Times Cryptic Jumbo 1705 – 7 December 2024. Smooching and semi-nudity

Hi everyone.  Coming up with the answers took me comfortably inside the hour but I had left myself an unusually large number of empty single squares signalling the need to go back and parse fully.  In the event this didn’t prove as tricky as I’d anticipated, but did take me over that hour mark.

My last in was the bower in 7a and I had to choose between the two options for the surname which the wordplay allowed.  I guessed right, which was a relief.  There were a couple of other things to look up when writing the blog, but no other causes for doubt when solving.

It felt like there was a sense of fun and playfulness here, which I appreciated.  Thanks setter!

Definitions are underlined in the clues below.  In the explanations, most quoted indicators are in italics, specified [deletions] are in square brackets, and I’ve capitalised and emboldened letters which appear in the ANSWER.  For clarity, I omit most link words and some juxtaposition indicators.

1a Lose it down a gutter, its front blocking gondola (4,1,6)
BLOW A GASKET LOW (down), A and Gutter – its first letter (its front) – inside (blocking) BASKET (gondola)
7a Recollection of bread, as fed to natives in wonderful bower? (5,6)
PABLO CASALS — Reversal (recollection) of BAP (bread) + AS inserted in (fed to) LOCALS (natives).  Pablo Casals was a cellist, hence “bower”, and also a composer and conductor
13a Second lecture on my seabird (9)
CORMORANT MO (second) and RANT (lecture) on COR (my)
14a Worship is embraced by one with benefit (7)
IDOLISE IS inside (embraced by) I (one) with DOLE (benefit)
15a A little titbit, as tempter? (5)
TASTE — Part of (a little) titbiT, AS Tempter, &lit
16a Vaudeville star, one celebrating? (6)
LAUDER — Two definitions, the first referring to Harry Lauder
17a Drink in picnic containers, carbonated? (8)
CHAMPERS HAMPERS (picnic containers) with the addition of C , the chemical symbol of carbon (carbonated?)
18a Reverend often slipping tongue in kisser (7)
SPOONER — Two definitions
20a Savage lurch, reminder at death in Canterbury tale? (6,2,3,9)
MURDER IN THE CATHEDRAL — An anagram of (savage) LURCH, REMINDER AT DEATHPlay by T. S. Eliot about the assassination of Archbishop Thomas Becket in Canterbury Cathedral
23a Heartless relative having dropped in, everybody hiding away (7)
CALLOUS COUS[in] (relative) having dropped IN, with ALL (everybody) inside (hiding away)
24a Turn fan backwards and ventilate after evacuation (7)
REVOLVE LOVER (fan) backwards + VentilatE after evacuation of its inner letters
26a Old type-size in collection that’s back in the news (7)
TOPICAL PICA (old type-size) in LOT (collection) that’s reversed (back)
28a Odd pink or blue? (4)
RARE — Three definitions
29a Mathematical computation, hard stuff (8)
CALCULUS — Double definition
32a Drug: one was in possession of the police (9)
METHADONE MET HAD ONE (one was in possession of the police)
35a Man, male regenerating gradually (9)
PIECEMEAL PIECE (man) + MALE anagrammed (regenerating)
36a Binds sample embroidery (8)
TAPESTRY TAPES (binds) + TRY (sample)
37a Commercials broadcast for bladed tool (4)
ADZE — Sounds like (… broadcast) ADS (commercials)
39a Uncommunicative about one being faced by rogue element (7)
CADMIUM MUM (uncommunicative) around (about) I (one) preceded by (being faced by) CAD (rogue)
41a Female and pop party (7)
SHEBANG SHE (female) and BANG (pop)
44a Small change in old cartoon strip? (7)
PEANUTS — Two definitions
45a Writer inspired by the dream is talking about why our arguments are equally sound? (5,5,5,5)
GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE INK (writer) inside (inspired by) an anagram of (… about) THE DREAM IS TALKING
49a Shudder with terror entering contest (7)
VIBRATE BRAT (terror) going into (entering) VIE (contest)
50a Hit hard, broke (8)
STRAPPED — Double definition
51a Get down from oak originally in tree-lined avenue (6)
GROOVE — The first letter of (… originally) Oak in GROVE (tree-lined avenue)
53a Water thrown back, so wet behind the ears (5)
NAIVE EVIAN (water) reversed (thrown back)
54a Blot that was registered by yours truly on audio? (7)
EYESORE — Sounds like (… on audio?) I SAW (that was registered by yours truly)
55a Breed with refined deportment, reportedly? (9)
PROPAGATE — A soundalike of (… reportedly?) PROPER (refined) GAIT (deportment)
56a When Westminster quietens, that keeps the wet lot on edge (5,6)
SILLY SEASON YON (that) holds (keeps) SEAS (the wet lot) on SILL (edge)
57a Ho hum, pedestrian score checker (5-6)
SIGHT-READER SIGH (ho hum) + TREADER (pedestrian)
