Times Cryptic Jumbo 1693 – 14 Sept 2024

Hello again. This Jumbo I thought was about average difficulty, a tidy and workmanlike effort. No issues or complaints really from me, which is good work if you are setting a jumbo with 60+ clues. What did you think?

Please, do feel free to ask questions or comment as required.

I use the standard conventions like underlining the definition, CD for cryptic definition, DD for a double one, *(anargam) and so forth. Nho = “not heard of” and in case of need the Glossary is always handy

1 Old key needed for lift (5)
EXALT – EX (old) + ALT (key)
4 Dinghy hard to move out of the water (4,3,3)
9 Position hesitant sounds around silence (4,2)
SHUT UP – PUT (position) + UHS (hesitant sounds, I suppose, though I would do um or er instead) all reversed
14 Performers in Gigi principally had to dress down (9)
CASTIGATE – CAST (performers) + I(n) + G(igi) + ATE (had)
15 Glut of extra cake put in a skip? (13)
OVERABUNDANCE – OVER (extra) + BUN (ake) inside A DANCE (a skip, unless I’m doing it)
16 Have groups of associates succeeded? (7)
POSSESS – POSSES (groups of associates) + S(ucceeded)
17 Plant beginning thoroughly to overwhelm far side of swamp (9)
SPEEDWELL – (swam)P in SEED WELL, to begin thoroughly. At least, I think that is what it is ..
18 Clear hole-like shape alongside green (5)
OVERT – O (a hole-like shape) + VERT, green. Vert is a heraldic term for green ..
19 Frustration caused by senior cop’s job (14)
DISAPPOINTMENT – DI’S APPOINTMENT. Is a detective inspector a senior cop? Fairly so, I suppose. Junior to Morse, but senior to Lewis.
22 Dairy alternative in fancy mocktail with no cherry to start with (3,4)
OAT MILK – *(MO(c)KTAIL). Can’t stand the stuff.
25 Older relative finally gifted small child a pound — that’s the lot! (5,5)
GRAND TOTAL – GRAN (older relative) + (gifte)D + TOT (small child) + A L.
27 Withdraw to attend a yoga getaway, maybe (4,1,7)
BEAT A RETREAT – attend a yoga getaway, ie BE AT A RETREAT…
30 Nothing pleasant is held in reserve (2,3)
ON ICE – O (nothing) + NICE (pleasant)
31 One-time London lawyer’s heading off to become model (8)
EXEMPLAR – EX (t)EMPLAR, a Templar can be a knight, or a graduate of the Inner or Middle Temple.
32 A promotional packet largely used for winter social activities? (5-3)
APRES-SKI – A PRESS KI(t) (promotional packet, largely). Apres ski, always my best winter sport activity..
35 In retrospect, part of explicit song actually is without conviction (8)
AGNOSTIC – reverse hidden, as above
36 A new, revolutionary discipline lacking current development (8)
NASCENCE – A N(ew) rev., + SC(i)ENCE , a discipline lacking i, the conventional symbol for electric current.
37 Fragile material hit with middle of bat (5)
CHINA – CHIN (hit) + (b)A(t).
39 Grace regularly seen in fantastically surefooted, outstanding performances (5,2,5)
41 Restraint attached to sheep’s in terrible condition (10)
RAMSHACKLE – RAM (sheep) + SHACKLE (restraint)
43 Some baseball players look for no backing (7)
YANKEES – SEEK (look for) + NAY (no), both rev. A New York baseball team, so I hear
45 Digital artwork? (6,8)
FINGER PAINTING – A cd: art using ones fingers
48 Bound, we’re told, to be celebrated (5)
FETED – sounds like “fated,” to be bound
49 At first, Oliver uses a hot, frenetic place with ovens (4,5)
OAST HOUSE – O(liver) + *(USES A HOT). Plenty of oasthouses near me, here in Kent. Even one or two still working..
51 Witness, seriously cut, bearing pained expression (7)
VOUCHER – OUCH (pained expression) in VER(y), seriously, cut. A strange definition, voucher, someone who vouches/witnesses.
53 Intend hospital department to receive constant, mostly firm support (13)
ACCOMPANIMENT –  C (constant) + COMPAN(y) ( a firm, mostly) inside AIM (intend), + ENT (hospital department). Is an accompaniment a support? I was thinking more of a bowl of chips or something.
54 Offshore territory briefly identified by limitless biome? (4,2,3)
ISLE OF MAN – so, a limitless biome would be (b)IOM(e) … the Isle of Man.
55 Emend socialist piece of legislation? (6)
REDACT – a RED ACT would be socialist legislation, if red = socialist.
56 A Parisian concert venue was in debt and not venerated (10)
UNHALLOWED – UN (French for “A”) + + HALL (concert venue) + OWED (was in debt)
57 Warm beverage that you initially infused with rum (5)
TODDY – ODD (rum) in T(hat) Y(ou). Not a drink I approve of. Waste of a good spirit..
1 Jailbreak exploit not given publicity? (6)
ESCAPE – ESCAP(ad)E, an exploit less the ADvertisement..
