Solving time: 15 minutes. I just avoided the red zone on this one by coming in a few seconds under 15 minutes but having written the blog I can’t explain what held me up. I don’t think it was any clue in particular so perhaps my brain was running a little slow.
As usual definitions are underlined in bold italics, {deletions and substitutions are in curly brackets} and [anagrinds, containment, reversal and other indicators in square ones]. I usually omit all reference to positional indicators unless there is a specific point that requires clarification.
Across | |
1 | Irritation card game is cut short (5) |
PIQUE{t} (card game) [cut short] | |
4 | Run small van for living in on holiday (7) |
S (small), CAMPER (van for living in on holiday) | |
8 | Clergyman is after English builder (7) |
E (English), RECTOR (clergyman) | |
9 | Definitely not odd temperature leading to incident (5) |
EVEN (definitely not odd), T (temperature) | |
10 | Reshuffled minister is on break (12) |
Anagram [reshuffled] of MINISTER IS ON | |
12 | Uncovered text, both nice and strange (6) |
{t}EX{t} {b}OT{h} {n}IC{e} [uncovered] | |
13 | Carriage catch with gold on (6) |
LAND (catch – fish), AU (gold) | |
16 | “Been curd” menu got wrong — not checked (12) |
Anagram [got wrong] of BEEN CURD MENU. A great surface here as the item on the menu should have been “bean curd”. | |
18 | The man’s getting time for robbery (5) |
HE IS (the man’s), T (time) | |
20 | Not in favour of a City way when grasping profit (7) |
A + ST (City way – street) containing [grasping] GAIN (profit). Most of the thoroughfares in the City of London are called ‘Street’; there are no ‘roads’. | |
21 | The woman gets warm in cover (7) |
SHE (the woman) contains [gets…in] HEAT (warm) | |
22 | Really don’t look forward to days with book, say (5) |
D (days), READ (book – it’s a good book/read). ‘Say’ mitigates the partial DBE. |
Down | |
1 | Childish anger follows regular helpings of prunes (7) |
P{r}U{n}E{s} [regular helpings], RILE (anger) | |
2 | Perhaps survey and search island on new river in Yorkshire (13) |
QUEST (search), I (island), ON, N (new), AIRE (river in Yorkshire) | |
3 | Illegal use of force breaking down exit — or not? (9) |
Anagram [breaking down] EXIT OR NOT. I wasn’t sure about ‘force’ in the definition but Collins has it covered: Extortion is the crime of obtaining something from someone, especially money, by using force or threats. | |
4 | Short trip that is taken after class (6) |
SORT (class), IE (that is – id est) | |
5 | Champion in speed contest losing lead (3) |
ACE | |
{r}ACE (speed contest) [losing lead] | |
6 | We finally give thought to cutting dance for greater number (13) |
{w}E [finally] + PONDER (thought) contained by [cutting] PRANCE (dance) | |
7 | Ceremony set down on paper as it is said (4) |
RITE | |
Sounds like [it is said] “write” (set down on paper) | |
11 | Right person of brilliance to lead directors (9) |
STAR (person of brilliance), BOARD (directors) | |
14 | With no way of proving age, is not taken out (7) |
Two definitions of sorts | |
15 | Poison remedy includes stripped bark (6) |
CURE (remedy) contains [includes] {b}AR{k} [stripped] | |
17 | It follows the herd up street, first of all (4) |
THUS | |
T{he} H{erd} U{p} S{treet} [first of all] | |
19 | Gallery disposing of European rubbish (3) |
TAT | |
TAT{e} (gallery) [disposing of European – e]. There are four of them, two in London, one in LIverpool and one in St Ives, Cornwall. Named after Henry, the sugar tycoon, but for how much longer? |
On the 12.45 this morning which went nowhere.
LOI 17dn THUS — which at first I took to be SH*T! It usually follows the herd!
I note CURARE again, Inspector!
Edited at 2022-01-03 08:54 am (UTC)
Thanks Jack & Joker.
FOI Event
LOI Questionnaire
COD exotic
Unlike Vinyl, PIQUE and QUESTIONNAIRE were my last in by 5 minutes or so. I was about to throw in the towel, when I bunged in a speculative “I” between the T and O, and the “survey perhaps” appeared.
Onwards and upwards in 2022 I hope!
DNK AIRE was a river and did not parse LOI PREPONDERANCE. COD UNDATED
Thanks Joker and Jack.
Happy New Year to everyone.
FOsI SCAMPER, PUERILE, PIQUE. Slow on the longer ones.
COD STARBOARD, which made me smile when the penny dropped. Also liked UNDATED.
Thanks vm, Jack.
A very good, testing puzzle with some very fine clues. Thanks to Joker and Jack. John M.
NHO CURARE, although we’ve obviously had it before. So, as often, it was not remembered not never heard of.
Otherwise all the explanations made sense, except I thought that PREPONDERANCE was too difficult for a QC.
Just about to come out of isolation and join the real world again — what there is of it — and hope tomorrow’s QC is more satisfying. Hopefully everyone else did better than me.
A frustrating solve finished in 16.38 with LOI QUESTIONNAIRE and COD to UNDATED.
Thanks to Jack
Edited at 2022-01-03 10:13 am (UTC)
Pleasant enough start to the week
Thanks Jackkt and Joker
Thanks Jack and Joker.
LOI was a laboured SHEATHE, a verb not a noun, where words like SHELTIE and SWEATS offered plausible-ish avenues.
So add another 5 minutes. Not easy for the uninitiated I would guess.
COD to STARBOARD for the surface.
The game of Piquet was a childhood favourite of mine — I must have played thousands of parties (the technical term I gather for a set of piquet hands) in my youth. It is in fact one of the oldest card games still played, and there is evidence that it was brought to England in Tudor times (perhaps by the Spanish King Philip, husband of Queen Mary).
COD for me is 4A Scamper. I had work colleague once called Sue Camper, who always signed S.Camper, so thank you Joker for bringing back happy memories.
Many thanks to Jack for the blog
Edited at 2022-01-03 11:00 am (UTC)
LOI “scamprr”
TIME 4:09 but with a typo.
FOI Puerile
COD Starboard
Thanks Joker and Jack
Had to build QUESTIONNAIRE up from the bottom, as did not see PIQUE, trying to make POKER work.
NHO Piquet but may try looking it up.
Happy New Year to all.
John George
LOI – 17dn THUS
COD – 12ac EXOTIC – such a clever construction.
Thanks to Joker and Jack and a Happy New Year to all.
How I dredged up LANDAU I will never know, but it must have been lurking somewhere in the back of my increasingly feeble brain. ACE didn’t sit well with me until I saw it was from rACE, rather than pACE. Also, should it be RITE or ROTE? Fortunately, I plumped for the correct option. So, I was all done in 41 minutes.
Mrs Random’s only real concerns were SHEATHE and CURARE (even though we have seen it relatively recently). She was (typically) about twice as fast as me, finishing in 22 minutes.
Many thanks to Joker and Jack.
COD EXOTIC, time 12:50. Many thanks Jack and Joker.