7 minutes for me. How did you all get on?
As usual definitions are underlined in bold italics, {deletions and substitutions are in curly brackets} and [anagrinds, containment, reversal and other indicators in square ones]. I usually omit all reference to positional indicators unless there is a specific point that requires clarification.
Across | |
1 | Document from Manchester United’s vault picked up (10) |
MANUSCRIPT : MANU’S (Manchester United’s), then CRIPT sounds like [picked up] “crypt” [vault]. I can never see the word “crypt” without thinking of the cat who crept into one… |
8 | Row involving tail of big animal (5) |
TIGER : TIER (row) containing [involving] {bi}G [tail of…] |
9 | Trainer struggling to find ground (7) |
TERRAIN : Anagram [struggling] of TRAINER |
10 | Playing one’s best against spinner for Middlesex, initially (2,3,4) |
ON TOP FORM : ON (against), TOP (spinner), FOR, M{iddlesex} [initially]. Good to see my home county getting a mention despite the attempts of Grocer Heath to kill it off. Of course it’s still prominent in the world of cricket as suggested here, as Middlesex county cricket team survives and has its home at Lord’s. |
12 | Male carrying old gardening implement (3) |
HOE : HE (male) containing [carrying] O (old) |
13 | Change horse’s headgear after heading off (5) |
ALTER : {h}ALTER (horse’s headgear) [after heading off] |
15 | Mournful song‘s awful, including its ending? (5) |
DIRGE : DIRE (awful) containing [including] {son}G [its ending]. ‘Its’ refers back to the mournful song. |
17 | Secure link (3) |
TIE : Two meanings |
18 | Applied to cheek, the best cosmetic (4,5) |
FACE CREAM : FACE (cheek – impudence), CREAM (best) |
20 | Girl‘s name, one in a story (7) |
NATALIE : N (name), A, then I (one) contained by [in] TALE (story) |
21 | Bishop and knight eating uncooked beef (5) |
BRAWN : B (bishop) + N (knight – chess), containing [eating] RAW (uncooked). The meat dish brawn is usually made from pig so the ‘beef’ here is figurative, referring to muscle. |
22 | Unhappy having lots of money moved electronically? (10) |
DOWNLOADED : DOWN (unhappy), LOADED (having lots of money) |
Down | |
1 | Dramatic technique encountered doing chat, strangely (6,6) |
METHOD ACTING : MET (encountered), anagram [strangely] of DOING CHAT |
2 | Near end of flight in darkness (5) |
NIGHT : NIGH (near), {fligh}T [end of…] |
3 | Way of addressing a man in business I respect (3) |
SIR : Contained by [in] {busines}S I R{espect} |
4 | Budget speech lacking nothing (6) |
RATION : {o}RATION (speech) [lacking nothing – O] |
5 | Who may give injured camper aid? (9) |
PARAMEDIC : Anagram [injured] of CAMPER AID |
6 | Deserter, that woman? On the contrary (6) |
RATHER : RAT (deserter), HER (that woman) |
7 | Not yet resolved, working men endured it (12) |
UNDETERMINED : Anagram [working] of MEN ENDURED IT |
11 | Left large-sized book in case (9) |
PORTFOLIO : PORT (left), FOLIO (large-sized book) |
14 | Deal with leader of youth convention (6) |
TREATY : TREAT (deal with), Y{outh} [leader]. With a checker or two in place some may have biffed this from the first word of the clue, deal, which is actually part of the wordplay. |
16 | Show shield (6) |
SCREEN : Two meanings |
19 | Large antelope from eastern country (5) |
ELAND : E (eastern), LAND (country). A creature that’s always lurking somewhere in Crosswordland but I’m not sure we’ve seen a reference to its size before. |
21 | Voice disapproval when volume reduced (3) |
BOO : BOO{k} (volume) [reduced] |
Edited at 2021-04-26 06:54 am (UTC)
Thanks to Jack
Hoorah! Sub10! (9.34) nothing to halter the horses, lots of classic clueing e.g rat for traitor eland as mentioned. Just one Oscar reference? Thanks as always
Figured that NATALE might be a French loanword for a type of story, so thanks jack for clearing that one up.
COD DOWNLOADED with the “money downloaded service” providing clever misdirection before “lift and separate” helped me rethink the excellent clue.
