Solving time: 34 minutes. This was mostly straightforward with a few trickier bits that were easy enough to work around.
As usual definitions are underlined in bold italics, {deletions and substitutions are in curly brackets} and [anagrinds, containment, reversal and other indicators in square ones]. I usually omit all reference to positional indicators unless there is a specific point that requires clarification.
Across |
1 | Flounder perhaps in first half, somehow striker’s finish missed (8) |
Anagram [somehow] of FI{r}ST HALF [striker‘s finish missed]. I biffed this one and couldn’t see how it worked until I came to write the blog. | |
6 | Maybe spend time inside lighthouse? (6) |
BE A CON (maybe spend time inside prison) | |
9 | South American tattoo artist called out? (4) |
INCA | |
Sounds like [called out] “inker” (tattoo artist). ‘Ink’ is used informally with reference to tattoos. | |
10 | Where to launch Russian commodores at sea (10) |
Anagram [at sea] of COMMODORES. Not a word I knew but I was aware that Russian astronauts are termed ‘cosmonauts’ so it wasn’t much of a stretch to come up with the answer. | |
11 | Intimidate meeting about small plant (3,7) |
COW (intimidate), then PARLEY (meeting) containing [about] S (small) | |
13 | Long facial hair has tip removed (4) |
ACHE | |
{t}ACHE (facial hair) [tip removed] | |
14 | Lover of Homer allowed to return message (8) |
MARGE (lover of Homer Simpson) + LET (allowed) reversed [to return]. I wonder if I’m the only person in the country who has never seen the cartoon referenced here? | |
16 | Some birthday, I remember backflipping in city! (6) |
Hidden and reversed [some…backflipping] in {birt}HDAY I R{emember}. Capital of Saudi Arabia. | |
18 | Wreck site visit, reportedly, with plot (6) |
SEA sounds like [reportedly] “see” (visit), then BED (plot) | |
20 | Peter has fabricated a criminal record (3,5) |
Anagram [fabricated] of PETER HAS | |
22 | Slugs ignore rinds of meat (4) |
AMMO | |
{g}AMMO{n} (m eat) [ignore rinds] | |
24 | My ceramist goes to pot that’s lopsided (10) |
Anagram [goes to pot] of MY CERAMIST | |
26 | No country claims publicity award (5,5) |
NO, then BELIZE (country) contains [claims] PR (publicity) | |
28 | Demure being almost nineteen, maybe (4) |
PRIM | |
PRIM{e} (nineteen, maybe) [almost] | |
29 | Second-rate tea, primarily, and where it’s put? (6) |
T{ea} [primarily], IN POT (where it’s put?). Often used of nations and dictators. | |
30 | Time during part of the day for sport (8) |
T (time) contained by [in] EVENING (part of the day). Horse trials. |
Down | |
2 | Spent years breaking into deserted tourist attraction (6,3) |
DONE (spent) + Y (years) contained by [breaking into] LONE (deserted). Aka the Millennium Wheel. I ‘ve had this referenced in my blog twice recently. | |
3 | Go, reluctantly, from wild parties (7) |
Anagram [wild] of PARTIES | |
4 | Suffer at home with rogue (5) |
IN (at home), CUR (rogue) | |
5 | That guy’s greetings (3) |
HIS | |
Two meanings, the second being the plural of Hi! | |
6 | Bird overturned component for explosive device (5,4) |
BOOBY (bird), then PART (component) reversed [overturned]. Booby is a seabird not unlike the gannet. | |
7 | A noblewoman carries on so soon (7) |
A, then LADY (noblewoman) contains [carries] RE (on) | |
8 | Energy of tuba’s sound when dropping key (5) |
OOMP{a}H (tuba’s sound) [dropping key – a]. Other Oompah instruments are available. Here’s one. | |
12 | Sucker starts to lease another mine next to quarry (7) |
L{ease} A{nother} M{ine} [starts], PREY (quarry} | |
15 | Racecourse favourite Star must step on it? (3,6) |
REDCAR (racecourse), PET (favourite) | |
17 | Food specialist‘s threatening note to an artist? (9) |
DIE TITIAN (threatening note to an artist?) | |
19 | Disapproving noises heard at university party (5-2) |
BOOZE sounds like [heard] “boos” [disapproving noises), UP (at university) | |
21 | Stew, with seconds included, in popular place (3,4) |
HOTPOT (stew) containing [with…included] S (seconds) | |
23 | I drift north from Polynesia, originally (5) |
I + ROAM (drift) all reversed [north] | |
25 | Internet joke about new moon (5) |
MEME (internet joke) containing [about] N (new) | |
27 | Take out some diamonds (3) |
ICE | |
Two meanings, the first being slang for ‘kill’ as is ‘take out’ |
Nearly wrote DIETICIAN, which perhaps accounts for some of the errors. Plenty of unknowns here but helpful wordplay. NOBEL PRIZE wins my prize for best clue!
