1. Hatchway – opening. Devise (HATCH), method (WAY).
5. Waif – neglected child. (W)ichit(A), providing (IF).
8. Sloop – small boat. Puddles (POOLS) flipping over (backwards).
9. Sofa bed – part of the furniture. Very (SO), very good (FAB), journalist (ED).
11. Groundswell – growing feeling. Stadium (GROUND), fine (SWELL).
13. Astern – behind (nautically). A (A), street (ST), th(E) campe(R) va(N).
14. Lichen – plant. Anagram (cultivated) of CHILE, new (N).
17. Tea-strainer – something which is full of holes. Compass point (EAST) in shoe (TRAINER).
20. Curtsey – act of respect. Anagram (unfortunately) of SECURiTY without the ‘I’ (one lacking).
21. Beige – shade. A little unravelling required here for ‘grasped by a worker, US soldier moving back’. The worker is a BEE which is grasping a US soldier (GI) backwards.
22. Eden – garden. In Odens(E DEN)mark.
23. Integral – whole – I had a quick double check that these actually are synonyms (which they are) as it didn’t initially leap out at me. Anagram (misshapen) of TRIANGLE.
1. Hiss – sound from snake. In trut(H IS S)cary.
2. Thought – idea. However (THOUGH), draf(T).
3. Hippocrates – Greek physician (the only one I’m liable to have a chance of knowing). Cryptic clue/pun – boxes for large animals – HIPPO CRATES!
4. Absent – elsewhere. A (A), bishop (B), posted (SENT).
6. Amble – walk. Risk g(AMBLE) taking top letter off.
7. Fiddling – cheating. Also what one may be doing when playing in an orchestra.
10. Fashionable – in (definitions don’t come much briefer). Anagram (at sea) of FABLE NOAH IS.
12. Particle – piece. Item (ARTICLE) following piano (P).
15. Harrier – a sort of double definition. A harrier is a smallish breed of hound used originally for hare-hunting and also any diurnal bird of prey of the genus Circus, having broad wings and long legs and tail e.g. marsh harrier.
16. Canyon – deep ravine e.g. Grand. Kid (CON) passing around outside some (ANY).
18. Agree – match. Unfinished (take the final letter off) a European (A GREE)k.
19. Veal – meat. In microwa(VE A L)ot.
Yes, the theory there is supposed to be only one ‘straight’ hidden answer per QC was disproved a couple of weeks ago when I discovered that the very first Quickie contained two of them.
Like Kevin I’m not sure I knew of the bird meaning at 15dn and thought only of the jump jet when writing in my answer, but I suppose it shouldn’t be too much of a surprise that a plane would be named after a bird rather than a dog!
Many thanks to Mara and to chrisw91
I think I may have finished the 15 x 15 in less time this morning…
Excellent puzzle. David
Liked hippocrates, fashionable, sofa bed and COD tea strainer.
Nice crossword, no real problems.