Times Cryptic Jumbo No 1299 (23/12/17): The Hunting of the Quirk

It is harder to blog the Jumbos than the straight 15x15s because, given that there are a whacking 60 clues to sort out instead of the usual 30, and anything particularly brilliant runs a risk of being lost from view anyway, I assume most setters quite forgivably opt to clue as straightforwardly as possible throughout. Having said that, there were certainly some little flashes of quirkiness in here, I’m looking at 11, 12 and 51 down for instance, that were much appreciated. I’ll give my Jumbo COD (mmmm, jumbo cod) to 33ac because my dear old mum was always well into garden design and I have fond memories of her getting excited about Capability Brown.

Many thanks to the setter: the Jumbos might not win you the same glory as a 15×15 quintuple pangram type shebang, but where would our Saturdays be without them?

1 A piece of luggage short on vehicle reaching capital (7)
CARACAS – A CAS{e} [a | piece of luggage, “short”] on CAR [vehicle]

5 Unsatisfactory part of process withdrawn from view (3-5)
OFF-STAGE – OFF STAGE [unsatisfactory | part of process]

9 Farm assistant to remain on far side of pass (6)
COLLIE – LIE [to remain] on far side of COL [pass]

13 US diplomat, one with a tale after hold-up in W African state (8,8)
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN – FRANKLIN [one with a tale (in Chaucer)] after JAM [hold-up] in BENIN [W African state]

14 Spooner’s leading ram providing part of service? (6)
TEACUP – Spoonerism of KEY TUP [leading | ram]

16 Contrary flyers, admitting lack of exercise, get going (4,2,2)
STEP ON IT – reverse the whole of: TITS [flyers] admitting NO P.E. [lack of exercise]

17 Hamish’s very puny Scot ignoring outsiders (4)
UNCO – {p}UN{y} {s}CO{t}

18 Test cricket side hosting extremely tough event (9)
TRIATHLON – TRIAL ON [test | cricket side] “hosting” T{oug}H

20 Go round with bell – a normal start to school day (4,4)
ROLL CALL – ROLL [go round] with CALL [bell]

21 A carbon-free supply, showing restraint (11)
FORBEARANCE – (A CARBON-FREE*) [“supply”, as in “in a supple way”]

24 Snappy series of deliveries in mixed styles (9)
CROSSOVER – CROSS OVER [snappy | series of deliveries]

25 Unsettled on defeat, not appreciating ups and downs (4-4)
TONE-DEAF – (ON DEFEAT*) [“unsettled”]

26 Ablaze, always full of </u>this enthusiasm</u> (4)
ZEAL – hidden in {abla}ZE AL{ways}, semi-&lit

29 Mineral brew in ewer runs out (11)
PITCHBLENDE – BLEND [brew] in PITCHE{r} [ewer, R for runs left out]

31 Dreadful curse poetic Brexiteer probably produced (11)

33 Brown & his followers showing antics the nation gets up to? (11)
LANDSCAPERS – LAND’S CAPERS would be “antics the nation gets up to”. Capability, not Gordon, Brown.

36 Space traveller in the lead orbiting globe to reach zenith (4,2,1,4)
COME TO A HEAD – COMET AHEAD [space traveller | in the lead] “orbiting” O [globe]

38 Landlord’s requirement produces a tear (4)
RENT – double def

39 Escort taking tea with former president (8)
CHAPERON – CHA [tea] with former President of Argentina Juan PERON

41 Control time off outside school (9)
RESTRAINT – REST [time off] outside TRAIN [school]

44 President‘s cleaner receiving one for each child (11)
CHAIRPERSON – CHAR [cleaner] “receiving” I [one] + PER SON [for each | child]

45 Aussie runners carrying flag round retired with honour (8)
EMERITUS – EMUS [Aussie runners] carrying TIRE reversed [flag “round”]

48 Is stopping army corps completely necessary? (9)
REQUISITE – IS “stopping” R.E. QUITE [army corps | completely]

49 Medicinal compound removing pressure from a swelling (4)
ALUM – A LUM{p} [a | swelling, with P for pressure removed]

50 Religious verse from old ledger ancient mistress gets hold of (8)
DOXOLOGY – O LOG [old | ledger] that DOXY [ancient mistress] “gets hold of”

52 Prophet and priest leading pilgrimage to west, taking day off (6)
ELIJAH – ELI [priest] leading reversed HA{d}J [pilgrimage “(written from east) to west”, taking D for day off]

53 Hellish collection of brief adornments I must appear in (4-3-9)
FIRE-AND-BRIMSTONE – (BRIEF ADORNMENTS*) [“collection of…”] that I “must appear in”

54 Levied tax on journalist’s last article in papers (6)
TITHED – {journalis}T + THE [article] in ID [papers]

55 Cook takes pie in worst condition (8)
PEAKIEST – (TAKES PIE*) [“cook…”]

56 Was prone to give up (3,4)
LAY DOWN – double def

1 Roughly 50cm frame for Spain’s top artist (6)
CUBIST – CUBIT [roughly 50cm] “frame for” S{pain}

2 Soldier not smelling so good (6)
RANKER – double def

3 Vehement Conservative originally lacking in love (9)
CLAMOROUS – C [Conservative] + L{acking} + AMOROUS [in love]

4 Brickie could use this degree of enthusiasm (6,5)
SPIRIT LEVEL – double def, ish

5 Scorer from cricket side Queen’s invested in (4)
ORFF – OFF [cricket side] that R [Queen] “is invested in”

6 Material in soft soap better with edges trimmed (11)
FLANNELETTE – FLANNEL [soft soap] + {b}ETTE{r}

7 Feel affronted & decamp from ‘ere (4,7)
TAKE OFFENCE – TAKE OFF [decamp] + ‘ENCE [from ‘ere]

8 Pig finally produced her young, and looked brilliant (9)
GLITTERED – {pi}G + LITTERED [produced (a female pig’s) young]

