Solving time: 9 minutes. I think this is mostly straightforward, with only one meaning of a word unknown to me, but less experienced solvers may find it takes some unravelling.
As usual definitions are underlined in bold italics, {deletions and substitutions are in curly brackets} and [anagrinds, containment, reversal and other indicators in square ones]
Across | |
1 | Immediately visiting top tourist attraction (2,5,5) |
AT FIRST SIGHT – A definition followed by a slightly dodgy cryptic hint | |
9 | Vessel from Kenya or Tanzania (5) |
AORTA – Hidden in [from] {keny}A OR TA{nzania}. This blood vessel is main artery through which blood leaves the heart. | |
10 | Learned European, insulting about Italian (7) |
ERUDITE – E (European), RUDE (insulting) containing [about] IT (Italian) | |
11 | Slyness of the salt at sea (7) |
STEALTH – Anagram [at sea] of THE SALT | |
12 | Doctor, for example, initially studying remains (5) |
DREGS – DR (doctor), EG (for example), S{tudying} [initially] | |
13 | Evidence of pressure or bias, strangely (6) |
ISOBAR – Anagram [strangely] of OR BIAS. To be found on a weather chart. | |
14 | College boy in complete agreement (6) |
UNISON – UNI (college), SON (boy) | |
17 | Musical instrument from India carried by celebrity (5) |
SITAR – I (India – NATO alphabet) contained [carried] by STAR (celebrity). The wordplay is helpful here by indicating the orgin of the instrument in question, something that would be unlikely in the 15×15 puzzle where setters are inclined to try to misdirect the solver. | |
19 | Heavily criticise attack on new pub (7) |
UPBRAID – Anagram [new] of PUB, RAID (attack). ‘A on B’ in an Across clue indicates ‘BA’. | |
21 | Put a stop to public relations incident (7) |
PREVENT – PR (public relations), EVENT (incident) | |
22 | Reference book finally reduced (5) |
ATLAS – AT LAS{t} (finally) [reduced] | |
23 | Relish not working — severe scolding results (8-4) |
DRESSING-DOWN – DRESSING (relish), DOWN (not working) |
Down | |
2 | Ray’s fuss about crooked rep (7) |
TORPEDO – TO-DO (fuss) containing [about] anagram [crooked] of REP. In addition to its more usual meaning, TORPEDO can be “any of various electric rays (fish) of the genus Torpedo”. | |
3 | With less rain final should be played, by rights (2,3,8) |
IN ALL FAIRNESS – Anagram [played] of LESS RAIN FINAL | |
4 | Boil these bursting with energy (6) |
SEETHE – Anagram [bursting] of THESE, E (energy) | |
5 | Plumbing company’s directors off whom one can bounce ideas? (8,5) |
SOUNDING BOARD – SOUNDING (plumbing), BOARD (company’s directors) | |
6 | Good and ready to complain (5) |
GRIPE – G (good), RIPE (ready) | |
7 | Cause supporting activist’s last crime (7) |
TREASON – {activis}T [‘s last], REASON (cause). ‘Supporting’ here is just a positional indicator in a Down clue. | |
8 | Get through gap between peaks (4) |
PASS – Two meanings | |
13 | Trendy little drink I had in flat (7) |
INSIPID – IN (trendy), SIP (little drink), I’D (I had) | |
15 | Insincere, each person in review (7) |
SHALLOW – ALL (each person) contained by [in] SHOW (review). I looked twice at this when parsing, thinking ‘all’ is ‘every person’ rather than ‘each’ but on reflection decided that the one encompasses the other. A show in theatrical terms would more likely be spelt ‘revue’ but in the sense of a display (e.g. a military parade), ‘show’ and ‘review’ can be synonymous. | |
16 | Dog working sheep (6) |
MUTTON – MUTT (dog), ON (working). It usually means the meat of a sheep but can refer to the animal itself. | |
18 | Article on extremely mundane subject (5) |
THEME – THE (article), M{undan}E [extremely]. In a Down clue ‘on’ simply means ‘on top of’. | |
20 | Spoil attractive person (4) |
DISH – Two meanings |
The required meaning of TORPEDO was unknown and that caused another delay.
27:27 for me today, symmetrical but slow. David
Edited at 2019-03-04 09:34 am (UTC)
Thanks for the blog.
On another matter entirely is anyone else having issues with the Crossword Club site? I keep getting error messages when trying to open it or e.g. “Bad Request
Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.
Size of a request header field exceeds server limit.”
It only seems to happen in Internet Explorer or Mircosoft Edge or whatever it’s called these days, but not in Chrome.
No problems here, once I’d stopped trying to find a boat or utensil in “Kenya or Tanzania”. At least I’d identified the “hidden” straight away !
TIME 3:43
Knew the meaning of TORPEDO; indeed, the underwater weapon takes its name from the fish.
I thought this was quite tricky at the time so surprised to complete in 5’45”.
My thanks as always to setter and blogger.
Foi prevent
Loi the unknown upbraid
Also dnk torpedo for ray.
Liked mutton but cod upbraid.
What would I do without this blog. Thank you!
24 minutes
COD TORPEDO because the word play was so clever and therefore doable despite lack of knowledge!