I did like Die, Titian!, and fortunately the cryptic pointed to the intended spelling.
The London Eye has dominated the Capital’s skyline for some twenty years and has been copied the world over, notably in Singapore. Having not visited London in this century and never having watched ‘The Simpsons’, our Masterblogger should consider a cultural overhaul, in order to stay ‘with it’. But “Don’t have a cow-pie!”
Edited at 2021-12-14 03:04 am (UTC)
Edited at 2021-12-14 03:55 am (UTC)
LOI 4ac BEACON — what l hear thems Hairy Bikers have for breakfast.
COD 26ac NOBEL PRIZE — has anyone from British Honduras ever won one!?
WOD 19dn BOOZE-UP — often held in Downing Street at this time year
Country notes: 11ac COW PARSLEY known locally as ‘Cow Keg’ in Kesteven, is the most common and tallest resident of the roadsides and woodland fringes. It has a very delicate, musty aroma. Nettles are next.
Edited at 2021-12-14 11:21 am (UTC)
I think the distant moon may be a more obscure way to clue MNEME than as one of the muses… I always feel “meme” is a misnomer for one of these “Internet jokes” on Facebook, when they still have just three “likes”; they are wannabe memes, or they could use the original name for this style of post (macro-something, I think)…
I was grateful that the wordplay for DIETITIAN made clear which spelling was required.
The clue for HIS looked awfully familiar—say no more…
Edited at 2021-12-14 03:48 am (UTC)
Edited at 2021-12-14 08:15 am (UTC)
Edited at 2021-12-14 03:57 am (UTC)
11ac was “intimate meeting” to my incorrectly-corrected vision, and that really had me stumped.
Agree with Vinyl that DIETITIAN was the pick of the bunch, and count me as another who would have misspelt it without the assist.
Thanks Jack for the blog, and the setter for the confidence-booster.
Roll on Thursday!
I’ll join you in never having watched The Simpsons but as I live in NZ, you can hold on to the title of the ‘only person in the country etc…’.
Haven’t we had both HIS and LAMPREY recently?
Slight issue with 23d MAORI: NZ is part of Polynesia so it would have been more technically correct to have said “from elsewhere in Polynesia originally”.
Edited at 2021-12-14 08:24 pm (UTC)
Mneme tested my faith in wordplay.
Thanks, jack.
I played for time.
I wore a widow’s face
Am I the only one to have got the first two Es in Telegram, seen ‘lover of Homer’ and written in Penelope? What a mess.
NHO Mneme, but all tidied up in 20 mins pre-brekker.
A mixed bag I thought including a few gems.
Thanks setter and J.
Gill D
But with COSMODROME tension unfurled
When i reached 25
My heart came alive
An answer that’s out of this world!
So I think obscure moons are fun
But others may think they’ve been done
Folks that feel as i do
May be awfully few
A minority, maybe, of one
I liked TELEGRAM though, like Jack, I have never read or watched the Simpsons. Several clues seemed very familiar…..
Thanks Jack and setter.
