Many thanks to the setter: the Jumbos might not win you the same glory as a 15×15 quintuple pangram type shebang, but where would our Saturdays be without them?
1 A piece of luggage short on vehicle reaching capital (7)
CARACAS – A CAS{e} [a | piece of luggage, “short”] on CAR [vehicle]
5 Unsatisfactory part of process withdrawn from view (3-5)
OFF-STAGE – OFF STAGE [unsatisfactory | part of process]
9 Farm assistant to remain on far side of pass (6)
COLLIE – LIE [to remain] on far side of COL [pass]
13 US diplomat, one with a tale after hold-up in W African state (8,8)
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN – FRANKLIN [one with a tale (in Chaucer)] after JAM [hold-up] in BENIN [W African state]
14 Spooner’s leading ram providing part of service? (6)
TEACUP – Spoonerism of KEY TUP [leading | ram]
16 Contrary flyers, admitting lack of exercise, get going (4,2,2)
STEP ON IT – reverse the whole of: TITS [flyers] admitting NO P.E. [lack of exercise]
17 Hamish’s very puny Scot ignoring outsiders (4)
UNCO – {p}UN{y} {s}CO{t}
18 Test cricket side hosting extremely tough event (9)
TRIATHLON – TRIAL ON [test | cricket side] “hosting” T{oug}H
20 Go round with bell – a normal start to school day (4,4)
ROLL CALL – ROLL [go round] with CALL [bell]
21 A carbon-free supply, showing restraint (11)
FORBEARANCE – (A CARBON-FREE*) [“supply”, as in “in a supple way”]
24 Snappy series of deliveries in mixed styles (9)
CROSSOVER – CROSS OVER [snappy | series of deliveries]
25 Unsettled on defeat, not appreciating ups and downs (4-4)
TONE-DEAF – (ON DEFEAT*) [“unsettled”]
26 Ablaze, always full of </u>this enthusiasm</u> (4)
ZEAL – hidden in {abla}ZE AL{ways}, semi-&lit
29 Mineral brew in ewer runs out (11)
PITCHBLENDE – BLEND [brew] in PITCHE{r} [ewer, R for runs left out]
31 Dreadful curse poetic Brexiteer probably produced (11)
33 Brown & his followers showing antics the nation gets up to? (11)
LANDSCAPERS – LAND’S CAPERS would be “antics the nation gets up to”. Capability, not Gordon, Brown.
36 Space traveller in the lead orbiting globe to reach zenith (4,2,1,4)
COME TO A HEAD – COMET AHEAD [space traveller | in the lead] “orbiting” O [globe]
38 Landlord’s requirement produces a tear (4)
RENT – double def
39 Escort taking tea with former president (8)
CHAPERON – CHA [tea] with former President of Argentina Juan PERON
41 Control time off outside school (9)
RESTRAINT – REST [time off] outside TRAIN [school]
44 President‘s cleaner receiving one for each child (11)
CHAIRPERSON – CHAR [cleaner] “receiving” I [one] + PER SON [for each | child]
45 Aussie runners carrying flag round retired with honour (8)
EMERITUS – EMUS [Aussie runners] carrying TIRE reversed [flag “round”]
48 Is stopping army corps completely necessary? (9)
REQUISITE – IS “stopping” R.E. QUITE [army corps | completely]
49 Medicinal compound removing pressure from a swelling (4)
ALUM – A LUM{p} [a | swelling, with P for pressure removed]
50 Religious verse from old ledger ancient mistress gets hold of (8)
DOXOLOGY – O LOG [old | ledger] that DOXY [ancient mistress] “gets hold of”
52 Prophet and priest leading pilgrimage to west, taking day off (6)
ELIJAH – ELI [priest] leading reversed HA{d}J [pilgrimage “(written from east) to west”, taking D for day off]
53 Hellish collection of brief adornments I must appear in (4-3-9)
FIRE-AND-BRIMSTONE – (BRIEF ADORNMENTS*) [“collection of…”] that I “must appear in”
54 Levied tax on journalist’s last article in papers (6)
TITHED – {journalis}T + THE [article] in ID [papers]
55 Cook takes pie in worst condition (8)
PEAKIEST – (TAKES PIE*) [“cook…”]
56 Was prone to give up (3,4)
LAY DOWN – double def
