Solving time: 10 minutes. Mostly straightforward although I was missing the GK required for arriving at 16ac other than via wordplay. 18dn is probably unknown to some, but I had met it in a previous puzzle.
As usual definitions are underlined in bold italics, {deletions and substitutions are in curly brackets} and [anagrinds, containment, reversal and other indicators in square ones]. I usually omit all reference to positional indicators unless there is a specific point that requires clarification.
Across | |
1 | Female cut turkey (4) |
FLOP : F (female), LOP (cut). An unsuccessful film or stage show, for example. | |
7 | Getting Old Boy practice after resistance dropped (9) |
OBTAINING : OB (old boy – usually of a school), T{r}RAINING (practice) [after resistance dropped] | |
9 | In favour of quiet support (4) |
PROP : PRO (in favour of), P (quiet) | |
10 | Guarantee less than accurate reportedly (10) |
UNDERWRITE : UNDER (less than), WRITE sounds like [reportedly] “right” (accurate) | |
11 | Friend hiding European ring (4) |
PEAL : PAL (friend) containing [hiding] E (European). Ring them bells! | |
12 | Opening remark in ship on Arctic? (3-7) |
ICE-BREAKER : Two meanings | |
16 | Education expert, most senior, flexible (10) |
MONTESSORI : Anagram [flexible] of MOST SENIOR. Maria Montessori 1870–1952, Italian educational reformer, who evolved the Montessori method of teaching children. Never ‘eard of ‘er… nor it. | |
19 | Ambush — hazard of course (4) |
TRAP : Two meanings, the second an Americanism with reference to golf; we call it a bunker. | |
21 | Rearrange a space as in inland lake (7,3) |
CASPIAN SEA : Anagram [rearrange] of A SPACE AS IN | |
23 | Feature of car used in hasty retreat (4) |
TYRE : Hidden [used] in {has}TY RE{treat} | |
24 | Fancy horse, Peru, one to bet on in crisis? (9) |
SUPERHERO : Anagram [fancy] of HORSE PERU. Rather a loose definition, I think. | |
25 | At first really envious, eying fine part of sail (4) |
REEF : R{eally}, E{nvious}, E{ying}, F{ine} [at first]. Defined as ‘each of the horizontal portions of a sail which may be successively rolled or folded up in order to reduce the area of canvas exposed to the wind’. I only knew of it as a sailor’s knot. |
Down | |
2 | Big canal boat bachelor put aside for learner (5) |
LARGE : {b}ARGE (canal boat) becomes LARGE when b (bachelor) is substituted [put aside] by L (learner) | |
3 | Politician‘s Dad you heard on series of items (8) |
POPULIST : POP (dad), U (you, heard), LIST (series of items). A DBE perhaps? | |
4 | Unexciting food, for example, Dorothy’s briefly brought up (6) |
STODGE : EG (for example) + DOT’S (Dorothy’s) [briefly] all reversed [brought up]. I’m rather fond of it myself! | |
5 | Truly reflect Michigan trio of Republicans holding office at outset (6) |
MIRROR : MI (Michigan), then RRR (trio of Republicans) containing [holding] O{ffice} [at outset] | |
6 | Method of travel on rise? Don’t believe him! (4) |
LIAR : RAIL (method of travel) reversed [on rise] | |
8 | Some yoga — the recruits assemble (6) |
GATHER : Hidden in [some] {yo}GA THE R{ecruits} | |
13 | Vehicle characterized by activity, last to go (3) |
BUS : BUS{y} (characterized by activity) [last to go] | |
14 | Troublemaker‘s air got at cast (8) |
AGITATOR : Anagram [cast] of AIR GOT AT | |
15 | Big number, including other ranks, in swampy area (6) |
MORASS : MASS (big number) containing [including] OR (other ranks) | |
17 | Bright in South — linger on (6) |
STARRY : S (south), TARRY (linger on) | |
18 | Taciturn guy‘s unexpected story about East (6) |
OYSTER : Anagram [unexpected] of STORY containing [about] E (East). Someone who’s reserved and uncommunicative. | |
20 | Concur — a craving must be curtailed (5) |
AGREE : A, GREE{d} (craving) [curtailed] | |
22 | Paid poet on regular basis for musical instrument (4) |
PIPE : P{a}I{d} P{o}E{t} [on regular basis] |
Edited at 2020-09-14 11:17 am (UTC)
Edited at 2020-09-14 05:54 am (UTC)
Knew MONTESSORI and had a vague recollection of the required definition of OYSTER.
First in PROP and last FLOP after I had corrected 2d.
Just under 20 minutes for an enjoyable solve.
After some anagram-rich puzzles recently, this had a wider variety of clues, and no “chestnuts”. Seemed to be mainly “constructor” types, rather than Double Definitions. OYSTER was a definition I DNK.
There was an article about Montessori nurseries in the paper today, which I had read an hour earlier, so that made a tough anagram much easier. COD 3d, POPULIST, which seems to be all politicians at the moment.
The 15×15 is often easier on Mondays: Before I sink a couple of hours into it, how do the QC squad rate it?
Edited at 2020-09-14 07:42 am (UTC)
Edited at 2020-09-14 08:33 am (UTC)
FOI FLOP, LOI MORASS, COD OYSTER, time 1.5K for a Very Good Day. (Then I tried Phil’s weekend puzzle – ouch!)
Thanks Hurley and Jack.
Thanks to Jack
No real hold ups, although 3dn “Populist” wasn’t immediately obvious and DNK 18dn “Oyster” in relation to a taciturn individual. For some unknown reason, I didn’t spot the obvious “Tyre” in 23ac even though I looked for the hidden word (albeit backwards).
FOI – 2dn “Large”
LOI – 23ac “Tyre”
COD – 5dn “Mirror” – nice clue and surface
Thanks as usual.
An enjoyable and fair puzzle. David
FOI Prop and Icebreaker
LOI Oyster after a struggle
Thanks all.
TIME 3:24
The Times is not just a crossword, there is actually a newspaper attached….
Edited at 2020-09-14 06:23 pm (UTC)
FOI: flop
LOI: oyster
COD: ice breaker
Thanks to Jackkt for the blog.
COD goes to UNDERWRITE which made me smile.
Thanks to Hurley and to Jackkt for the great blog.
FOI – 9ac PROP
A general thought: I wonder if the powers that be might consider dividing this website into sub-sections, one for each of the various types of puzzle. Not so much of an issue on weekdays, but on Saturday when I was trying to find Phil’s latest puzzle (another real gem incidentally), there were rather a lot of blogs to wade through before i found the Friday QC one with the required link. Just a thought.
Many thanks to Jack for today’s blog.
Ended up with a respectable 15 minutes but just couldn’t see Superhero for many minutes.
Not heard of this meaning for Morass.
Montessori no problem. Oyster meaning also new to me, but anagram meant that was all it could be…
Wasn’t totally sure of Populist = Politician either!! Or reef as part of a learning experience too.
Definitely a Monday feeling with a little sting for me.
Ice-breaker COD
Thanks all,
John George