Edited at 2021-04-26 08:53 am (UTC)
Definitely on the easier side and in keeping with a Monday expectation.
Thanks Tracy and Jack.
What a complex word Rather is. It has three basic meanings in my book: a sign of enthusiastic agreement (“Do you want to xxx?” “Rather!”), a qualifier meaning quite, fairly, somewhat, moderately etc, and a negative preference indicator (“I would rather do xxx”) which is I presume the meaning Tracy has in mind for 6D. So in turns, a sign of great agreement, a neutral and lukewarm indicator, and a sign of disagreement. One does sympathise with non-native speakers trying to learn the language!
A fair start to the week, and many thanks to Jack for the blog
The blog today shows QC 1860 by Tracy on my iPad whereas the QC online shows 1860 by Wurm (also the iPad version). I assume this is really Tracy, to whom thanks. Also thanks to jackkt. John M.
Edited at 2021-04-26 08:41 am (UTC)
I was convinced that 1d was ACTING METHOD (having got 8a and 17a, both T’s were in the correct places) and of course having then put it in the wrong way round it destroyed any chance of filling in the rest of the answers across from there, and I had to give in.
Otherwise it would have been a rare finish in reasonably decent time.
It was a lovely puzzle, thank you Wurm and Jack.
SCREEN was my LOI.
5:43 on the clock.
FOI METHOD ACTING, LOI SCREEN, COD FACE CREAM, time 07:01 for K+16 for an Excellent Day.
Many thanks Tracy and Jack.
Time to Complete: 97 minutes (Average: 76 mins / 1 in 5)
Clues Answered Correctly without aids: 21
Clues Answered with Aids (3 lives): 11d, 14d, 16d
Clues Unanswered: Nil
Wrong Answers: Nil
Total Correctly Answered (incl. aids): 24/24
Aids Used: Chambers
I started off well, getting most of the top half of the crossword completed, but the last half dozen or so slowed me down.
11a. PORTFOLIO – I used a life on this one and was so annoyed when I saw the answer. How can I, an ex-matelot, forget about LEFT = PORT! I kept trying to use L for left.
14d. TREATY – Try as I might this one would not come to me. Second life used.
16d. SCREEN – Ditto above
1a. MANUSCRIPT – My first one in and I got it just from the Manchester United (MANU) reference, which was a good job as the vault had me baffled.
19. ELAND – Took me a while, but then the word eland crawled from the back of my mind, having seen it in crosswords before.
FOI was MANUSCRIPT and LOI, after a pause, DOWNLOADED; I’ll make that COD.
Under 9 minutes.
Accessible, enjoyable QC.
CoD: All of them (It’s a PB, so how could they not be?)
N.B. Mrs Random is very pleased for me, and is happy for me to take the limelight today. She’s such a darling!
Many thanks to jackkt and to Tracy
Otherwise very fast.
Thanks all, esp Jack.
FOI – 12ac HOE
COD – liked 11dn PORTFOLIO and 22ac DOWNLOADED – both very smooth surfaces
Thanks to Tracy for an entertaining puzzle
A pity, as I started in roaring fashion in the NW corner, seeing 1dn “Method Acting” straight away. The rest steadily went in until that mid bottom section scuppered me. In addition, I must add Antelopes to Shakespeare names and flowers for things I should just learn.
FOI — 1dn “Method Acting”
LOI — dnf
COD — 11dn “Portfolio”
Thanks as usual!
Seems to have been sort of average difficulty for everyone else so not sure why I found it on the gentler side
Thought many of the surfaces were excellent. PARAMEDIC my CotD
Thanks all
Had a problem with an urge to spell durge but got there.
Thanks all
John George
Second time I’ve had ELAND in this quiz recently, so that was an easy one.
Thank you for the explanations!
TIME 3:44
Happy Mondays
FOI: hoe
LOI: screen
COD: on top form. I too am a native of Middlesex and as a cricket fan I liked the surface.
By the way, isn’t 5d a case of ‘& lit’? Quite tricky I thought as I was expecting it to mean just ‘Who may give’.
Thank you Jack and Tracy for a satisfying start to the week.
Blue Stocking
COD: MANUSCRIPT (made us laugh).
Thanks to Tracy and Jackkt.