Mephisto is supposed to be tough, and I thought this one was pretty tough. Instead of a typical 2-hour solve, my efforts spread out over several days. I graduatlly pecked away at it, solving a clue or two a session, and eventually I was triumphantly complete. Even better, I understood all the answers. Would I have persisted if it wasn’t my blog? I never give up, but I was quite discouraged for a whle. Even worse, my LOI proved to have exactly the parsing I suspected when I first looked at the clue.
As soon as I saw this was Mephisto 3200, I thought we might be in for trouble, but who knows what the Mephisto brain trust is thinking? Would they really hold back a particularly fiendish puzzle for the turn of a century? Probably not, and may have been some solvers who saw all the answers without any trouble. Was that you?
Across | |
1 | Authority shown by assistant backing primate (6) |
APEMAN – NAME + P.A. backwards. Those who get APE first may assume they are looking for a word meaning authority. | |
6 | Partner in eastern country making jelly (6) |
NAPALM – NA(PAL)M, a very particular type of jelly, associated with a very particular country, but the clue hides all this. | |
11 | What looking back, links Britten with rococo? Answer: old instruments (8) |
CORNETTI – Backwards hidden in [br]ITTEN ROC[oco], where you have to put the parts together yourself. | |
12 | Review overcharge in backsliding local (7, two words) |
BRUSH UP – B(RUSH)UP, where PUB backwards is the enclosing word. | |
13 | Section of raga thrilling? (4) |
GATH – Hidden in [ra]GA TH[rilling], an &lit, as a gath is a section of a raga, I’m not sure how thrilling. | |
14 | Man in stream coming from the east (5) |
ALLAN – NALLA backwards, not the usual spelling of today’s random individual. | |
15 | Heads away, group of students deride little girl (7) |
LASSOCK – [c]LASS [m]OCK. | |
17 | Indian widows seated on back half of raised floor (5) |
SATIS – SAT + [da]IS, a variant spelling of SUTTEES. | |
19 | American behind expedition showing tendency to move up (10) |
22 | Very hard old gaoler opposed to one slipping over (10) |
ADAMANTINE – ADAM + ANTI + [o]NE. Adam is defined as a gaoler in Chambers without further explanation. | |
27 | Capital increase about to be used for university entrance primarily (5) |
ACCRA – ACCR(-ue,+A), where A = about. A clever lett-substitution clue. | |
29 | Noisy bat close to belfry (7) |
RACKETY – RACKET + [belfr]Y, one of the few simple ones. | |
30 | Mass force put out, MiG hit with flak in a flash (5) |
GLAIK – Anagram of [m]IG + [f]LAK. | |
31 | Not good to squeeze wings of inter alia, wattlebird (4) |
HUIA – HU[g] + I[nter ali]A. | |
32 | Character during break time regularly gets a drink (7) |
BACARDI – B[re]A[kt](CARD)I[me], yes, every third letter. | |
33 | Drunk ignores pub — could be _____ up (8) |
SOBERING – Compound anagram of IGNORES PUB yielding SOBERING up. | |
34 | Extraordinary yarns going around hospital about mess (6) |
SHARNY – Anagram of YARNS containing H. | |
35 | Piercing accepted around tip of ear (6) |
GORING – GO([ea]R)ING. |
Down | |
1 | Agent’s daughter leaving home to pursue a male singer (12) |
2 | Recitative Arnold composed with a piano (8) |
PARLANDO – Anagram of ARNOLD + A P. | |
3 | Triumph over former upper-class officer (5) |
EXULT – EX + U + LT, the other easy one. | |
4 | Lawmaker’s system once more badly amiss (7) |
MOSAISM – MO + anagram of AMISS. | |
5 | Top of head previously swelling, not bottom of head (5) |
NOULE – NO[d]]ULE, where D is the bottom of head. | |
7 | Persistent worry that’s no good in a way (5) |
ANGST – A (NG) ST. | |
8 | Like with no end of zeal, balance forgotten (5) |
PEASE – P[l]EASE, where L is the end of zeal. An alternate spelling of peise. | |
9 | Accept new tenancy by means of rent (6) |
ATTORN – AT + TORN for a Scottish legal term. | |
10 | Pulling leg free from end of tights, one may get knicks in a twist (12) |
MICKEYTAKING – Anagram of I MAY GET KNICKS without [tight]S. | |
16 | Scotland’s direction? Litigation coming up endlessly (4) |
AIRT – TRIA[l] upside-down. | |
18 | Creepy-crawly, one getting around flexible drain? (8) |
ACARIDAN – A + CA + anagram of drain. The temptation to biff scorpion may be strong, but it doesn’t parse. | |
20 | One continually on the up inside (4) |
UNIT – Backwads hidden in [con]TINU[ally]. | |
21 | One enclosure on top of another not in code (7, two words) |
23 | To the French West Indian island it’s an oriental plant (6) |
24 | Frank TV personality dropping names is a hit (5) |
SKIER – SKI[nn]ER. Frank Skinner, never heard of him, but he must exist for the clue to work. | |
25 | My number is secret as before (5) |
DEARN – DEAR + N, a well-known Chaucer/Spenser word. | |
26 | Ass years in US State Government (5) |
KYANG – K(Y)AN + G. | |
28 | Bones in fish irritate initially (5) |
CARPI – CARP + I[rritate]. |
Edited at 2022-01-02 11:42 am (UTC)