This was all going well and would have finished inside 10 minutes had it not been for 8dn. I took an extra minute or so to realise what was happening and then, as ever, it all seemed so simple. COD to 22ac for affording a gentle stroll along an avenue of etymology.
1. Green, not unusual (6)
COMMON – double definition.
4. Patriotic tune the man composed (6)
ANTHEM – anagram (composed) of THE MAN.
9. Covered entrance I start to construct in Iberian city (7)
PORTICO – I (I) and (C)onstruct inside Iberian city (PORTO).
10. European city, wind consuming one (5)
TURIN – wind (TURN) consuming one (I).
11. Plant in rather isolated situation, initially (4)
IRIS – (I)n (R)ather (I)solated (S)ituation.
12. Fashionable attitude, for example (8)
INSTANCE – fashionable (IN), attitude (STANCE).
14. Funny bone providing gentle stimulation (3-8)
RIB-TICKLING – bone (RIB), providing gentle stimulation (TICKLING).
18. Reference a couple of pages, then conclude with nine (8)
APPENDIX – a (A), couple of pages (PP), conclude (END), nine (IX).
20. Feeling of irritation in suit, chafing (4)
ITCH – in su(IT CH)afing.
22. Animal taking a promenade back (5)
LLAMA – well, it had to be llama – and it was! A (A), promenade (MALL) backwards. On looking up I realise I’d never known this meaning of mall and thus not realised the origins of the American shopping mall. Mall – a shaded avenue especially one open to the public. Hence ‘The Mall’ in London but not Pall Mall which was named after a ball game played there during the 17th century presumably with mall-ets – mall in US being another word for mallet.
23. Strangely, nude art not valued (7)
UNRATED – anagram (strangely) of NUDE ART.
24. In net, dry rocks (6)
TRENDY – anagram (rocks) of NET DRY.
25. Diggers loading ship with stuff heading for Estonia (6)
SPADES – inside (loading) ship (SS) is stuff (PAD) and (E)stonia.
1. Originally charging ahead, draw game (3,3)
CUP TIE – (C)harging, ahead (UP), draw (TIE).
2. Drink in vermouth sheepish male served up (7)
MARTINI – in (IN), vermouth (IT – a common crossword term – think gin and it where ‘it’ stands for ITalian vermouth), sheepish male (RAM) all served upwards.
3. God having some good intentions (4)
ODIN – some go(OD IN)tentions. Odin is associated with, well, pretty much everything – wisdom, healing, death, royalty, the gallows, knowledge, war, battle, victory, sorcery, poetry, frenzy, and the runic alphabet, and is the husband of the goddess Frigg.
5. You’re welcome, never! (3,2,3)
NOT AT ALL – double definition.
6. Ben riding chariot over great lake (5)
HURON – Ben-(HUR) the 1959 film, over (ON).
7. Day important for primate (6)
MONKEY – day (MONday), important (KEY).
8. Couple I snubbed, one of fifty in the US (11)
CONNECTICUT – couple (connect), I (I), snubbed (CUT). I think my problems came from not believing that ‘one of 50’ in the US would be a particular state – well, not for a long time.
13. Normal position on a road (8)
STANDARD – position (STAND) a (A), road (RD).
15. Introducing gallery, sign marked (7)
NOTATED – inserting (introducing) gallery (TATE) into sign (NOD).
16. Speculation about everyone dancing (6)
BALLET – speculation (BET) about everyone (ALL).
17. Island ways verbalised (6)
RHODES – homophone (verbalised) of roads.
19. Reportedly unattractive flier (5)
PLANE – homophone of plain.
21. Catch constituent up (4)
TRAP – constituent (PART) upwards.
But no problems for me. By the time I got to 8d I had most of the checkers so CONNECTICUT went straight in without bothering to parse it.
My time was just over 11 minutes, as ‘standard’, ‘Rhodes’, and ‘rib-tickling’ did not immediately come to mind.
Edited at 2019-12-03 05:34 am (UTC)
Thanks Mara and Chris
Edited at 2019-12-03 09:22 am (UTC)
FOI was COMMON (with the typing error).Another vote for SPADES as COD.Thought BALLET very good as well.
Pub Quiz:
WOD 4ac ANTHEM – which National Anthem has no words?
8 minutes
Edited at 2019-12-03 09:53 am (UTC)
Thanks for the blog
Everything from Mara seemed fair and some nice wordplay seen in 18ac APPENDIX, 25ac SPADES and 8dn CONNECTICUT which incidentally went in straightaway – I was just racking my mind for a ‘long’ US state and parsed the clue afterwards.
A couple of hold ups, however; NHO ‘rocks’ as an anagrind in 24ac TRENDY, and although I knew of 6dn HURON as a great lake, I DNK ‘Ben Hur’ which provided a few minutes of head scratching!
WOD 9ac PORTICO – this took me back to my school days as The Portico Steps was where our photos would be taken – I never even realised it meant ‘covered entrance’…
Edited at 2019-12-03 11:04 am (UTC)
Edited at 2019-12-03 08:51 pm (UTC)
FOI was 3dn “Odin”, LOI was 1ac “Common”.
I also struggled with 2dn “Martini” (thinking the clueing was a bit odd) and for a while thought Ben-Hur was called Ben-Her (no idea why I thought it was Lake Heron).
Without any other letters I nearly biffed Mississippi for 8dn until I realised it didn’t make sense.
COD = 19ac “Appendix”
Thanks to the setter and blog.
Cod ballet.
2d didn’t bother me – Martini vermouth is one thing, a Martini cocktail is another, although I suppose you’d be a bit peeved if you ordered one and got the other! I think Gin and It is made with a sweet Italian vermouth – no particular brand is specified.
FOI Anthem
LOI Connecticut
COD Trendy
Thanks Mara and Chris