Solving time: 7 minutes. This seems mostly straightforward with no obscure words and only a couple of slightly unfamiliar meanings.
As usual definitions are underlined in bold italics, {deletions and substitutions are in curly brackets} and [anagrinds, containment, reversal and other indicators in square ones]. I usually omit all reference to positional indicators unless there is a specific point that requires clarification.
Across |
1 | Some chap in a foreign garment (8) |
PINAFORE : Hidden in [some] {cha}P IN A FORE{ign} | |
5 | Plans to return this junk mail (4) |
SPAM : MAPS (plans) reversed [to return]. ‘This’ is required here or the clue might have been ambiguous. | |
8 | Subject those people memorise at last (5) |
THEME : THEM (those people), {memoris}E [at last] | |
9 | Be left wearing the lady’s kilt regularly (7) |
INHERIT : IN (wearing), HER (the lady), {k}I{l}T [regularly] | |
11 | Colour odd bits of house (3) |
HUE : H{o}U{s}E [odd bits] | |
12 | Reconfigure a nerd’s app — that’s rough! (9) |
SANDPAPER : Anagram [reconfigure] of A NERD’S APP | |
13 | Endure wet weather across East Midlands, initially (6) |
REMAIN : RAIN (wet weather) containing [across] E (east) + M{idlands} [initially] | |
15 | Strange story about European seafood delicacy (6) |
OYSTER : Anagram [strange] of STORY, containing [about] E (European) | |
18 | Nicotine misused outside hospital in a risky location (2,4,3) |
ON THIN ICE : Anagram [misused] of NICOTINE containing [outside] H (hospital) | |
19 | Add a little whisky, perhaps (3) |
TOT : Two meanings | |
20 | Integrity of perfect pen (7) |
HONESTY : HONE (perfect – pronounced perFECT), STY (pen). Trelawney in Oink’s territory here! | |
21 | Acquire unlimited wine with scoundrel (5) |
INCUR : {w}IN{e} [unlimited], CUR (scoundrel) | |
22 | River fish — pulled in with this? (4) |
REEL : R (river), EEL (fish) | |
23 | Lively tango a maiden is dancing (8) |
ANIMATED : Anagram [dancing] of T (tango – NATO alphabet) A MAIDEN |
Down | |
1 | Player throwing beer container? (7) |
PITCHER : Two definitions, one by example | |
2 | French city accepts English relative (5) |
NIECE : NICE (French city) contains [accepts] E (English) | |
3 | Non-conformists found at an open bar? (4,7) |
FREE SPIRITS : A definition and a cryptic suggestion | |
4 | Singer somehow sits on the throne (6) |
REIGNS : Anagram [somehow] of SINGER | |
6 | A dog, perhaps, under standard defensive structure (7) |
PARAPET : PAR (standard), A, PET (dog, perhaps) | |
7 | Car is secure outside front of terminal (5) |
MOTOR : MOOR (secure – a boat) containing [outside] T{erminal} [front] | |
10 | Compromise the result of a profitable seance? (5,6) |
HAPPY MEDIUM : A definition and a cryptic suggestion | |
14 | Friend outside trendy theatre, finally, for afternoon show (7) |
MATINEE : MATE (friend) containing [outside] IN (trendy) + {theatr}E [finally] | |
16 | Gave up work, extremely reclusive and exhausted (7) |
RETIRED : R{eclusiv}E [extremely], TIRED (exhausted) | |
17 | Left India next to an African (6) |
LIBYAN : L (left), I (India – NATO alphabet), BY (next to), AN | |
18 | Additional trouble doesn’t begin (5) |
OTHER : {b}OTHER (trouble) [doesn’t begin] | |
19 | Diplomacy around Iran’s leader is understood (5) |
TACIT : TACT (diplomacy) containing [around] I{ran} [leader] |
Unambiguous as the clue for SPAM was, I still put in MAPS and had to change it. Couldn’t figure out the wordplay for the life of me of INHERIT, even though I knew the ingredients, and eventually had to biff it with crossers. FREE SPIRITS must be a chestnut but I still chuckled!
This is the sort of puzzle nearly everyone will finish…..I hope.
Very straightforward vocabulary today, in fact I almost miss the odd obscurity, setters can’t win!
Never did see that hidden clue at 1a, PINAFORE. I tried mightily to make PANAMAN fit, which has “A man” inside, and could be another garment?
COD HAPPY MEDIUM. great clue.
FOI: spam (maps)
LOI: inherit
COD: happy medium and free spirits (both of them made us laugh)
Thanks for the blog Jackkt.
By the way, thanks to poison wyvern and johninterred for the advice to try the Jumbo over the weekend. I tried it and I liked it.
From an Englishman, slightly bruised over the weekend, to any Welsh solvers in here, mwynhewch eich diwrnod!
Edited at 2021-03-01 08:32 am (UTC)
FOI PINAFORE (“so give three cheers and one cheer more …”), LOI ON THIN ICE, COD HAPPY MEDIUM which gave me a real chuckle, time 1.3K for a Very Good day.
Many thanks Trelawney and Jack.
Especially sneaky to link tango and dance!
Especially sneaky to link tango and dance!
