Times Cryptic No 28697 — One to chew on

This was a toughie, for sure, although at the beginning I was terribly distracted by goings-on with children and bedtime, so I didn’t get any flow.  Somewhere around the 15–20 minute mark, my brain clicked on and I could pick up steam, but towards the end things ground to a halt again. By the end, I had too much head-scratching to submit, yet all was correct in a hair under 56 minutes.

1 Embassy official catching parent in bed with cop (8)
DIPLOMAT – MA (parent) in PLOT (bed) and D.I. (cop)
5 As well to carefully consider sounds going back and forth (3-3)
TWO-WAY – homophone (sounds) TOO (as well) + WEIGH (carefully consider)
10 Inner glow passes for beauty (5)
LOOKS – {g}LO{w} + OK’S (passes)
11 Blunder after a few drinks that has you back where you started (5-4)
ROUND-TRIP – TRIP (blunder) after ROUND (a few drinks)
12 Potentially, Swede’s success in war within reach (9)
VEGETABLE – VE (success in war, Victory in Europe Day) + GETABLE (within reach)

Not sure why I always thought this was V Day, rather than V-E Day. Probably confusing it with D-Day.

13 Jam, or a piece of cake (5)
WEDGE – double definition
14 Time to stop payment for experimental substance (7)
REAGENT – AGE (time) in (to stop) RENT (payment)

Nice tricky definition, where ‘experimental’ means ‘part of an experiment’.

16 Article by The Thunderer, Times middle section (6)
THORAX – A (article) by THOR (the Thunderer) + X (times)

I couldn’t get past seeing ‘The Thunderer’ = RA and ‘article’ = THE, but the answer was clear.

19 Key needed to open a precious metal antique (3-3)
AGE-OLD – E (key) in A + GOLD (precious metal)
21 Torment of teaching graduate to be recalled (7)
BEDEVIL – B.ED. (teaching graduate) + LIVE (to be) reversed
23 Major artery that road from the east crosses (5)
AORTA – hidden (crosses) reversed (from the east) in {th}AT ROA{d}
25 Chemist having gin, and to get going a tablet? (9)
BOOTSTRAP – BOOTS (chemist) + TRAP (gin)

What’s being said here? Are we talking ‘tablet’ like iPad or something? I now see that a definition of ‘bootstrap’ is to input initial data so as to enable the subsequent loading of a computer program.

Also did not know that BOOTS is a pharmacy chain in the UK.

27 Wielding the axe, maybe, and moving on to alibi! (9)

Again not exactly sure what’s being said here. Abolition of slavery? Or just getting rid of something?

28 Port of ME: what’s after that on main road, west of hospital (5)
HAIFA – FA (ME: what’s after that) on AI (main road), next to H (hospital)

Do I have my directions wrong? Isn’t this east of hospital?

29 Agent leaving PR info and publicity to Thatcher? (6)
OXYGEN – {pr}OXY (agent) + GEN (info)

“Oxygen of publicity” is a quotation attributed to Margaret Thatcher.

30 Leaves, bags packed, for this short time off work? (3,5)
TEA BREAK – TEA (leaves) + BREAK (bags packed, for this)
1 Food store requiring actual consignment (8)
DELIVERY – DELI (food store) + VERY (actual)
2 Power that group holds in unknown eastern metropolis (9)
PYONGYANG – P (power) + YON (that) + GANG (group) around Y (unknown)
3 Attack found sleuth oddly lacking (5)
ONSET – {f}O{u}N{d} S{l}E{u}T{h} (oddly lacking)
4 What would you do without mug and a tumbler! (7)
ACROBAT – ACT (do) around ROB (mug) + A

Not exactly sure what ‘what would you’ contributes.

6 State of old wife Dido, who’s abandoned (9)
WIDOWHOOD – O (old) W (wife) DIDO WHO anagrammed

Forgot to indicate that this was a semi & lit!

7 Excited jam makers like their strawberries! (5)
WIRED – W.I. (jam makers, Women’s Institute) + RED (like their strawberries)

Forgot about my jam makers.

8 One’s delighted to have Year One university exam extended? (6)
YIPPEE – Y (year) + I (one) + PPE (university exam) + E (extended?)

I couldn’t find E = ‘extended’ in the dictionary, so I guess PPE –> PPEE is extending PPE (Philosophy, Politics, and Economics), which again is something I forgot.

Also, I’m not exactly keen on this definition, but “I’m excited” is certainly YIPPEE and it is a crossword convention to use ‘one’ for the first person.

9 Great conductor, a match for the most appealing (6)
CUTEST – CU (great conductor, copper) + TEST (match)
15 Musical show chap brought up, bringing back memories (9)
EVOCATIVE – EVITA (musical show) + COVE (chap) reversed
17 Judge ultimately right to break counsel’s talk up (9)
ADVERTISE – {judg}E + RT (right) in ADVISE (counsel)
18 Fine, round bowl for biscuit (8)
FLAPJACK – F (fine) + LAP (round) + JACK (bowl)

I didn’t know ’round’ could mean ‘circuit’ or LAP. I’d vaguely remembered JACK as being the cue ball of bowls, and I did not know FLAPJACK = ‘biscuit’. I know of biscuit as being a cookie in the UK, a softish scone in the US, and our flapjacks are pancakes.

20 Brief liability and endless danger remains (6)
DEBRIS – DEB{t} (liability) + RIS{k} (danger)
21 Have cheese sandwiches and cake (7)
BROWNIE – OWN (have) in BRIE (cheese)
22 Native American’s surprised reaction on seeing a truck overturning (6)
NAVAHO – OH (surprised reaction) + A + VAN (truck) reversed

The wordplay was clear but I wonder if some biffed NAVAJO.

24 In possession of Space Hopper given to brother (5)
ROOMY – ROO (hopper) + MY! ([oh,] brother)
26 A Scottish team lifting second title abroad (5)
SAHIB – A + HIBS (Scottish team) with S (second) earlier

Leave a comment below indicating whether you think I’d heard of the football club or not.

105 comments on “Times Cryptic No 28697 — One to chew on”

  1. Too chewy for my short time allotment! So, despite patting myself on the back for getting a few to get the ball rolling, as it were, there the ball stopped until I looked up a couple of answers and thus it dawned that this was out of my ballpark…
    Liked WIDOWHOOD ( even though I don’t), ROUND TRIP and THORAX; maybe because I got them

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