10 Bring down public drink dispenser (8)
OVERTURN – OVERT URN [public | drink dispenser]

11 Bar number? (5,11)
LOCAL ANAESTHETIC – a bar could be your LOCAL and an anaesthetic, which numbs, is a NUMBER. I think there’s no proper definition part, but hopefully this clue gets by on quirkiness alone.

12 How Roman Briton might announce 10p charge? (7)
EXPENSE – X PENCE is an unholy collision of Roman numerals and British currency; seek a homophone thereof.

15 Team considers talking obliquely (8)
SIDEWAYS – SIDE [team] + homophone of WEIGHS [considers, “talking”]

19 He wrote about cutting grass before church (8)
LAWRENCE – RE [about] “cutting” LAWN [grass] before CE [church]

22 Resetting carpals round tip of ulna’s become a bit of a habit (8)
SCAPULAR – (CARPALS*) [“resetting…”] round U{lna}. A scapular is a monastic garment suspended from the shoulders.

23 Cover core of talks during European exit (11,5)
CONTINENTAL QUILT – {ta}L{ks} during CONTINENTAL QUIT [European | exit]

27 Soundness I’d found in large university, Oxford for one (8)
LUCIDITY – I’D “found in” L U CITY [large | university | Oxford for one]

28 One Spartan character unknown by another (4)
ZETA – Z [unknown] by ETA [another (character in the the Greek alphabet)]

30 Fashion establishment maybe exporting uniform socks? (4)
HOSE – HO{u}SE, “exporting” its U for uniform

32 Noted English evangelist in debt, apparently (8)
REMARKED – E MARK [English | evangelist] in the RED [in debt, apparently]

34 Lusty male penning line in Ancient Greek (8)
ATHLETIC – HE [male] “penning” L [line], in ATTIC [Ancient Greek]

35 Bound beer casks regularly start to drip (6,1,4)
SPRING A LEAK – SPRING ALE [bound | beer] + {c}A{s}K{s}

36 Note prisoner on train (11)
CONSEQUENCE – CON [prisoner] on SEQUENCE [train]

37 Butcher in tie almost getting commendation (11)

40 Small bird from Ireland nesting in old hat (9)
PASSERINE – ERIN [Ireland] “nesting in” PASSE [old hat]

42 Yankee dogging Ursula & Co moving noisily (9)
RAUCOUSLY – Y [Yankee] dogging (URSULA + CO*) [“moving”]

43 Pipes drawn primarily by artist when older? (8)
DRAINAGE – D{rawn} + RA IN AGE [artist when older]

44 Fitting finale for player entering centre court (7)
CORRECT – {playe}R “entering” CORE CT [centre | court]

46 Florid men serving up limitless drink (6)
ROCOCO – OR reversed [men serving, “up”] + COCO{a} [“limitless” drink]

47 Winged beast very excitedly going in two directions (6)
WYVERN – (VERY*) [“excitedly”] “going in” W + N [two directions]

51 Crookedly endorse last thirteen letters? (4)
ABET – If there are 26 letters in the ALPHABET then the ALPH could represent the first thirteen and the ABET the second thirteen. Maybe!

9 comments on “Times Cryptic Jumbo No 1299 (23/12/17): The Hunting of the Quirk”

  1. I found this relatively straightforward – unlike its successor No. 1300. When that eventually got to the top of the Xmas solving pile, and I eventually solved it, I was annoyed to discover the closing date for submission had already passed. So some other, less deserving solver has got the prize .. 1301 was also a pig, but at least I was in time to submit it.
  2. I typed in ‘expence’ without batting a proverbial, so confused have I become over who uses an S and who a C in those words. Lucidity=soundness?
      1. Well, if you have a heart, you also have a kidney, and vice versa. Anyway, I’d have thought that, say, “2 plus 2 equals 5” is a fairly lucid argument.
  3. Took me 1:32:05 to get trough this one, but it didn’t present any particular problems. The SE corner was the trickiest bit for me. Thanks setter and V.
  4. Thanks for the excellent blog. Found this a very good puzzle with imagination and variety. On the hard side, but eventually was able to work everything out even LOI CUBIST, though I had guessed the definition long before I saw how it worked. Also pleased to get the totally unknown ORFF entirely from wordplay.
  5. So many Jumbos in such a short period of time! I think I found this relatively straightforward, although I didn’t know the Chaucerian character or the small bird. I remember liking 31a, 11d and 51d in particular. Thanks setter and V.
  6. Not so hard.COD WYVERN which appeared in some jumbo a few years ago.
  7. 42:15. Thanks for the blog, v. After doing one myself I’m feeling particularly grateful towards all jumbo bloggers at the moment.
    Does anyone say CONTINENTAL QUILT any more? I remember the expression from the days when these were slightly exotic objects, but as far as I remember the CONTINENTAL bit was soon dropped and these days it’s more likely to be ‘duvet’.

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