Nothing to frighten the horses here, just a steady standard solve. I need help on the cryptic for 26D.
Across | |
1 | BARRE – BA(R)RE; R from (shoote)R; a capo on a guitar; |
5 | KNUCKLE – hip=huckle then change “h”=husband to “kn”=knots; joint is definition; |
10 | KNEE-DRILL – K(NEED-R)ILL; miss=NEED; right=R; still=KILL; genuflected prayers; |
11 | ARGUTE – AR(GUT)E; corporation=GUT; 100sq m=ARE; shrewd is definition; |
12 | ICE,TEA – I-CETE-A; badger’s group=CETE; |
14 | RAMIE – RAM-IE; Chinese material; |
16 | AGREEMENTS – (sergeant)* surrounds ME; concerts is definition; |
17 | TANGO – TANG-O; of=O; a favourite of mine; |
18 | SLEIGHS – sounds like “slays”=amuses enormously; |
21 | INSECTA – IN-SECT-A; if we were “in sect B” we’d be classed second best; |
23 | TATIE – (s)TA(y)-TIE; a potato in Perth; |
25 | STONY-BROKE – (set)* surrounds (byron)*-OK; right=OK; |
28 | PRATE – PRAT-E; duff=PRAT; drug=E; rabbit on=talk non-stop=PRATE; |
29 | LEAVEN – L-(h)EAVEN; latin=L; this makes a change is definition; |
30 | IAMBIC – (aim)*-BIC; writer=biro=BIC; |
31 | SUGARIEST – (must russia)*; |
32 | ATELIER – ATE-LIER; artist’s studio where the sitter hopefully sits still; |
33 | SAGES – theatres=stages then remove (waste) t=time; ; |
Down | |
1 | BHARATI – (habit)* surrounds AR=Arab; (Asian) Indian is definition; |
2 | ABRADANTS – A-BRAD-(stan)*; |
3 | RAGMAN – two meanings 1=old word for a devil 2=old word for a catalogue; |
4 | ENTEROCYT – (toy terence)*; a cell in the wall of the intestine; |
5 | KEENEST – KEEN-EST; ululate=KEEN; in Rome “is” was EST; most piercing is definition; |
6 | NEIVE – NE surrounds VIE reversed; born=NE; an old word for the fist=duke; |
7 | CRED – C-RED; coloured=C; comb=redd=RED; short for (little) credibility=confidence in; |
8 | KITING – K(IT)ING; rex=KING; passing dud cheques which bounce; |
9 | ELAPS – S-PALE reversed; society=S; genus of snakes; |
13 | COME,TO,PASS – COME TO – PASS; to wake up=COME TO; go on(as with time)=PASS; |
15 | A,THIN,TIME – A-T(HINT)IME; intimate=HINT; voice=EMIT and raised=reversal indicator; |
19 | LARMIER – L-(b)ARMIER; left=L; frothier=barmier then remove (crack) “b”; a corona; |
20 | SELECTS – S(ELECT)S; SS=Steam Ship=Canberra say; block=select in computer jargon; |
22 | SOCAGE – SO-CAGE; well=SO; a paying tenant; |
24 | TEA-BAG – TEA-B-AG; TEA=type of party=do; B=second highest ranking; silver=AG; drink maker is definition; |
25 | SALSA – SAL-S-A(bsorb); sial=earth’s crust=SAL; is=S; sauce is definition; |
26 | BONIE – BO-NIE I think; don’t see work=BO; no more near=NIE; don’t see purpose of “but OK”; Burn’s word for bonny=pretty; |
27 | OVAL – O-(LAV reversed); overs=O (cricket); can=toilet=LAV; The Oval is a cricket ground in South London; |
Edited at 2016-09-18 06:08 am (UTC)
I had a thin time parsing A THIN TIME last weekend.
Thanks for the explanation.
On checking Chambers, I think the definition in Clue 22 has to be read as
‘This (is what) the tenant paid’ as socage is given as the payment made by a socager.
(I’m still having trouble trying not to be anonymous on Live Journal!)