Edited at 2021-12-14 09:08 am (UTC)
Hereabouts, we use the name Queen Anne’s Lace rather than cow parsley, which lacks charm as a name for a lovely plant. It is edible, but watch out for poisonous lookalikes such as hemlock
There are rather a lot of moons in the Solar System, and the number known is growing all the time, better get studying (and hope the setters don’t move on to asteroids).
Thanks jack and setter.
30 mins but with a spelling mistake so no perfect week yet for me.
Message to self. ALWAYS understand how the clue works. If I don’t my answer is probably wrong.
LOI. ALREADY was strangely difficult to see. Not sure why.
COD telegram. Having arrived at tele, was misled by knowing that Odysseus’ son was Telemachus so wondered if there were another Tele…m in the Odyssey. Only when I spelt out the last five letters of the obvious fit, telegram, backwards did I realise that I had the wrong Homer! Doh!
Didn’t parse RED CARPET, and had no idea that there’s a racecourse in Redcar. I tend to get Redcar and Redruth mixed up and can’t remember which one’s in the north east and which one’s in Cornwall.
Not too tricky otherwise.
FOI Inca
LOI Mneme
COD Telegram
It’s a bit generous to call a 2 kilometre wide rock going backwards 21 kilometres away from Jupiter a moon, but kudos to the people that managed to spot it. When I were a lad, Jupiter had a memorable 4 moons and a few others with less striking names: I gather there are now around 80*. I called this one MEMNE until I conceded that the NOBEL PRISM was not a thing.
The other clue that terrified me was INCA, because I thought I had to come up with a name for a SA drum rhythm that sounded like a named artist. D’oh!
* A brownie point to the first person to point out there always were 80+ moons of Jupiter, we just didn’t know about them.
BEACON – far too clever for me, tried fitting T inside all sorts of things
COW PARSLEY – vaguely heard of the plant but wordplay baffled me. I thought a meeting was a parlAy not a parlEy?
SEABED – bamboozled.
AMMO – likewise.
BOOBY TRAP – NHO booby before, should have been able to biff this in retrospect but couldn’t force it out
ALREADY – RE for ON is a new one for me – maybe more common in the 15×15 than QC?
BOOZE-UP – always forget that UP= “at university”
Defeated by BEACON, BOOZE UP , and AMMO. Annoyed about the latter as I had figured out the “rinds” device which I had not encountered before.
Saturn has 50 moons now, a side effect of the recent Cassini satellite program. The smallest is about the size of a navy warship I think. Plenty of obscure ones to learn.
TRAIPSE — wasn’t sure it meant ‘Go, reluctantly’ but it seemed the only combination of the anagram which remotely worked.
COSMODROME — didn’t see it at first but jumped out second time through the clues.
COW PARSLEY — wow, managed to nail a plant without any bother. Not sure I could pick one out from a line-up though.
ACHE — thought about BEAR but thought again.
TELEGRAM — you’ve missed out if you’ve never watched The Simpsons.
NOBEL PRIZE — nice clue.
MNEME — with all checkers, not much else it could be (having teenagers referring to dank memes does help sometimes).
DIETITIAN — another on the ‘would’ve spelt it wrong but for wordplay’ bus. Nice clue.
Edited at 2021-12-14 12:26 pm (UTC)
LOI AMMO (biffed — seen afterwards)
TIME 7:38
Damp and misty in Poitiers. I ACHE for a BOOZE-UP in a HOT SPOT (not RIYADH).
Thanks to Jack and the setter.
Loi oomph.
Cod telegram
BOOZE UP was my favourite, NOBEL PRIZE a close second.
Edited at 2021-12-14 03:16 pm (UTC)
Just the double entendres …
I still enjoy The Simpsons, and you can look down your nose at me if you like. Je m’en fous !
Edited at 2021-12-14 06:29 pm (UTC)
I thought the clues were a very good set, particularly those to BEACON, TELEGRAM and NOBEL PRIZE. Thanks, setter, for a satisfying puzzle.
I enjoyed the vocabulary in this and appreciated the clue surfaces.
Thank you for the blog