After struggling to complete Pedro’s Friday QC in 18 minutes it came as something of a relief to dispose of this one in exactly half that time. For that reason I would rate it as moderately easy but I’ve often been proved wrong in my assessment in the past so I shall be interested to read what others thought. Here’s my blog…
As usual definitions are underlined in bold italics, {deletions are in curly brackets} and [anagrinds, containment, reversal and other indicators in square ones]
Across |
1 |
League leaders maybe showing some beef (7) |
TOPSIDE – A cryptic definition followed by a straight one meaning a cut of meat |
5 |
Was hesitant, displaying this sports trophy (5) |
ASHES – Hidden [displaying this] in {w}AS HES{itant} |
8 |
Seller of car accessories is without hesitation a scheming sort (7-6) |
WHEELER-DEALER – WHEEL-DEALER (seller of car accessories) containing [without] ER (hesitation). We’ve had “without” meaning “outside” (the opposite of “within”) several times recently so this crossword favourite should be familiar to most by now. |
9 |
Nero mad, unrestrained? Highly unlikely (5,2) |
DREAM ON – Anagram [unrestrained] of NERO MAD. This usage seems quite a new one to me, along with its companion “In your dreams”. |
10 |
Like lamb I placed in oven, well-cooked (5) |
OVINE – I placed within an anagram [well-cooked] of OVEN. “Bovine” relating to cattle may be more familiar, but “ovine” concerning sheep is worth remembering too. |
11 |
Malicious bachelor causing irritation (6) |
BITCHY – B (bachelor), ITCHY (causing irritation). I rather think that “itchy” is being affected by an irritation rather than causing it but perhaps that’s splitting hairs. |
13 |
Scientist shows there’s little weight in gas (6) |
NEWTON – WT (little weight) in NEON (gas) |
15 |
More attractive version of film The Queen (5) |
CUTER – CUT (version of film – as in director’s cut), ER (the Queen) |
16 |
Just beginning northern mountain climb (7) |
NASCENT – N (northern), ASCENT (mountain climb) |
19 |
Guess what marksman’s victim was, at night? (4,2,3,4) |
SHOT IN THE DARK – A straight definition followed by a cryptic one |
20 |
One shows off / puzzle (5) |
POSER – Two definitions |
21 |
Think a lot about teacher keeping fit (5,2) |
DWELL ON – DON (teacher) containing [keeping] WELL (fit) |
Down |
1 |
Jumpy creature, we hear, pulled by a rope? (5) |
TOWED – Sounds like [we hear] “toad” (jumpy creature) |
2 |
Shows painter’s tones in a new light (13) |
PRESENTATIONS – Anagram [in a new light] of PAINTERS TONES |
3 |
Is Buddhist priest ignoring a major religion? (5) |
ISLAM – IS, LAM{a} (Buddhist priest) [ignoring a] |
4 |
Rambling Cockney girl’s tirade (6) |
ERRANT – {h}ER (girl’s) [Cockney], RANT (tirade) |
5 |
See woman endlessly dancing? Highly impressive (7) |
AWESOME – Anagram [dancing] of SEE WOMA{n} [endlessly] |
6 |
Source of money that once enabled East German to escape? (4,2,3,4) |
HOLE IN THE WALL – A straight definition followed by a heavy cryptic hint |
7 |
Medic definitely working about middle of night (7) |
SURGEON – SURE (definitely] containing [about] {ni}G{ht} [middle of…], ON (working) |
11 |
Rallies, as dollar’s worth more (5,2) |
BUCKS UP – BUCK’S (dollar’s), UP (worth more) |
12 |
Cross-country runner / who worries? (7) |
HARRIER – A straight definition and a cryptic riddle |
4 |
Playing in duet together (6) |
UNITED – Anagram [playing] of IN DUET |
17 |
Riddle is about the first lady (5) |
SIEVE – IS reversed [about], EVE (first lady) |
18 |
Some mistake no-one accepted (5) |
TAKEN – Hidden [some] in {mis}TAKE N{o-one} |
Minor cheating:
I had to look up synonyms for dollars !!
LOI was 4d, and I couldn’t parse 5d or 13a so thanks for the blog.
BTW I didn’t think toads jumped but crawled, being one of the distinctions from frogs. But maybe I’m wrong.
Thanks Jack & our Flemish setter (I presume).
Here’s a frog by way of contrast doing a proper jump:
There’s nothing in Flamande’s real name to suggest a Flemish connection, but who knows?
Edited at 2016-09-19 08:48 am (UTC)
“Topside” meaning “beef” is all one word.
“League leaders” lends itself to the answer(top side ) but cannot be part of the definition.
Edited at 2016-09-19 11:32 am (UTC)
I biffed SIEVE, but why is it a riddle?
A large coarse sieve
transitive verb
To pass through or sift with a riddle
To make full of holes like a riddle, as with shot
To fill, spread throughout
intransitive verb
To use a riddle
To sift
Exactly 10:00 so I would rate this as harder than usual.
4dn ERRANT held me up too as did 5dn AWESOME I word that is used a bit to often over the pond.
horryd Shanghai
Thanks for the blog.