This QC was so well devised that it led me the wrong way around most of the clues. I gave up on any thought of timings and settled down to work through and enjoy the cleverness of the clues. I struggled most trying to finish in the NE but made it in the end.
For Jackkt (and anyone else) who has mentioned problems with reading the font, I would point out that the word in 3dn is BURN (not bum).
4. Eccentric drunken widower giving out whiskey (6)
WEIRDO – anagram (drunken) of wIDOWER – without whiskey (W).
7. Sell death-trap missing odd parts for prolonged quarrel (8)
VENDETTA – sell (VEND), d(E)a(T)h (T)r(A)p.
8. What tea does at home — fine with us English (6)
INFUSE – at home (IN), fine (F) with us (US), English (E).
9. Current desperate before court is not going straight (8)
INDIRECT – current (IN – vogue), desperate (DIRE – bad), court (CT).
10. Notice small storage container (4)
SPOT – small (S), storage container (POT).
12. Chest bone found in tumulus near the end (8)
MORIBUND – chest bone (RIB) found in tumulus (MOUND).
15. Star rode about in open-top car (8)
ROADSTER – anagram (about) of STAR RODE.
18. Chairmen regularly feel concern (4)
CARE – (C)h(A)i(R)m(E)n.
20. Discovering strange and flashy jewellery (8)
RUMBLING (finding out about) – strange (RUM), flashy jewellery (BLING).
22. Cast embracing chap showing compassion (6)
HUMANE – cast (HUE/shade/colour) around chap (MAN).
23. Dislike a particular edition (8)
AVERSION – a (A), particular edition (VERSION).
24. A key opening for period before Christmas (6)
ADVENT – a (A), key (D – music), opening (VENT).
1. Be inclined to be skinny (4)
LEAN – double definition.
LEAN – double definition.
2. Hooked cadet did badly (8)
ADDICTED – anagram (badly) of CADET DID.
3. Burn saint concerning a mass (6)
STREAM (this meaning of burn took me ages) – Saint (ST), concerning (RE), a (A), mass (M – as in mass in physics not in a church). COD for doubly confusing me.
4. One serving island in the sea, perhaps (6)
WAITER – island (I) in sea, perhaps/for example (WATER).
5. Intelligence of kinfolk? (4)
INFO – of as in belonging to as in inside the word k(INFO)lk. expertly hidden in plain sight.
6. Creator of grid seen to be twisted (8)
DESIGNER – anagram (to be twisted) of GRID SEEN. I spent a long time trying to fit In an anagram of ‘seen to be’.
11. Advance for the UK’s currency (8)
PROPOUND – for (PRO), UK’s currency (POUND).
13. United previously eliminating clubs (3)
ONE – previously (ON)c(E) – omitting clubs (C).
14. Support flogging for a violent reaction (8)
BACKLASH – support (BACK), flogging (LASH – not sure these are really synonymous but by now I’m enjoying the clues too much to quibble).
16. Hard coming in to deal with possibility of trouble (6)
THREAT – hard (H) coming in to deal with (TREAT – eg patient).
17. Sheep, black is a bit of a fast fighter? (6)
RAMJET – sheep (RAM), black (JET). Well, I suppose I’ve heard of ‘ramjet’ and I’m sure it’s in all the sources but it didn’t leap out at me.
19. Become weaker and pale with little energy (4)
WANE – pale (WAN), little energy (E).
21. Corner quite the opposite of satisfactory (4)
NOOK – the opposite of satisfactory=NO OK. a final devious twist to finish us off – thanks Joker.
Got stuck on loi wane which required an alphabet trawl.
My only parsing pauses were cast for hue in 22a and 21d which looked like notok.
Dnk ramjet.
Liked infuse, rumbling, stream, and propound.
Cod moribund.
Edited at 2019-10-22 07:30 am (UTC)
Time was 20:12,invokes memories of that great year in London.
FOI WEIRDO, LOI (that I got) and also COD MORIBUND.
Thanks Joker and Chris.
Edited at 2019-10-22 08:29 am (UTC)
Chris, whilst you have explained how 1d works, you have omitted the answer in your otherwise excellent blog.
Edited at 2019-10-22 01:02 pm (UTC)
I before E except after…er….W ?
A lot of the time could’ve been squeezed out of that if I hadn’t stared at RAM_E_ for ages. Thought the sheep was definitely ram, but was expecting a B next for black. Eventually I remembered jet being used for black sometimes and tentatively entered what turned out to be the right answer!
They are used in missiles where the initial thrust is provided by a rocket.
Also they are not very efficient, jet fighters use turbo fan engines.
Ah well, not my day but good to have finished.
So I whipped through the puzzle at a good pace, unlike yesterday’s where I had all sorts of difficulties. Time 9:45.
It’s a toss-up for COD today – there were several great surfaces. 15a Roadster brought back very happy memories of bombing around in my MGB Roadster (chrome bumpers, none of that rubber nonsense!). I liked Designer a lot too, but I have to go with Rumbling, because it made me smile.
FOI Vendetta
LOI Well, Ramjet with aids
Memory of the Day Roadster
Used to have a toy transformer called RAMJET, no problems there
To cap it all off I was certain that I changed my initial biff of FADE to WANE at 19d only to see a couple of pink squares appear post submission. So a DNF in just over 18 minutes.
Thanks for the blog