I’ve no solving time to offer for this one as I was distracted and forgot to note how long I was away from it. There were a couple of answers unknown to me and an unknown meaning required for parsing, but much of this was straightforward enough. I thought we were in for a pangram but we are missing V and J.
As usual definitions are underlined in bold italics, {deletions and substitutions are in curly brackets} and [anagrinds, containment, reversal and other indicators in square ones]
Across | |
1 | Seeks sustenance over a long time (7) |
FORAGES : FOR AGES (over a long time) | |
5 | A person barely to be seen on such a beach? (6) |
NUDIST : Cryptic definition | |
8 | Worker on drug getting advantage (5,4) |
UPPER HAND : UPPER (drug), HAND (worker) | |
9 | Money is spurned by saint (5) |
FRANC : FRANC{is} (saint) [‘is’ spurned] | |
11 | One has to ask about balance (5) |
POISE : POSE (ask) contains [about] I (one) | |
12 | Obscure eastern doctrine recollected (9) |
RECONDITE : Anagram [recollected] of E (eastern) DOCTRINE | |
13 | Long ago got onto small problem for horse (4-4) |
SWAY-BACK : S (small), WAY-BACK (long ago). SOED has: an inward curvature of the spine or back, esp. as caused by strain or old age; the condition characterized by this; an animal, esp. a horse, having this condition. L19. Arrived at from wordplay but I’d never heard of it. The only disease I associate with horses is ‘the staggers’. | |
15 | Cheers poker challenge? (3,3) |
SEE YOU : Two meanings, the first said on parting, as in ‘cheerio’ | |
17 | Await half-suppressed spits (6) |
EXPECT : EXPECT{orates} (spits) [half-suppressed] | |
19 | Think right, following Tory party (8) |
CONSIDER : CON (Tory), SIDE (party), R (right) | |
22 | Composer‘s Swiss mug? (9) |
BERNSTEIN : BERN (Capital of Switzerland), STEIN (mug). Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990), the American composer, conductor and pianist. |
23 | Second-hand book starts to get you transported (5) |
BUSED : B (book), USED (second-hand), a word that to me seems to call for double-S, but either spelling is correct | |
24 | Drug, said to give Macbeth hallucination (5) |
DAGGA : Sounds like [said] “dagger” [Macbeth hallucination]. “Is this a dagger which I see before me, The handle toward my hand?” My LOI as I didn’t know this one of many slang words for marijuana’. Today is its first appearance in a 15×15 apparently and it has had only one outing in a Mephisto. | |
25 | Force wife, after adjusting, to meet everyone (9) |
WATERFALL : W (wife), anagram [adjusting] of AFTER, then ALL (everyone). A meaning I didn’t know until I learnt it from crosswords, | |
26 | One of seven enzymes failing out of medium (6) |
SNEEZY : Anagram [failing] of ENZY{m}ES [out of medium]. No prizes for guessing the musical treat in store for you today! | |
27 | Abashed, wait to make good (7) |
HANGDOG : HANG (wait), DO (make), G (good) |
Down | |
1 | Furniture has notice inside square base (4-6,3) |
FOUR-POSTER BED : POSTER (notice) contained by [inside] FOUR (square) + BED (base). Not a very helpful definition but the wordplay was generous and the enumeration came in handy. | |
2 | Power in sacred object and a copy (7) |
REPLICA : P (power) contained by [in] RELIC (sacred object), A | |
3 | Blood round end of fingers, after touching this? (5) |
GORSE : GORE (blood) contains [round] {finger}S [end]. &lit. You might have to work quite hard for it to draw blood! | |
4 | Rhinestone, a national symbol (8) |
SHAMROCK : Alternatively spaced this becomes SHAM ROCK which might describe a rhinestone. Strictly for Glen Campbell fans. | |
5 | Slip carelessly on treacherous surface, not a success (2,4) |
NO DICE : NOD (slip carelessly), ICE (treacherous surface). I think this meaning of ‘nod’ has come up before but it still hasn’t entered my vocabulary and doesn’t sit easily with me. | |
6 | Group under attack puts off accepting downfall (9) |
DEFENDERS : DEFERS (puts off) containing [accepting] END (downfall) | |
7 | To lacerate is frightening, if poking inside (7) |
SCARIFY : IF contained by [poking inside] SCARY (frightening). In this sense I believe it’s a medical term. | |
10 | First takes this money order, revolutionary symbol (9,4) |
CHEQUERED FLAG : CHEQUE (money order), RED FLAG (revolutionary symbol) | |
14 | With some footballers, speed is key (9) |
BACKSPACE : BACKS (some footballers), PACE (speed) | |
16 | Excellent spinner cut (3-5) |
TOP-NOTCH : TOP (spinner), NOTCH (cut) | |
18 | Model piece of text shortly disappeared (7) |
PARAGON : PARA (piece of text), GON{e} (disappeared) [shortly] | |
20 | Drop mark? Managed to keep it (7) |
DISCARD : DID (managed) contains [to keep] SCAR (mark) | |
21 | River‘s course under the sea (6) |
MEDWAY : MED (sea), WAY (course). The river that separates Men of Kent from Kentish Men. | |
23 | Number five brought into the world, inhaling oxygen (5) |
BORON : BORN (brought into the world) containing [inhaling] O (oxygen). No 5 in the periodic table. |
HANGDOG – such a great, descriptive word.