1d Fastener joins deer and baby animal up (6)
BUCKLE — We join ELK (deer) and CUB (baby animal) in reverse (up)
2d Mournful and true, I’d a dismal book (3,6,6)
OUR MUTUAL FRIEND — An anagram of (… dismal) MOURNFUL and TRUE, ID A
3d Repairs on inverted cross very near (2,4,4)
AT ONES DOOR ATONES (repairs) on backwards (inverted) ROOD (cross)
4d A modus operandi abroad (4)
AWAY A + WAY (modus operandi)
5d Imperial chief, leader of nation in comfort with uniform on (9)
KITCHENER — The first letter of (leader of) Nation in CHEER (comfort) with KIT (uniform) on top
6d Success as island blocks top hotel (7)
TRIUMPH I (island) goes into (blocks) TRUMP (top) + H (hotel)
7d Southern French clan dancing at end of show (9)
PROVENÇAL CLAN anagrammed (dancing) after (at end of) PROVE (show)
8d English composer a joy (5)
BLISS — Double definition
9d Slack lovers finally woke up, but were late for work, probably? (9)
OVERSLEPT — An anagram of (slack) LOVERS + end letters of (finally) wokE uP buT
10d Another opportunity to see article on pay reforms (6,6)
ACTION REPLAY ARTICLE ON PAY is anagrammed (reforms)
11d Store outfit in North London (7)
ARSENAL — Another double definition
12d Range of phonetic letters? (6)
SIERRA — A reference to SIERRA being a code word in the phonetic alphabet
19d Pretty up on amenable gelding, equestrian initially — in this? (8)
DRESSAGE DRESS (pretty up) on the first letters of (… initially) Amenable Gelding, Equestrian
21d Thus title written upside down underneath the bottle (7)
THERMOS SO (thus) and MR (title) reversed (written upside down) underneath THE
22d In the dark unable to solve crosswords? (8)
CLUELESS — Two definitions
23d Heat-resistant tiles on spacecraft, vehicle like a rocket (8)
CARAPACE CAR (vehicle) + APACE (like a rocket)
25d So long time for hotel employee (5)
VALET VALE (so long) + T (time)
27d Obscure winger to arrive in theatre of impossible dreams (5-6-4)
CLOUD-CUCKOO-LAND CLOUD (obscure) + CUCKOO (winger) + LAND (to arrive)
30d Jumbos bit incomplete, defeat admitted (7)
COLOSSI COIn (bit) without the last letter (incomplete), with LOSS (defeat) inserted (admitted)
31d Pigment more likely to leak, might you say? (5)
SEPIA — SEEPIER (more likely to leak), soundalike (did you say?)
33d Change point for old gate (8)
TURNPIKE TURN (change) + PIKE (point)
34d Red label, yet I will appear troubled by design (12)
DELIBERATELY RED LABEL, YET I is to be anagrammed (will appear troubled)
38d Bespoke orders I’m told are covering area (6-4)
TAILOR-MADE — The answer mixes up (orders) IM TOLD ARE around (covering) A (area)
40d Childish communication intercepted by supremo? There’s evidence! (9)
MOTHERESE — This is inside (intercepted by) supreMO? THERES Evidence!
42d Colour that is used up before blue, warmer? (9)
EIDERDOWN — Reversed (… used up), RED (colour) and IE (that is) before DOWN (blue)
43d Land unpleasant job, being lab rat (6,3)
GUINEA PIG GUINEA (land) + PIG (unpleasant job)
45d French food borne by female messenger (7)
GABRIEL BRIE (French food) inside (borne by) GAL (female)
46d Half-naked, as Alf naked? (7)
TOPLESS — As ALF is hALF missing its first letter, in this way it is TOPLESS.  I’m finding it hard to put into words here, but I can see what the clue is getting at
47d Chance to host first of three contests (6)
EVENTS EVENS (chance) taking in (to host) the first of Three
48d Fireball more disastrous, full of energy and temperature (6)
METEOR MORE anagrammed (disastrous), containing (full of) E (energy) and T (temperature)
50d Small muscles, those found on end of nose (5)
SPECS S (small) + PECS (muscles)
52d Rookie shooter (4)
COLT — Double definition

5 comments on “Times Cryptic Jumbo 1705 – 7 December 2024. Smooching and semi-nudity”

  1. I failed to parse a oouple: BLOW A GASKET, BUCKLE, RARE (pink=rare? blue=rare?). Didn’t even try with GREAT MINDS–a very impressive anagram, as was MURDER. Biffed CLOUD from the enumeration.

      1. Sorry, I should have replied to Kevin before. Very rare (pink) steak is known as blue steak. I had assumed it would be in the dictionaries but can’t find it in any of the big three. Googling turns up that usage though.

  2. I wrote on my copy that most of this was easy except the SW which I described as “a pig”.

    Biffed 45ac as life’s too short and I was thankful not to be on blogging duty needing to investigate further.

  3. Unfortunately I guessed incorrectly with the bower unlike our blogger. Shame because I’d solved the rest with only LOI LAUDER giving me any real trouble as I hadn’t heard of him either!


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