Good to be back with you. I’ve been jabbed, boosted, passported, Lateral Flowed until I’m blue in the nose, PCR’d and even Located on a Passenger Form. These were more wearing than the actual travel but it was all worth it to help and connect with a wonderful young family in Missouri (who, thankfully, were missed by the recent tornados).
Now to the puzzle. Even accounting for 4 weeks of rustiness, I found this tricky and took 13 minutes. I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to complete the 13dn/21ac crossers and the long LOI 7dn needed a great deal of careful thought as to where to place the I and Y. I’ve enjoyed writing the blog and so being better able to relish some of the wonderful clue constructions.
I hope you fared well.
Definitions are underlined.
Across | |
1 | In poem airborne soldier dies horribly, way off course (8,4) |
PARADISE LOST – airborne soldier (PARA) anagram (horribly) of DIES, way off course (LOST). It’s an ‘epic poem in blank verse’ by John Milton. Stop me where I go wrong, but it seems that blank verse restricts itself to regular metrical lines and messes about with iambic pentameters whereas free verse can’t be bothered with any of that and goes off and does its own thing. | |
8 | Fury convulsed Regan (5) |
ANGER – anagram (convulsed) of REGAN. | |
9 | Coupon one confirms as valid (7) |
VOUCHER – I’d say that someone who vouches for something / confirms as valid (a Voucher) is a humourous description rather than a straight second defintiion. But who knows? If you do then let me know. | |
10 | Wife putting out extra cotton wool (7) |
WADDING – wife (W), putting out extra (ADDING). | |
11 | A poster’s oddly seen in recesses (5) |
APSES – a (A), (P)o(S)t(E)r(S). | |
12 | In depression, beginning to turn stormy (6) |
TROUGH – (T)urn, stormy (ROUGH). | |
14 | Lent is wrong for Christmas decoration (6) |
TINSEL – anagram (wrong) of LENT IS. Nice nod to the upcoming festive period. | |
17 | Victoria for example collapses (5) |
FALLS – double definition. | |
19 | Social climber out of bed to get going (7) |
UPSTART – out of bed (UP), get going (START). | |
21 | Repay engineers completely (7) |
REQUITE – engineers (RE), completely (QUITE). I enjoyed the eventual PDM. | |
22 | Transmits time signal to cover end of programme (5) |
PIPES – time signal (PIPS – at the third pip it will be…) covering/around programm(E). Transmit as in piped music. | |
23 | Just arrived, establish secure island (12) |
NEWFOUNDLAND – just arrived (NEW), establish (FOUND), secure e.g. a job (LAND). Flew by this not so long ago. |
Down | |
1 | Take big risk with hi-fi we partly repaired (4,4,4) |
PLAY WITH FIRE – anagram (repaired) of HI-FI WE PARTLY. | |
2 | Refusing to compromise and falsify identity (5) |
RIGID – falsify (RIG), identity (ID). | |
3 | Risking swallowing large sweet (7) |
DARLING – risking (DARING) swallowing large (L). | |
4 | Wild herb covers area at head of valley (6) |
SAVAGE – herb (SAGE) covers area (A) and (V)alley. | |
5 | Liberal ambience is the making of a girl (5) |
LAURA – Liberal (L), ambience (AURA). | |
6 | Message about church is creating ruptures (7) |
SCHISMS – message (SMS) about church (CH) and is (IS). I don’t remember seeing SMS for message before. | |
7 | Non-verse style I’d worked out and campaigned for (12) |
PROSELYTISED – non-verse (PROSE), anagram (worked out) of STYLE I’D. No verse or pentameters (iambic or otherwise) in prose. To proselytise is to try to persuade/convert someone to your beliefs and I’ve only seen it in Crosswordland. | |
13 | Inclined as old boy to spill secrets while talking (7) |
OBLIQUE – old boy (OB), homophone of spill secrets – leak (LIQUE). Great homophone which wins COD. | |
15 | Popular taste one day becomes uninteresting (7) |
INSIPID – popular (IN), taste (SIP), one (I), day (D). | |
16 | In office, you are texting boyfriend to come round (6) |
BUREAU – ‘you are’ in txt is (UR) with boyfriend (BEAU) coming round. Good link to SMS in 13dn. | |
18 | Glide over water with double force in small boat (5) |
SKIFF – glide (SKI), double force (F F). | |
20 | First-grade mountain, hard ascent at first (5) |
ALPHA – mountain (ALP), (H)ard (A)scent. |
The main puzzle only took me three minutes longer, for what it’s worth.
No typos this time we’ll see if this keeps up.
LOI 4dn SAVAGE after I had entered SAVORY
WOD 23ac NEWFOUNDLAND — a very large dog that cannot be crossed with a poodle!
10ac was poorly clued IMHO
Edited at 2021-12-14 03:47 am (UTC)
VOUCHER as someone who vouches is in Collins.
I found TROUGH hard — the ‘in’ from the clue threw me — and also SCHISMS where I guessed it quickly but only entered much later when SMS finally clicked.
All green in 20m, which passed very fast.
Edited at 2021-12-14 06:46 am (UTC)
FOI ANGER, LOI NEWFOUNDLAND, COD DARLING, time 11:55 for 1.5K and a Reasonable Day.
