaway leaders in the Tour de France.
4 Negative word embraced by politician, ordinarily (3)
NOR – Hidden word in {politician}N, OR{dinarily}.
5 Bubbly hypochondriac’s audible complaint? (9)
CHAMPAGNE – sounds like (audible) sham pain, which may be just what a hypochondriac complains about
6 Person reigning over you all, the leader by all conclusions (5)
RULER – Final letters (by all conclusions) of {ove}R {yo}U {al}L, {th}E {leade}R.
7 Fine drops – spray has those (7)
FLOWERS – F{ine} and LOWERS (drops). The definition refers to a spray of flowers.
10 Separated garden set to be redeveloped (9)
ESTRANGED – Anagram (to be redeveloped) of [GARDEN SET].
12 Country girl seen after mother gets up (7)
AMERICA – MA (mother) reversed (gets up) and ERICA (girl).
14 Nearest winds coming from one direction (7)
EASTERN – Anagram (winds) of [NEAREST].
16 Day: the short period of time (5)
MONTH – MON{day} and TH{e} (short).
18 Channel in Australia is legendary (5)
AISLE – Hidden answer in {australi}A IS LE{gendary}. I’m trying to resist a comment about the fifth test here!
20 Best garment (3)
TOP – Double definition.
Another distraction was considering PANIER as the basket at 22ac which fitted checkers and possibly definition but not the wordplay. I say ‘possibly definition’ because I couldn’t remember whether it is spelt with one N or two – the answer being ‘N’ in French but ‘NN’ in English for some reason, even though it is a word of French origin based on ‘pain’ meaning ‘bread’. I’d no problem with PUNNET once I’d thought of it as that was how one bought strawberries and other soft fruits in my childhood – little containers woven from some sort of natural material, so much more attractive and eco friendly than the plastic ones of today that make the fruit sweat and go mushy or even mouldy long before its sell-by date.
I’m having trouble seeing ‘aisle’ for ‘channel’ which seems to involve a rather dubious three-point turn via ‘passage’.
Edited at 2019-09-19 04:59 am (UTC)
Last few were team mate, month, dashed, dampen and Loi kayo which needed an alphabet trawl.
CsOD flowers and champagne.
Thanks for the blog
9ac held me up a bit – but not much, because as a boy I devoured my father’s stock of schoolboy stories from the 1920s/30s when boxing was very much encouraged in schools, so KAYO was still floating around somewhere in the back of my head. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it anywhere else, though Google tells me that there’s now an Australian TV channel called “Kayo Sports”. Otherwise a fairly steady solve, though I spent a while trying to make “egret” into 6 letters. All done and parsed in 2 Kevins for a Good Day.
COD CHAMPAGNE, which I’m assuming is a chestnut for the old hands but I’d never come across it before and it made me chuckle.
Thanks Mara and Rotter.
Quite tough for Mara, and I overshot my target.
FOI HOT-AIR BALLOON (we used to refer to our two managers at Siebe Gorman Holdings as the Montgolfier Brothers
COD KAYO (same territory as emcee and deejay, I blame the Yanks)
TIME 5:40
My thanks as always to setter and blogger.
The cow is of the bovine ilk;
One end moo, the other milk.
Could be The cow is of the ovine ilk;
One end moo, the other milk.
I just remember that bovine is bigger than ovine and cows are bigger.
Thanks all
John George
Interesting your comment. You should read today’s obit on Sir Michael Edwardes who was known as Elsie or LC or…….
Thx to all. Johnny