Have a good week everyone. Thanks Trelawney and Jack
Thanks to Jack
Good start to the week. Thanks , Jack. COD INHERIT
Time to Complete: 1hr 18mins.
Clues Answered Correctly without aids: 26.
Clues Answered with Aids (3 lives): Nil
Clues Unanswered: Nil
Wrong Answers: Nil
Total Correctly Answered (incl. aids): 26/26
Aids Used: Nil
A great start to the week and indeed the month, with a completion. My seventh.
This was one of those puzzles in which I read some clues that I was not able to answer quickly, but I knew I could answer them. Sometimes I read a clue and I just know I won’t get it, as I am sure it would be a word I am not familiar with. As the grid started to fill up, my confidence increased.
I am now starting to find words and clues that seem to be “regulars” in cryptic crosswords. Answers such as “PINAFORE”, and clues relating to pets (“a dog perhaps?”)
5a. SPAM – At first, I was not sure whether to put MAPS or SPAM. The definition could have been plans or junk mail. But I put SPAM as I felt that spam meaning junk mail made more sense than maps meaning plans. Fortunately, my initial impression of the answer was correct.
22a. REEL – I saw this answer in my head early on. At first, I thought it was the name of a freshwater fish, that had the same name as something used to pull the fish in, i.e., a reel. But I could not think of any fish called a reel. Then the cryptic unravelled itself in my Monday morning, post-5am run mind. River = R, Fish = EEL. Put them together and you get REEL, something used to pull the fish in.
10d. HAPPY MEDIUM – Perhaps my favourite clue in this puzzle. It took a fair while to answer it, and I was unable to do so until I have a number of cross letters filled in.
My first QC by Trelawney.
Today’s puzzle was quite easy to solve, but clued to a very decent standard — thanks Trelawney.
TIME 2:58
Only other real hold-ups were 23A Animated (did anyone else look for an anagram of “maiden is” that meant a tango dance first?) and 10D Happy medium. This was my LOI (I needed the M checker from 23A) and having got it, COD: my problem was that I initially assumed the other meaning of compromise, ie the verb to compromise, as in to put something at risk or cause something harm or damage, and it was only once I had realised it was the noun and meant agreed middle course that the answer became clear.
Many thanks to Jack for the blog
Edited at 2021-03-01 02:01 pm (UTC)
FOI LIBYAN. A nice puzzle. COD to ON THIN ICE.
FOI Pinafore, LOI Pitcher (because I forgot to go back to it). COD Happy Medium closely followed by Free Spirits.
Many thank, Jack and Trelawney.
Don’t give up
As I frequently comment, I don’t consider it cheating, unless you’re attempting a bit of friendly competition with those amazingly skilful players who stun me with their speed.
I was a bit unsure about the role of ‘this’ at first, but then I reasoned that apart from being ambiguous the clue would work without it, so it must be serving some purpose. And since ‘this’ is often used as a placeholder for answers, it seemed reasonable to assume it was pointing to which side of the clue needed entering.
I couldn’t see what else 1ac could be apart from “Pinafore”, but it took me an age to see the hidden clue. Similarly, it still amazes me how a 6 letter anagram (4dn “Reigns”) can cause so many problems. After trying to insert “Mini” and “Metro” into 7dn, thinking 1dn could be “Bottler” and struggling with the longer clues of 3dn “Free Spirits” and “Happy Medium”, I eventually crossed the line.
FOI – 5ac “Spam”
LOI – 21ac “Incur”
COD – 20ac “Honesty”
Thanks as usual
I just missed the ‘some’ in 1A as being an indicator for ‘hidden in’ and so got lost here thinking I needed ‘some’ of the word ‘chap’…
Many thanks for this start to the week.
Thanks Jack for the explanations and Trelawney for a smooth start to the week.
This is a big week for me, because when I started attempting these puzzles last June I set myself the challenge of correctly solving (without aids) more than 50% of them within my 1-hour target by the time I’d reached 100 puzzles. Unfortunately, I failed to achieve that aim, so I reset my goal to solving >50% (in <1 hour) of my first 200 QCs. My 200th QC comes up on Friday and my current score versus the setters now stands at 99-97. Just two more successes from the remaining four this week will suit, but nothing’s guaranteed in my solving capability.
It’s not so touch and go for Mrs Random – she romped home today in 22 minutes with only INHERIT causing her any real delay.
Many thanks to Trelawney and to jackkt for the blog.
Quite a few ticks and smiles next to the clues as I worked through this in a reasonably ordered manner. Definitely a PDM when I worked out HONESTY – very clever. I liked the clue for 13a, even though it’s more grey than wet here today – very disappointing after the weekend.
FOI Pinafore
LOI Incur – I initially put Recur in, even though it didn’t really make sense (Red without the D, I forgot about taking both front and back letters off) POI Happy medium put me right there
COD Free spirits, although Happy medium came a close second
Many thanks Trelawney for a very nice start to the week, and Jack for the blog
LOI – 5ac SPAM
Enjoyed the crossword today, late though it is. No real difficulties, with everything done and dusted in 14 minutes — although I couldn’t parse HONESTY, so thanks, jackkt!
HUE appears twice today (as does, fittingly, the Welsh man, DAI).
Thanks, jackkt and diolch yn fawr, trelawney.
Gentle one course puzzle