After a slow start at the top of the grid, I found the rest yeilded more easily so finished in an average time. I’ve never heard of the type of drama at 2dn but with all the letters could make a reasonable guess, and my LOI was 3dn (should have looked at the setter’s name!). COD to 9dn – bravo.
Definitions underlined.
Across | |
1 | Confirm you might find cricket lover here? (6) |
ATTEST – a cricket lover might be ‘AT {a} TEST {match}’. | |
4 | Visit prison reported to be pretty (6) |
SCENIC – sounds like (reported) “see nick” (visit prison). | |
8 | Supplies cut short by supporter for time being (13) |
PROVISIONALLY – PROVISIONs (supplies) without the last letter (cut short) then ALLY (supporter). | |
10 | Fatuous characters in Twain anecdote (5) |
INANE – hidden in (characters in) twaIN ANEcdote. | |
11 | Stuff your face and get too hot in Bow? (7) |
OVEREAT – ‘overheat’ (get too hot) said with an East London accent (in Bow), so dropping the ‘h’. | |
13 | Escape from party with top-class athlete (2,1,6) |
DO A RUNNER – DO (party), A (top-class), and RUNNER (athlete). | |
17 | Band in blissful state (7) |
NIRVANA – double definition. | |
18 | Subject those people start to enjoy (5) |
THEME – THEM (those people) and the first letter of (start to) Enjoy. | |
19 | Fair-minded democrat beaten up in side street (13) |
DISINTERESTED – D (democrat) then an anagram of (beaten up) IN SIDE STREET. | |
21 | Half-cut priest dined in grounds (6) |
ESTATE – half of the letters from (half-cut) priEST, then ATE (dined). | |
22 | Solicitor in bed, drinking whiskey (6) |
LAWYER – LAYER (bed) contining (drinking) W (whiskey, phonetic alphabet). ‘Layer’ here refers to a course, bed or stratum. |
Down | |
1 | One who helps a posh couple? (2,4) |
AU PAIR – A, U (upper class, posh), and PAIR (couple). | |
2 | Doctor Who ranted, making a sort of drama (3-6) |
TWO-HANDER – anagram of (doctor) WHO RANTED. A play, film, or television program with only two main characters. | |
3 | Scoundrel found in southern port? (5) |
SWINE – S (southern) and WINE (port). | |
5 | Tory heading European research centre? It’s a worry (7) |
CONCERN – CON (Tory) on top of (heading) CERN (European research centre). | |
6 | Row endlessly about nothing (3) |
NIL – LINe (row) missing the final letter (endlessly) and reversed (about). | |
7 | Ostler occasionally attending shy creature (6) |
COYOTE – every other letter from (occasionally) OsTlEr next to (attending) COY (shy). | |
9 | To guard against infection I clean out potty (9) |
INOCULATE – anagram of (potty) I CLEAN OUT. | |
12 | Seriously, it’s too soon to hold retreat (9) |
EARNESTLY – EARLY (too soon) containing (to hold) NEST (retreat). | |
14 | Opposed to a holy man pocketing reward (7) |
AGAINST – A ST (saint, holy man) containing (pocketing) GAIN (reward). | |
15 | Propositioned general, a little uneasy (2,4) |
ON EDGE – hidden in (a little) propositiONED GEneral. | |
16 | Romantic proposal (6) |
TENDER – double definition. | |
18 | Article gets thank you letter (5) |
THETA – THE (article) and TA (thanks). | |
20 | Drunkard finding nothing in street (3) |
SOT – O (nothing) inside (in) ST (street). |
Thank you Oink.
Edited at 2020-06-03 06:16 am (UTC)
Several contenders for COD, overeat, scenic, and inoculate.
FOI AU-PAIR, LOI TENDER (I hate being left with no first letter on the LOI), COD SWINE because it completely did me, despite being the trademark!
Thanks Oink and William.
Edited at 2020-06-03 08:36 am (UTC)
As well as Kevin being AWOL, I don’t think I’ve seen Horryd for a few days. I hope they are both well. Whoops! I see that they each commented on yesterday’s 15 x 15.
Edited at 2020-06-03 09:05 am (UTC)
Like Templar, I threw in “scamp” at 3D. I compounded the error by assuming that 8A began with “prop”. INANE sorted out the initial error, but I only discarded the prop much later.
I only watched the old movie “Spring and Port Wine” a couple of weeks ago, but it didn’t cure me of not thinking of port as a wine – which it obviously is.
LOI SWINE (that pig was well hidden !)
TIME 6:28
Edited at 2020-06-03 10:45 am (UTC)
I also hadn’t heard of 2dn “Two Hander” and it took most of the checkers before I could discount the first word as “The”.
FOI – 1ac “Attest”
LOI – 7dn “Coyote”
COD – 19ac “Disinterested” – nicely defined
Thanks as usual.
LOI: TENDER (wasn’t convinced even with all the checkers, was relieved to see I hadn’t slipped up)
COD: SWINE (Oink cements himself as my favourite setter so far)
Thanks again to everyone on the blog, you’ve brought me many lockdown smiles – Brownee
Edited at 2020-06-03 12:23 pm (UTC)
Well done, indeed! I’d say Oink is my favourite setter, too.
Thanks to william
A bit like this puzzle from Oink. A medium level puzzle for me, taking 7:43, with the porcine SWINE being my LOI, with the slight mental leap to get “port” to mean “wine”.
I had never heard of the band Nirvana. Had a wandering life so some pop culture passed me by!
But guessed the clue easily enough.
Must remember that supporter can indicate ‘ally’ as well as ‘bra’. Such a lot to learn.
Liked Scenic.
Thanks all round, as ever.
This probably won’t be your cup of tea but whatever your likings you should do this once….even if you then say, no. Actually I think it’s all I know of their material!
Thanks for advice though!
FOI: au pair
LOI: tender
COD: do a runner
It took a while to get started and progress was slow and steady, but I got there in the end. No problem with TWO-HANDER or SWINE, but biffing SCOTCH at 22a gave me a bit of a headache. Overall, though, it was a good and entertaining challenge, as usual.
FOI Concern
LOI Tender
COD Inoculate, although Scenic came a close second
Time 14:30
WOD Disinterested (I get fed up when people say they’re uninterested when they mean disinterested, and vice versa!)
Thanks Oink and William
LOI: tender – which took me a bit of time, even though it should be a chestnut.
FOI: au pair
COD: attest
I like your dog, by the way.
Like some others, I queried TWO-HANDER and I also spent a long time trying to parse ON EDGE.
I biffed COYOTE, NIL and EARNESTLY so thanks to William for putting me out of my misery!
Thanks also to Oink who kept me occupied for just over 15 minutes.
Edited at 2020-06-03 05:14 pm (UTC)
Not heard of the band Nirvana in 17A, and the meaning of bed = layer in 22A also eluded me. Could guess but not parse 11A Overeat. But i did get 3D Swine fairly quickly, as I was scanning the grid for a porcine reference!
So a very good workout. Thanks to Oink and William for a good blog that filled in my parsing gaps.
Not much more to add to all of the other excellent comments. Actually I must look up disinterested – wasn’t familiar with that meaning fair-minded and vice-versa.
Thanks all
John George
thanks Oink and blogger