Thanks to our setter (from a fellow Glen Campbell fan) and blogger
The use of ‘nods’ meaning ‘slip up’ is probably from Dryden’s reference to Ars Poetica in one of his prefaces: “Horace acknowledges that honest Homer nods sometimes”. This was later alluded to by Pope in his Essay on Criticism: “Those oft are Stratagems which Errors seem,
Nor is it Homer Nods, but We that Dream.”
I had never heard of ‘dagga’, but what else could it be?
In my book (and my employer’s house style), “bused” is preferred to “bussed,” which, after all, (also) means “kissed.”
Edited at 2019-10-22 04:04 am (UTC)
I get a lot of practice correcting American prose into English. Except for Paul Gallico!
Edited at 2019-10-22 07:19 am (UTC)
FOI 1ac FORAGES and SOI 5ac rather simplistic but…
WOD 16dn TOP-NOTCH (shades of Terry Thomas)
At 4dn I bunged in SWASTIKA initially! Well back in the day as a national symbol it suggested the tone of the Rhineland.
Edited at 2019-10-22 07:14 am (UTC)
Rhinestone Cowboy was one of Jimmy Webb’s greatest songs; so poignant.
A FORCE is what they call waterfalls ‘oop north’ isn’t it?
I’ve watched a few videos on YouTube recently with Bernstein conducting. I think De Niro would be a shoe-in lookalike to play him.
COD to SHAMROCK but I’m sure we have seen it before, maybe several times.
Neat and tidy.
Thanks setter and J.
Thanks jack and setter.
However, it turned out that my SNAG-BACK wasn’t the right horse to bet on. Seemed a shame, as a SNAG is a small problem and “BACK” could plausibly mean long ago. Oh well. Rather enjoyable nonetheless, especially 26a SNEEZY.
‘Nod’ from the Homer reference. Surprising he didn’t slip up more often considering he didn’t exist.
Edited at 2019-10-22 02:05 pm (UTC)
SWAY-BACK and DAGGA with fingers crossed. I’m fully aware that BUSED is a proper spelling, but (especially with the second-hand cluing) it still looked and read like some aphetic form of abused.
TIME 9:35
Edited at 2019-10-22 11:45 am (UTC)
Does anyone happen to know if it is possible to display the title of each post in the iPhone Live Journal app or does that line (where people tend to write their solving times) show only in the browser version?
Hope this helps 🙂
Perhaps not in the conventional sense of the word, but thank you anyway. 😊
Edited at 2019-10-22 02:21 pm (UTC)
Edited at 2019-10-22 03:39 pm (UTC)
I lived in Kent for the best part of 20 years and never bothered to remember which side of the Medway was which. Being born in Hampshire may have been a factor as technically I guess I didn’t fall into either camp.
So I was very slow to start, suddenly had some inspiration and galloped through about half very quickly and then ground to a halt in the SW corner. The only seven I could think of today were the deadly sins!
Bused is weird. In my sub-editing days, words like bussed, focussed etc, always took S x 2. No point getting wound up about it – house style is house style! I suspect the Times is one of the few papers which still spells judgment like that – no middle E.
FOI Scarify
MER Bused
COD Chequered flag
A LongTermLurker
After all that I needed a drink. Everything else was straightforward, although I’m one of those who believes that BUSED needs another S. Of course, we could solve the problem by spelling “bus” “buss”, but no doubt that would create a fus.