1. CASH – money. A (A) and deacones(S) invested in church (CH).
3. FAIRISH – passably even-handed. Football administrators (FA), from Dublin perhaps (IRISH).
8. POETIC LICENCE – dispensation for writers. Anagram (engineered) of NICE POLICE ETC. LOI – for some 20ac reason, I missed the fact that this was two words. It was only at the end that I realised.
9. DON – academic. Drop off (NOD) going west – backwards.
10. ATOLL – coral reef. A (A) then large number (lot) returned – backwards (TOL), left (L).
12. EMANATE – issue. English (E), chap (MAN), at (AT), Jun(E).
14. DRESSER – theatre employee. A Welsh Dresser is a piece of furniture. I suppose anyone in the role of a theatre dresser who happens to be Welsh will be well used to this pun.
16. INTER – bury. In virg(IN TER)ritory.
17. OWL – bird. A distressed dog in East London, apparently, does not howl but ‘owl.
20. UNACCOUNTABLE – inexplicable. Lacking capacity (UNABLE) to take in report (ACCOUNT).
21. BLESSED – gave benediction. Girl (BESS) and boy (ED) crossing lake (L).
22. LENS – photographic device. A man’s (LEN’S).
1. CUPBOARD – cabinet. Trophy (CUP), poet (BARD) keeps in old (O).
2. SEED – offspring. Visit (SEE), daughter (D).
3. FELINE – cat. Splendid (FINE) contains (is the environment for) ‘the’ in Spanish (EL).
4. INCAPABILITY – shortcoming. Not something associated with Lancelot Brown who was the go-to gardener in the 18th century – known as Capability Brown.
5. IGNORANT – unenlightened. Anagram (could be) of NO RATING.
6. HEEL – double definition. Cad/heel, command to dog.
7. FIDDLESTICKS – nonsense. Violinists use them – a violin could be described as a fiddle which is played with a bow/fiddle stick.
11. OVERCAME – defeated. Across (OVER), river (CAM), fo(E).
13. EERINESS – ghostly atmosphere. Always (EER) hanging over one (I), loch (NESS).
15. ROTUND – plump. Fellow (ROD) carrying large beer cask (TUN).
18. CURB – check. Homophone (so to speak) of kerb.
19. OBOE – instrument. (O)nly (B)ands (O)r (E)nsembles.
Some of our solvers will probably complain that Capability Brown is somewhat obscure, but since I studied 18th-century English literature and culture at Yale Grad School, that was not a problem for me….even though it was 40 years ago!
You’re supposed to solve Mephisto using a dictionary, guessing from the wordplay what the answer might be and then looking it up to see if it is a word.
Edited at 2019-03-26 09:38 am (UTC)
I’d also mistakenly put Airiness instead of Eeriness (which when I look now is almost sillier than the spelling).
Anyway – unpicking the mistakes led to a final time of 24 minutes – 2/3 of which was solving Orpheus’ puzzle and 1/3 solving my own uniques self-created difficulties
TIME 3:20
I showed complete incapability to solve the last clue until I had another long look at home.
So all done but time not recorded – well over 20 minutes. I thought there might be an anagram of LANCELOT plus a bit.
A good puzzle. David
Thanks for the blog
FOI 8a
LOI 11d
COD 12a I love the ‘piece together’ clues, though I am not always very quick with them. I saw this one straight away for a change!
Thanks for the blog, Chris. MM