1. Acquisition – making a gain. Anagram (rolling) of I QUIT CASINO.
9. Norma – Bellini opera. Not quite all of standard (NORMA)l.
10. Amnesia – forgetting. Anagram (abandoned) of MEN inside large continent (ASIA).
11. Earliness – being ahead of time. Rows (LINES) in some corn (EARS).
13. Rub – polish. A gemstone without an end (RUB)y.
14. Suitor – wooer. LOI as I didn’t initially get ‘go along with’=SUIT, but the ‘our’ heartlessly (O)u(R) was fine.
16. Modest – unspectacular. Ways of operating (MODES), (T)rain.
17. Tic – literally so (&lit) – what twitch regularly shows. Clued by (T)w(I)t(C)h.
18. Suspender – one that keeps stocking up. COD – purchaser (SPENDER) outside United States (US).
21. Visible – open to inspection. Awful (VILE) outside Securities and Investments Board (SIB).
23. Adopt – take on. A (A), party (DO), (P)arliamen(T).
24. Crestfallen – sad. Mountain top (CREST) has collapsed (FALLEN).
2. Carer – tender (someone who cares is a carer, someone who tends is a tender). Drayman without the fourth letter (CAR)t(ER).
3. Unanimous – thinking alike. I’m (IM) absorbed by intellect (NOUS) when chasing (after) girl (UNA).
4. Stake – bet. Son (S) to accept (TAKE).
5. Tan – brown. (T)oast (A)nd (N)othing.
6. Observe – see. Anagram (irregular) of VERBS inside Old (O) and English (E).
7. Insensitive – uncaring. Anagram (atrociously) of INVITEES SIN.
8. Barbiturate – sedative drug. British (B), decide a dispute (ARBITRATE) about university (U).
12. Stonewall – be defensive. In reaction(S TO NEW ALL)owances.
15. Incisor – tooth. I (I), anagram (deployed) of SONIC, cleane(R).
19. Sheaf – bundle of corn. Most of cut off (SHEA)r, force (F).
20. Drove – went off in car. Doctor (DR), a short version of finished (OVE)r.
22. Bus – public transport. Not all of overcrowded (BUS)y.
Edited at 2017-12-19 10:16 am (UTC)
For stonewall, in desperation I was even looking for an anagram (new) of allowances!
COD suspender.
Is it just my printer that leaves no white space between lower case r and m? In both 11ac and 19dn I read ‘corn’ as ‘com’ and wondered for a while what the hell was going on.
Nevertheless, an excellent puzzle with 12d being one of the best hidden words I’ve seen.
Edited at 2017-12-19 08:46 am (UTC)
A tough 9’ for me.
The hiding of STONEWALL was brilliant, but it didn’t hold me up because of a piece of wisdom given to me by this blog – “if you can’t break the clue down look for a hidden”!
Couldn’t parse BARBITURATE, thanks for the explanation Chris
Like others, I enjoyed SUSPENDER and STONEWALL, and there was much else to admire.
Thanks Joker and Chris
18a was my COD and 23a LOI.
like others, a great tip, if all else fails, it’s a hidden and it solved 12d quickly!
many thanks to Chris and Joker.
I was another distracted by Earliest. Another 2 minutes saw me over the line.
I do enjoy Joker’s puzzles. COD to 18a. Thanks to setter and blogger. David