Solving time: 7 minutes. Solvers who enjoy anagrams will have a field day with this puzzle as it contains 8 pure anagrams and 2 partials! There’s a convention that the 15×15 puzzle should have no more than 5 pure anagrams, so perhaps a QC with a 13×13 grid should have fewer, but this is well in excess of that.
As usual definitions are underlined in bold italics, {deletions and substitutions are in curly brackets} and [anagrinds, containment, reversal and other indicators in square ones]. I usually omit all reference to positional indicators unless there is a specific point that requires clarification.
Across | |
1 | Someone who tests old flame, a collier (8) |
EXAMINER : EX (old flame), A, MINER (collier) | |
5 | Work found in bookshop, usually (4) |
OPUS : Hidden [found in] {booksh}OP US{ually} | |
9 | First note something reinvigorating (5) |
TONIC : Two meanings. The first note of a musical scale is called the tonic. | |
10 | Enlarge woven blanket (7) |
GENERAL : Anagram [woven] of ENLARGE. ‘General’ as opposed to ‘individual’, like we have ‘blanket coverage’ of an event across all media. | |
11 | Nothing new in literature, originally (3) |
NIL : N{ew} I{n} L{iterature} [originally] | |
12 | One way heart’s not breaking (5-4) |
NORTH-EAST : Anagram [breaking] of HEART’S NOT | |
13 | Unconscious energy in lapse, unfortunately (6) |
ASLEEP : E (energy} contained by [in] anagram [unfortunately] of LAPSE | |
15 | Alien after map for Mars, say? (6) |
PLANET : PLAN (map), ET (alien). The definition by example (DBE) is signalled clearly by use of both ‘say’ and a question mark. | |
17 | Introduce nutty dip (9) |
REDUCTION : Anagram [nutty] of INTRODUCE | |
19 | By the sound of it, drops of water on grass expected (3) |
DUE : Homophone [by the sound of it] of “dew” (drops of water on grass) | |
20 | Remove dirt and make a fortune? (5,2) |
CLEAN UP : Two meanings, one literal, one figurative | |
21 | Proper ceremony announced (5) |
RIGHT : Sounds like [announced] “rite” (ceremony) | |
22 | Bloom sprang up (4) |
ROSE : Two meanings | |
23 | Stretch one leg, at random (8) |
ELONGATE : Anagram [random] of ONE LEG AT |
Down | |
1 | Turn sea into land (7) |
ESTONIA : Anagram [turn] of SEA INTO | |
2 | Second article removed from book, declare invalid (5) |
ANNUL : ANNU{a}L (book) [second indefinite article removed] | |
3 | Old Peruvian ancestry shining brightly (12) |
INCANDESCENT : INCAN DESCENT (old Peruvian ancestry) | |
4 | Keen, agree to dance (5) |
EAGER : Anagram [to dance] of AGREE | |
6 | Concern where painter’s daubed (7) |
PERTAIN : Anagram [daubed] of PAINTER | |
7 | Divorce somewhere in Croatia (5) |
SPLIT : Two meanings, the second being the country’s largest coastal city | |
8 | Where distance takes its toll, ultimately (2,3,4,3) |
IN THE LONG RUN : Two meanings, the first vaguely cryptic | |
14 | Loser initially on snakes ― these better? (7) |
LADDERS : L(oser} [initially], ADDERS (snakes). A reflexive definition with reference to the board game Snakes and Ladders in which landing on the head of a snake is bad news, and arriving at the foot of a ladder brings a bonus. | |
16 | Support letters being rewritten (7) |
TRESTLE : Anagram [rewritten] of LETTERS | |
17 | Runner, one between two runs (5) |
RACER : ACE (one) contained by [between] R and R (two runs) | |
18 | Force politician into fabrication of lie (5) |
IMPEL : MP (politician) contained by [into] anagram [fabrication] of LIE | |
19 | Firm belief in man’s best friend, mother (5) |
DOGMA : DOG (man’s best friend), MA (mother) |
My stumble with not remembering that incandescent has an N in the middle cost me, as the two long ones are the key to cracking the puzzle, with all those nice crossing letters.
Edited at 2020-06-22 07:48 pm (UTC)
A great start to my week so thanks Mara.
Edited at 2020-06-22 05:26 am (UTC)
Edited at 2020-06-22 05:47 am (UTC)
Cod reduction.
Thanks to jackkt
FOI: examiner
LOI: pertain
COD: ladders
FOI was OPUS. LOI ESTONIA. I often leave the anagrams until I have checkers but as Jackkt mentions there were so many you had to take them on.
A nice puzzle. I wasn’t able to parse everything as I went so thanks for the explanations. David
Some nice, straightforward short ones – OPUS, NIL, DUE and ROSE – helped me to finish in exactly 13 minutes.
COD goes to LADDERS as this brought back many happy memories.
Thanks to Mara and to Jackkt.
FOI 5ac Opus
LOI 17ac Reduction
COD Quite a few to chose from but 7dn Split made me smile.
Thanks to setter and blogger.
TIME 0.88K
Nothing really too troubling or controversial, although for the past few weeks I seem to struggle with starting in the NW corner.
FOI – 5ac “Opus”
LOI – 17ac “Reduction”
COD – 3dn “Incandescent”
Thanks as usual.
FOI: examiner
LOI: pertain
COD: incandescent (and we liked ladders too)
Thanks to Jack for the blog
I’m EAGER to ELONGATE this OPUS but I expect my readership is SPLIT, with half already ASLEEP. (And I can’t see a way to get ESTONIA into it anyway!)
Thanks are DUE to our EXAMINER Mara and to Jack for the blog.
Good fun, but as others have commented, a surprising number of anagrams. I thought that Mara was being particularly generous today, but a glance at the word count of each clue shows that he is still setting very tight clues with super surfaces (apart from 19d, which I agree was a bit weak).
FOI Opus
LOI Asleep
COD Clean up, with Planet a close second
Time 6:50
I’ve just bottled up some homemade limoncello – when is too early to sample?
Have just had first sip 🍋🍋😋
Edited at 2020-06-22 07:46 pm (UTC)
Thanks to Mara for a gentle start to the week and to Jack for the blog
Pertain gave me cause to pause and think..generally a brilliant Monday crossword that was right up my street.
Thanks Mara for the gentle one.
Thanks all
John George
Thanks for breaking down all the answers, helps massively when learning.
FOI: 1A Examiner
LOI: 22A Rose
Thanks for a great blog and a lovely puzzle!