1. Old wives tale – a myth. Anagram (wild) of WOLVES TAILED.
9. Get on – make progress. Good (G), public school (ETON).
10. Red tape – bureaucracy. Gradually reduced (TAPERED) switching the front and back parts (tape and red) around.
11. Growing – on the increase. Arguments (ROWING) following golf (G – NATO phonetic alphabet).
12. Sushi – fish dish. American (US) having hot (H) one (I) after (S)alad.
13. Ornate – heavily decorated. Knight (N) entering to make a speech (ORATE).
14. Please – satisfy. (P)olitician with tenancy contract (LEASE).
17. Terse – brusque. In daugh(TER’S E)stimation.
19. Outpost – remote settlement. Disclose (OUT) stake (POST).
21. Vamoose – to leave hurriedly. Virginia (VA – the US state) meeting large deer (MOOSE).
22. Intro – opening. Keen on (INTO) securing right (R).
23. Anything Goes – Cole Porter musical. My initial shiver on reading these three words were quickly overcome when I realised I did know it. Anagram (fresh) of GAY SONG IN THE.
2. Let down – lengthen (e.g. trousers). Lease (LET), depressed (DOWN).
3. Winnie the Pooh – children’s book. Anagram (new) of HE WON’T I HOPE IN.
4. Virago – domineering woman. Part of horoscope (VIRGO) about a (A).
5. Side-splitting – extremely amusing. Team (SIDE) parting company (SPLITTING).
6. Amass – gather. A (A) large amount (MASS).
7. Eremite – hermit – unusual term meaning religious hermit which I found I knew. In spar(E TIME RE)ad about (backwards).
8. Agog – keyed up. A (A) try (GO) (G)ame.
13. Octavia – Shakespearian character (another quickly suppressed shiver). Endless series of notes (OCTAV)e I (I) associated with a (A). Mr. Shakespeare wrote Anthony and Cleopatra in which Octavia appeared. Some quick research establishes that she was related to a lot of the great and good and maybe not so good – she was the elder sister of the first Roman Emperor, Augustus (known also as Octavian), the half-sister of Octavia the Elder, and the fourth wife of Mark Antony. She was also the great-grandmother of the Emperor Caligula and Empress Agrippina the Younger, maternal grandmother of the Emperor Claudius, and paternal great-grandmother and maternal great-great grandmother of the Emperor Nero.
15. Apostle – messenger. Porter (ALE) collecting mail (POST).
16. Done in – exhausted – often followed by the eminently unlikeable ‘IN I’. One (ONE) breaking racket (DIN).
18. Rummy – card game. Odd (RUM) exclamation of surprise (MY!).
20. Troy – system of weights. Hear (TRY – in court of law) about old (O). Troy is a system of weights used for precious metals. The term didn’t come from the ancient city but probably takes its name from the French market town of Troyes in France where English merchants traded at least as early as the early 9th century.
Troy was in the 15×15 yesterday, same setter?
I haven’t heard keyed up for eager/agog.
Might not meet the times guidelines but how about:
Some shag ogler open mouthed!
Liked done in but COD red tape.
Edited at 2018-02-13 04:47 am (UTC)
I struggled to solve the Cole Porter despite recognising the anagrind right away, and the hermit was a bit of a biff. Otherwise all straightforward solving.
WoD has to be VAMOOSE.