Very short on time today as travelling so my usually succinct blog may seem even thinner than usual.
Do chat amongst yourselves!
Definitions are underlined.
Across | |
1 | Card put back inside uppermost part of boot (6) |
TOECAP – card (ACE) backwards inside uppermost (TOP). | |
5 | Tell class about Spanish article (6) |
RELATE – class (RATE – class as in classify) about Spanish article (EL). | |
8 | Dairy product beating the very best (8,5) |
WHIPPING CREAM – beating (WHIPPING), very best (CREAM). | |
9 | Language in Jaipur, Dutch! (4) |
URDU – inside Jaip(UR DU)tch. | |
10 | Cricketer’s ability contagious (8) |
CATCHING – double definition. | |
11 | This crossword setter tore off — a streaker? (6) |
METEOR – this crossword setter (ME), anagram (off) of TORE. | |
13 | Every bit invested in liquid — there’s money in it (6) |
WALLET – every bit (ALL) inside liquid (WET). | |
15 | One playing with toys, liar (8) |
SOLITARY – anagram (playing with) TOYS LIAR. | |
17 | Charming French city (4) |
NICE – double definition – something of a chestnut. | |
19 | Critical moment taking in probe that’s malfunctioning (8,5) |
BREAKING POINT – anagram (that’s malfunctioning) of TAKING IN PROBE. | |
21 | Organ observed filled with pulp, oddly (6) |
SPLEEN – observed (SEEN) filled with (P)u(L)p. | |
22 | Note Pavarotti possibly heard? (6) |
TENNER – the currency note – homophone of tenor. |
Down | |
2 | Different order that has evidently reversed, first of all (5) |
OTHER – (O)rder (T)hat (H)as(E)vidently (R)eversed. | |
3 | Land: uphill track into promontory (7) |
CAPTURE – land as in catch a fish – track – rut – upwards inside promontory (CAPE). | |
4 | Greek character is beginning to perk up (3) |
PSI – is (IS), (P)erk all upwards. | |
5 | Correct a method immediately (5,4) |
RIGHT AWAY – correct (RIGHT), a (A), method (WAY. | |
6 | Shielded by poplar, chestnut tree (5) |
LARCH – inside pop(LAR CH)estnut. | |
7 | Aintree discombobulated colt (7) |
TRAINEE – anagram (discombobulated – WOD + COD) of AINTREE. | |
10 | Motor race, blooming thing (9) |
CARNATION – motor (CAR), race (NATION). | |
12 | Selfish activity got pier destroyed (3,4) |
EGO TRIP – anagram (destroyed) of GOT PIER). | |
14 | US president in English city (7) |
LINCOLN – double definition. | |
16 | Picture one before game, excited (5) |
IMAGE – one (I) before an anagram (excited) of GAME. | |
18 | Vessel, one empty — small boat (5) |
CANOE – vessel (CAN), one empty (O)n(E). | |
20 | Chewing the fat, all finally understand (3) |
GET – chewin(G) th(E) fa(T). |
Chris, if you can’t do a blog on a particular week, we can always supply a sub. Of course, some of the bloggers will do everything they can to blog every puzzle on their watch, so it’s up to you.
Chris, your ‘even thinner than usual’ blog has full flesh on its bones compared with the blogs around here when I started!
I was due for an early start this morning so I tried this (and the 15 x 15) before bedtime – and without a cup of tea – for a change.
Thank you to chrisw91 and Mara
TIME 4:33
… but not without a few MERs on the way, where I thought the cluing was very slightly loose. For example Class for rate in 5A — as Chris comments, “class as in classify”, but the point is it doesn’t say classify in the clue and I for one don’t use class as a verb. Ditto Rut for track in 3D — again not really synonyms.
Against that there were a few clues that were really clever in misleading me — separating “uppermost” and “part of boot” in 1A, and the whole of 2D is a masterpiece of deception, as Jack has observed.
So overall a fun puzzle. Many thanks to Chris for the blog
I smiled when I saw Mara as the setter. Mara is, in my opinion, the most beginner-friendly setter I have seen so far in these QC puzzles. I felt positive that I would solve this one, and indeed I did. 35 minutes with aids being used just once: 3d Capture. I only managed to answer this one as it was the only word listed under Land in Chambers that fit. I had no idea how the clue worked until I came here.
Thank you Mara
Liked the rest of the puzzle very much, eg TENNER, CARNATION.
Thanks all, esp Chris.
Would have been on target but for those two I ended up with 8:28.
LOI CARNATION and spent 10 mins on CAPTURE as I was determined to get bluff in somehow.
Last minute pandemonium trying to get new product ready for launch at exhibition today so all the team up all night. Not perfect but pretty amazing. Hats off to dedication and determination to deliver. Will definitely not be up at midnight tonight to do tomorrow’s QCC.
FOI URDU, LOI CAPTURE where I was also tempted by CAPSULE, and the less-travelled ‘Lus’. I was surprised another word fitted, sometimes the alphabet trawl nets the fish right at the end.
Surprisingly slow on WHIPPING CREAM, which held up the top half. Also, with my poor botanical knowledge I was hunting for an anagram of ‘motor race’ for some flower.
Chris, you have a typo in the explanation of 13ac (should be ALL, not AL). John M.
Edited at 2021-09-14 09:07 am (UTC)
However I was held up in particular by TOECAP, CAPTURE and LOI PSI where careful parsing was needed.
14:33 on the clock.
A good puzzle which required careful thought. My favourite was IMAGE.
FOI URDU; LOI CAPTURE; COD SOLITARY; time 11:17 for an estimated 1.9K and an OK Day.
Many thanks Mara and Skeleton Chris.
Finished in 11.04 with COD to CARNATION
Thanks to Chris
COD: CAPTURE (we liked WALLET too)
Thanks Mara and Chris
Many thanks to Mara and chrisw91.
Thought BREAKING POINT was a v good anagram
Thanks Chris and Mara
Thanks for the blog, Chris. Succinct is absolutely fine by me.
Thank you Mara
23 minutes and fully parsed – which is pretty good for me! No major problems but like others my LOI was 3d CAPTURE. FOI 1a TOECAP and COD to 22a TENNER. Thanks Chris and Mara!
It was fun though – I always enjoy Mara’s puzzles.
FOI Whipping cream
LOI Wallet
COD Whipping cream
Thanks Mara and Chris
BTW I found today’s 15×15 quite straightforward – about 25 minutes with various interruptions. There was one particularly tricky one but I trusted the wordplay and it was all good! So if you’ve got some time to spare and you got on OK yesterday, give today’s a try too 😊
LOI 3d “capture” where my initial MER at “rut” being synonymous for “track” wasn’t really justified. I’ve always thought of a rut as an indentation rather than a furrow but a post-submission check in Chambers showed me the error of my ways.
COD 10 ac “catching”. Let’s hope the English slip cordon are receptive!
Thanks to Chris for his blog (a model of brevity and clarity!) and Mara.
Main issue was the NW corner with 1ac “Toecap” and 3dn “Capture” taking the most time. For a while wanted to put “Chantilly Cream” for 8ac.
FOI — 2dn “Other”
LOI — 3dn “Capture”
COD — 10dn “Carnation”
Thanks as usual!
Thanks for the blog, Chris. Succinct is absolutely fine by me.
Thank you Mara
WOD 8ac WHIPPING CREAM – Max Mosley?