1 Roughly 50cm frame for Spain’s top artist (6)
CUBIST – CUBIT [roughly 50cm] “frame for” S{pain}
2 Soldier not smelling so good (6)
RANKER – double def
3 Vehement Conservative originally lacking in love (9)
CLAMOROUS – C [Conservative] + L{acking} + AMOROUS [in love]
4 Brickie could use this degree of enthusiasm (6,5)
SPIRIT LEVEL – double def, ish
5 Scorer from cricket side Queen’s invested in (4)
ORFF – OFF [cricket side] that R [Queen] “is invested in”
6 Material in soft soap better with edges trimmed (11)
FLANNELETTE – FLANNEL [soft soap] + {b}ETTE{r}
7 Feel affronted & decamp from ‘ere (4,7)
TAKE OFFENCE – TAKE OFF [decamp] + ‘ENCE [from ‘ere]
8 Pig finally produced her young, and looked brilliant (9)
GLITTERED – {pi}G + LITTERED [produced (a female pig’s) young]
10 Bring down public drink dispenser (8)
OVERTURN – OVERT URN [public | drink dispenser]
11 Bar number? (5,11)
LOCAL ANAESTHETIC – a bar could be your LOCAL and an anaesthetic, which numbs, is a NUMBER. I think there’s no proper definition part, but hopefully this clue gets by on quirkiness alone.
12 How Roman Briton might announce 10p charge? (7)
EXPENSE – X PENCE is an unholy collision of Roman numerals and British currency; seek a homophone thereof.
15 Team considers talking obliquely (8)
SIDEWAYS – SIDE [team] + homophone of WEIGHS [considers, “talking”]
19 He wrote about cutting grass before church (8)
LAWRENCE – RE [about] “cutting” LAWN [grass] before CE [church]
22 Resetting carpals round tip of ulna’s become a bit of a habit (8)
SCAPULAR – (CARPALS*) [“resetting…”] round U{lna}. A scapular is a monastic garment suspended from the shoulders.
23 Cover core of talks during European exit (11,5)
CONTINENTAL QUILT – {ta}L{ks} during CONTINENTAL QUIT [European | exit]
27 Soundness I’d found in large university, Oxford for one (8)
LUCIDITY – I’D “found in” L U CITY [large | university | Oxford for one]
28 One Spartan character unknown by another (4)
ZETA – Z [unknown] by ETA [another (character in the the Greek alphabet)]
30 Fashion establishment maybe exporting uniform socks? (4)
HOSE – HO{u}SE, “exporting” its U for uniform
32 Noted English evangelist in debt, apparently (8)
REMARKED – E MARK [English | evangelist] in the RED [in debt, apparently]
34 Lusty male penning line in Ancient Greek (8)
ATHLETIC – HE [male] “penning” L [line], in ATTIC [Ancient Greek]
35 Bound beer casks regularly start to drip (6,1,4)
SPRING A LEAK – SPRING ALE [bound | beer] + {c}A{s}K{s}
36 Note prisoner on train (11)
CONSEQUENCE – CON [prisoner] on SEQUENCE [train]
37 Butcher in tie almost getting commendation (11)
40 Small bird from Ireland nesting in old hat (9)
PASSERINE – ERIN [Ireland] “nesting in” PASSE [old hat]
42 Yankee dogging Ursula & Co moving noisily (9)
RAUCOUSLY – Y [Yankee] dogging (URSULA + CO*) [“moving”]
43 Pipes drawn primarily by artist when older? (8)
DRAINAGE – D{rawn} + RA IN AGE [artist when older]
44 Fitting finale for player entering centre court (7)
CORRECT – {playe}R “entering” CORE CT [centre | court]
46 Florid men serving up limitless drink (6)
ROCOCO – OR reversed [men serving, “up”] + COCO{a} [“limitless” drink]
47 Winged beast very excitedly going in two directions (6)
WYVERN – (VERY*) [“excitedly”] “going in” W + N [two directions]
51 Crookedly endorse last thirteen letters? (4)
ABET – If there are 26 letters in the ALPHABET then the ALPH could represent the first thirteen and the ABET the second thirteen. Maybe!
Does anyone say CONTINENTAL QUILT any more? I remember the expression from the days when these were slightly exotic objects, but as far as I remember the CONTINENTAL bit was soon dropped and these days it’s more likely to be ‘duvet’.