My clue of the day was 11ac. A lovely idea, even if I didn’t know what or where Goole is. Thanks to the setter for a very enjoyable puzzle.
Clues are in blue, with definitions underlined. Answers are in BOLD CAPS, followed by the wordplay. (ABC*) means ‘anagram of ABC’, with the anagram indicator in bold italics. Deletions are in {curly brackets}.
1 Like Ascot classic that provides a flutter for the Queen? (5,8)
ROYAL STANDARD: “ROYAL” Ascot is a particular part of the calendar at Ascot racecourse. STANDARD is classic.
9 Cheers on withdrawal of police statements (5)
DICTA: CID backwards, then TA.
10 Display a forbidding array of locks (9)
POMPADOUR: POMP, A, DOUR. The answer is certainly an “array of locks”, but you might well argue that the clue is a semi-&lit, with the whole thing being the definition, and the left hand side the wordplay. I looked at the helpers and thought “demeanour”, but the lovely definition (“forbidding array of locks”) steered me away from that.
11 Free way to travel from York to Goole astride horse? (2,3,5)
ON THE HOUSE: I had to go to the internet to learn York and Goole are both on the river Ouse, so you could go from one to the other by boat. Insert an “H” and there you have it – for free! My first thought was of another meaning of “free” – as in “on the loose”. No joy there.
12 From East, call on unknown god (4)
ZEUS: SUE as in “call for mercy”, then Z as today’s algebraic unknown. All reversed.
14 Commentator’s kit supplied by leading firm (7)
HEADSET: HEAD (leading), SET (firm).
16 Dishonour surrounding bishop left in lurch (7)
SHAMBLE: SHAME with the insertion of B and L.
17 Cook comparing skinned salad ingredient (7)
RAMPION: (-OMPARIN-*). Forget the first and last letters, since the word is “skinned”. DNK the plant, which made me wonder if it was something Italian like RAMPINO. Saved by the helpers!
19 Cutting from spectacular but useful shrub (7)
ARBUTUS: hidden in “spectacular but useful”.
20 They keep last of seed in position (4)
PODS: D (last of “seed”) in POS. It seems “pos” is more commonly an abbreviation for “positive”, but I found the option of “position” in Collins.
21 Like cardigan successfully completed for mum? (8,2)
BUTTONED UP: double definition, the first quite whimsical. On edit (thanks to johninterred): it’s actually a triple definition.
24 Response to tasty food one’s set aside for rescue (9)
SALVATION: SALIVATION, with “I” set aside.
25 Criminal to leave country (5)
26 Immoderate wanton love enduring with time (13)
1 Health worker condemned apartheid riots (14)
2 Turning turtle roughly in your old boat (5)
YACHT: CA (roughly) in THY (old “your”), upside down (turned turtle!).Very nice!
3 Top brass almost all perished in conflict (10)
LEADERSHIP: (AL- PERISHED*). Ignore the last letter of “all”.
4 Cartoon gang leader retains old clothing (7)
TOPCOAT: TOP CAT, retaining O. ETA:
5 Some disheartened troops brought about one’s downfall (7)
NEMESIS: S{om}E MEN all backwards (“brought around”), then I’S. Another nice surface.
6 A drink from pub that’s just opened? (4)
AJAR: A JAR being what you might have at a pub, AJAR being opened slightly as opposed to opened recently.
7 Personally contribute coin for Lorna? (2,4,3)
DO ONE’S BIT: DOONE’S BIT (from the novel Lorna Doone, published 1869).
8 What could enhance Turkey‘s capital growth? (8,6)
BRUSSELS SPROUT: a traditional British offering, I gather: roast turkey, Brussels sprouts, and cranberry sauce. BRUSSELS is the capital, a SPROUT is new growth.
13 Short talk tying up no end of priests (10)
RABBINICAL: RABBI{t}, then LACIN{g} backwards.
15 Endangered species, cuckoo, drowned in a stream close to Rio (9)
ARMADILLO: MAD (cuckoo) in A RILL, then {ri}O. On edit: are armadillos endangered? Comments.
18 Sea creatures, broadcaster’s titillating invention (7)
NAUTILI: sounds like a “naughty lie”.
19 Bill absorbing temperature and air to get acclimatised (7)
ATTUNED: AD (bill) “absorbing” T and TUNE.
22 Goose departs before cat drops round (5)
DUNCE: D (departs), then {o}UNCE (a snow leopard – known to me only though crosswords).
23 Come to main track (4)
WAKE: double definition, the second seafaring.
As far as I know, the armadillo is not endangered, they are very common throughout large stretches of North and South America.
What is it with ‘turkey’ references in Saturday puzzles in two consecutive weeks? The idea of BRUSSELS SPROUTs enhancing a meal is somewhat controversial I’d have thought, although it’s true that by tradition they are supposed to go on the plate at Christmas.
I’m little the wiser about what RAMPION is and how it is served. The dictionaries mention ‘edible root’ but all the pictures of ‘rampion salad’ seem to be of bowl of leaves. One picture showed it raw, looking like a long and very thin white carrot. There’s no mention of how it tastes so I assume it doesn’t.
I knew the shrub at 19ac from the Irish ballad, “My Love’s an ARBUTUS”.
Apparently there are about 20 species of ARMADILLO and the vast majority of these are considered to be endangered.
Edited at 2018-05-19 06:11 am (UTC)
Edited at 2018-05-19 11:40 am (UTC)
COD On The House.
Here’s a clue from me.
Spouse nearly married Himself (6)
Technically, it’s true that priests and rabbis are different people in Judaism. Priests (Cohens) can’t fulfil their sacrificial role until the Temple is rebuilt, though they have a role in most Jewish worship. I suppose Rabbis have a role analogous to (say) Catholic priests in broad terms of leadership, but those who do the Crossword may well have spluttered over their matzos at this solecism.
I wonder if ARMADILLOs think they’re endangered while they retain their Kevlar coating?
As sounzlikes go, I did like the naughty lie.
Thanks B for a comprehensive report.
Goole is a deliberate destination from York in 11A, being the point where the Ouse joins the Humber before flowing into the North Sea at Hull (my birthplace).
FOI 1d RADIOTHERAPIST (it probably helps that I’m working in health insurance at the moment) LOI 17a the unknown RAMPION. Surely if you can’t order them from Ocado, then they don’t exist?
Interesting that my dictionaries define POMPADOUR as “A woman’s hairstyle…” whereas a Google image search shows them as being an almost exclusively male choice these days…
Edited at 2018-05-19 08:16 am (UTC)
But I was defeated by 17a and 18d.
At 17a I came up with Romaine ( a lettuce which will not be available after Brexit) which I thought had to be right despite difficulty parsing.I was then unable to find the sea creatures required.
Am finding today’s difficult but hard to concentrate during the wedding and the American preacher. David
COD 8ac BS
Time In memory of Nick the Novice – Not Telling!
If a rabbi is not a priest, who leads Jewish religious services?
Nice crossword, btw. I have reached my advanced age without ever eating or being offered rampion. Brussels sprouts on the other hand, are top of the class, a vegetable lover’s vegetable ..