Many thanks Teazel and Chris (welcome back!).
Yes a toughie. 30 min. Thanks Chris and Teazel
I’d forgotten about Newfoundland as an island. Getting 1d opened the puzzle up for me.
My time a slowish 7:22 mins.
Edited at 2021-12-14 10:06 am (UTC)
Tricky today around the 30 min mark with 1 typo. Not helped by biffing obliged which then made Newfoundland impossible. I thought schisms was rather clever and good to see a 21st century reference.
Thanks Teazel & welcome back Chris.
FOI Anger
LOI Requite
COD Schisms
A couple of part-parsed buffs so I’ll now read chris’s blog to check my reasoning. Thanks to both. John M.
Edited at 2021-12-14 10:08 am (UTC)
I experimented with a couple of spellings of 7d before settling on the correct option, wadding was also slow to fall and I needed a couple of PDMs for my final two – OBLIQUE/REQUITE. Finished in 10.19
Thanks for the blog Chris, it’s good to have you back
I found the rest of this do-able, a relief after yesterday.
Care was required but nothing particularly held me up. Finding the girl’s name did a bit -how could Louis work? Of course it couldn’t for many reasons, but I did try to justify it for too long. LOIS-ing the plot perhaps.
Edited at 2021-12-14 10:04 am (UTC)
The long ones that weren’t PROSELYTISING took a while, then REQUITE and OBLIQUE.
All v fair though.
LJ tells me I have been a member for two years, and though still SCC I have made progress, despite DNFs on bad days.
Thanks, Chris. Glad you had a good trip.
Done in just under 18mins, thanks Teazel and blogger!
With clues like this – stood no chance.
These QCs used to be quite enjoyable – not as tough as the main puzzle but usually do-able. Now they are just obscenely difficult with obscure and ridiculous clues.
I am not intemperate or paranoid just annoyed with these
so-called Quick Cryptics.
Mao also said:
“Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools of thought contend”
Was uneasy about SCHISM as did not see SMS, also unsure of spelling of PROSELYTISED
NoT doing so well on the 15×15 today, though.
… obviously didn’t get the message?
Well done on the sub 10.
Happy enough with the time and liked quite a few of the clues
Thanks Chris and Teazel
I know we’ve discussed before the variations in people’s GK, but surely most of us here have heard of Paradise Lost, even if we’ve never read it? Count me in that group.
I have been known to use the word PROSELYTISE but banging on about something is also quite a useful phrase – of course, I never do that. My family might disagree 😅
FOI Paradise Lost
LOI Trough
COD Play with fire
Many thanks Teazel, and thanks and welcome back to Chris.
For what it’s worth, I did the biggie in just over half an hour. Now I’ve got to go and spray some teasels gold for Christmas decorations – I really struggle with the spelling now!
I had the same difficulties towards the end with (the NHO) PROSELYTISED and REQUITE/OBLIQUE intersection as others above, but I very nearly DNF’d with SCHISMS. I thought SOS was the ‘message’ and spent some minutes trying to justify SCHISOS or SCHOSIS as the answer. I also spent far too long trying to make UPSTAGE work for 19d.
At the half-hour mark I was properly worried, as I had fewer then 10 clues written into my grid. My frustrations were greatly eased when, finally, I saw PLAY WITH FIRE. PARADISE LOST followed a minute later and several of their dependants tumbled out as a result. Overall, a hard, but satisfying challenge.
Mrs Random got 1a and 1d early on, and also somehow knew the word PROSELYTISED (I know not how). However, it wasn’t all plain sailing for her, as I think TROUGH, OBLIQUE and REQUITE slowed her down somewhat. She crossed the line in 33 minutes today – situation normal in the Random household.
Many thanks to Teazel and Chris.
Edited at 2021-12-14 12:33 pm (UTC)
I went to Newfoundland once, about 40 years ago, to go fishing in the rough country. Being a naïve Englishman I asked the local police about a fishing licence — they were very puzzled but eventually agreed to draw me up a handwritten one so I felt better. They then asked how many salmon I would like as my daily limit, and “would 2 dozen a day be enough for you?”. At that point in my life I don’t think I had caught 24 salmon in my entire fishing career!
Many thanks to Chris for the blog
COD: PARADISE LOST made us smile
Thanks and welcome back Chris.
For the first 10 mins I hardly had anything, and it was only by getting 1ac “Paradise Lost” that things began to tumble into place. DNK 7dn “Proselytised” but it was generously clued.
My main issue was the SE corner and getting 15dn “Insipid”, 22ac “Pipes” and 20dn “Alpha.
FOI — 8ac “Anger”
LOI — 15dn “Insipid”
COD — 16dn “Bureau” — great surface, but it could equally have been 6dn “Schisms”.
Thanks as usual!
You could check with therotter. I have always thought he used 20 mins, too, but I would like to know if we are on different pages. John.
22a / 13d and 7d did for me.
Requite is not a word that I have come across in many a year. ‘While talking’ missed as homophone for some strange reason…..
7d no chance NHO
Otherwise tricky and enjoyable.
Thanks all
John George