A touch on the harder side today from Izetti, which is to say probably average for Izetti, and there was indeed some typical tricksiness going on. Some nicely unusual wording as well – If I’d seen a couple of the answers cold, I couldn’t have told you remotely what 18d was, and I would have given a different definition for 20ac. I was also left staring at 16d for a couple of minutes at the end, which pushed me correspondingly over my target. Eight-or-so anagrams might have helped provide a decent entry if some of the clueing elsewhere was on the harder side (although 10d was my 2nd last one in), so all in all, a well-balanced puzzle – many thanks to Izetti!
Across | |
1 | Former lover having requests cries (8) |
EXCLAIMS – EX (former lover) CLAIMS (requests) | |
5 | Stylish little bird with tail hidden (4) |
CHIC – CHICK (little bird) with tail letter hidden. | |
8 | Trips made by drunkard rolling over outside old city (5) |
TOURS – TOS (SOT/drunkard, rolling over/reversing) outside UR (old city – a cryptic crossword staple). | |
9 | Loner in sports ground, learner needing exercise (7) |
RECLUSE – REC (Sports ground – another staple) L(earner) needing USE (exercise) | |
11 | Supports politicians giving accounts of what happened earlier (11) |
BACKSTORIES – BACKS (supports) TORIES (politicians) | |
13 | Musical dramas are so fantastic when piano is included (6) |
OPERAS – Anagram (fantastic) of ARE SO with P(iano) included | |
14 | A day given opening — now on calendar? (6) |
ADVENT – A D(ay) given VENT (opening) – with reference to advent calendar opening. | |
17 | Temporary pavilion so unstable, sheltering Rex (11) |
PROVISIONAL – anagram (unstable) of PAVILION SO, sheltering/covering R(ex) | |
20 | Hospital official who could give Ron meal (7) |
ALMONER – anagram (could give) of RON MEAL. If pushed, I would have said this was a giver of alms, but it now more commonly refers to a hospital aftercare worker, originally being someone who also organised payment of the medical bill. | |
21 | Candle that a person gets hold of (5) |
TAPER – hidden: “thaT A PERson” gets hold of the answer. Interesting etymology – same as paper: a corruption of the Latin “papyrus”, a very versatile plant whose pith could make both paper and the wicks for candles, with the root providing a fuel and all manner of tableware. | |
22 | Fiddler supposedly with refusal to entertain the Queen (4) |
NERO – NO (refusal) to entertain ER (the Queen) | |
23 | Most exciting preliminary contest involving fantastic side (8) |
HEADIEST – HEAT (preliminary contest) involving an anagram (fantastic) of SIDE. |
Down | |
1 | Poet denied king food (4) |
EATS – KEATS (poet) denied K. The singular “eat” exists but is rarer. | |
2 | Fall apart, having cold and noise in stomach? (7) |
CRUMBLE – C(old) and RUmBLE (noise in stomach) | |
3 | Group of coots in Asia flying (11) |
ASSOCIATION – anagram (flying) of COOTS IN ASIA | |
4 | Confused situation with nothing right in church service (6) |
MORASS – O (nothing) R(ight) in MASS (church service) – same idea as “marsh”. | |
6 | Sixty minutes with one beautiful female (5) |
HOURI – HOURI (60 min) with I (one). A bird of paradise, so to speak, last appearing in a QC on the 16th March. johninterred, who blogged the puzzle, provided a useful link to here. | |
7 | Oily liquid ruining eco-store (8) |
CREOSOTE – anagram (ruining) of ECOSTORE | |
10 | Odd creation modified and harmonised (11) |
COORDINATED – Anagram (modified) of ODD CREATION. This held me up for a bit, as I failed to consider O going between C_O. | |
12 | Arrive shortly on flat territory and grumble (8) |
COMPLAIN – COME (arrive), shortly = dock the tail; PLAIN (flat territory) | |
15 | Pill, see, could be this shape (7) |
ELLIPSE – anagram (could be this) of PILL SEE, with pills often being elliptical. | |
16 | Go through church under mass of stonework? (6) |
PIERCE – CE (Church of England) under PIER (mass of stonework). | |
18 | Shell of yellow hue on French sea (5) |
ORMER – OR (yellow hue – as in golden) on MER (French sea) – abalone/sea snail, the creature and/or shell. | |
19 | Exclamation of annoyance when daughter meets rodent (4) |
DRAT – D(aughter) RAT (rodent). |
Like Kevin above I wondered about’now on calendar’. Advent calendars have been around all my long lifetime, so there nothing ‘now’ about them and ‘on calendar’ would have done the job just as well in my view. Or perhaps Izetti compiled the puzzle expecting it to be published during the run-up to Christmas and it was a seasonal clue that’s now out of time.
Edited at 2018-04-12 03:57 am (UTC)
DNF as DNK ORMER. Reasonably thought “shell of yellow hue” was clue for ONMER. Then tried “shell of yellow” : OH=hue for OHMER.
Also thought HOURI very obscure, never heard of it apart from previous QC.
COD 11a
Quite a few unknowns, houri, ormer, taper for candle.
COD operas or crumble.
COD to 11a. David
All in all, quite a challenge.
Classic Izetti! And thanks for the blog explaining 1d, Roly.
Like PlayUpPompey not only had I never heard of the ORMER (an alternative name for the abalone, I have discovered, and regularly collected and eaten in Guernsey!) but I had never come across OR as meaning yellow (my heraldic usage, which is what my OED says it is, is a little rusty I must confess).
Anyway, having seen the answer I don’t think it was at the right level for a QC.
Good puzzle otherwise and thanks for the blog
Also struggled with ORMER and required an alphabet trawl to remind me of the heraldic meaning of OR, which pointed to the answer.
thanks setter / blogger.
I think.
DNQF today but happy as a toughie. Thx to all. John.