2 Two idiots initiating one state shooting, perhaps (13)
ASSASSINATION – ASS + ASS (two idiots) + I + NATION, one state.
3 Rubbish drug experience on ecstasy (5)
TRIPE – TRIP (drug experience) + E, your drug
4 Warning given by one managing with drink (5-2)
HEADS-UP – HEAD (one managing) + SUP, to drink.
5 Wacky ideas must get valued roughly (12)
6 A greater, extravagant, upstanding lover (8)
AMORETTO – A MORE, + OTT (extravagant) rev., a lover. Of sorts, anyhow, an amoretto is a little cupid or putto.
7 Parent filled with concerning, foreboding feeling (5)
DREAD – RE (concerning) in DAD, a parent. A QC escapee.
8 Property of extremely restorative brew, say (4,6)
REAL ESTATE – R(estorativ)E + ALE (a brew) + STATE, say.
10 Great uncertainty expressed for where a villain may be? (7)
HIDEOUT – Sounds like “HIGH DOUBT,” great uncertainty
11 Fork prong gathers up passion fruit (9)
TANGERINE – ANGER (passion) in TINE, a fork prong
12 Gather defendant’s statement ahead of time (5)
PLEAT – PLEA (not guilty, me lud) + T(ime)
13 Defensive tactic of busy journalists covering The Old Bailey? (4-5,5)
FULL-COURT PRESS – COURT (eg the old Bailey) in FULL (busy) + PRESS (journalists). As in a full/busy life, perhaps. The defensive tactic comes from basketball, I discover. Did not know that, but it didn’t really matter.
20 Deals with the kids in the end, after a day shift? (9)
ADDRESSES – A + D(ay) + DRESS (shift) + (th)E (kid)S
21 Style and pizazz seen outside eg church (8)
ELEGANCE – EG in ELAN (pizazz), + CE (church)
23 Sound of cat rouses birds (10)
KITTIWAKES – sounds like “Kitty wakes,” as well it might since it is only one letter different..
24 Showing a lack of knowledge, but also not angrily getting upset (10)
26 Working with online media’s awfully superficial (3-11)
28 Biting insect at the bottom of deep hole (9)
TRENCHANT – TRENCH (deep hole) + ANT (insect). Why deep I don’t know, as holes go, trenches are often quite shallow, aren’t they?
29 At one point, I ask you inside to examine painting equipment (5,3)
SPRAY CAN – PRAY (I ask you) in SCAN (to examine). The “at one point” is intended to allow for the fact that we don’t say that very often these days. A 33dn might, perhaps ..
33 Old-fashioned person strangely thinks I’m cute and prudent at heart (5-2-3-3)
34 VIP was keen re new special screening (5,7)
38 Replace start of session with short online forum? That’s a revelation! (10)
CONFESSION – SESSION, with the initial S replaced by CONF, which to my slight surprise is in Collins as an online forum..
40 Continued circulating without being spotted (9)
UNNOTICED – *(CONTINUED). What a neat anagram! Not seen it before, so it has to be my COD.
42 Subject of ridicule taken in by sincere comeback (8)
REBUTTAL – BUTT (subject of ridicule) in REAL, sincere.
44 Enclosed around half of a local area (7)
ENDEMIC – DEMI (half) in ENC(losed). Endemic, as opposed to pandemic..
46 Invented a cover having no effect (7)
INVALID – INV(ented) + A LID, a cover. Inv, an American abbreviation for invented, according to Collins.
47 Aim to interrupt experiment with it (6)
TRENDY – END (aim) in TRY (experiment).
48 Talent evident in opening couplet of flamenco tune (5)
FLAIR – FL(amenco) + AIR (tune)
50 Husband longing to introduce a source of wild laughter? (5)
HYENA – H(usband) + YEN (longing) + A. Do hyenas laugh? Apparently yes, or at least sound like it ..
52 University club bringing in old sub from overseas (1-4)
U-BOAT – U(niversity) + O(ld) in BAT. The U stands for “Untersee.”

Author: JerryW

I love The Times crosswords..

8 comments on “Times Cryptic Jumbo 1693 – 14 Sept 2024”

  1. For once, no DNKs, and no inept surfaces. I did have a couple of queries: CONF =online forum, INV=invention. I didn’t think anything of it at the time, but I suppose one could say that a violin soloist or a singer was supported by the pianist. I think I first learned of hyenas as ‘laughing hyenas’; in any case, ODE sv ‘laughing hyena’ refers to ‘spotted hyena’.

  2. I agree. All quite smoother. I finished in less than 1/2 hour with hardly any marks on my copy. I liked CASTIGATE best. The only DNK for me was the basketball tactic. Thanks Jerry and setter.

  3. I found this very easy, done in under 15 minutes.
    I had vaguely heard of the FULL COURT PRESS but I wouldn’t have been able to tell you what it was. I took it to be a cryptic definition and briefly wondered why a court being full would make journalists any busier.
    I had the same thought about TRENCH but Collins defines it as ‘a deep ditch or furrow’.

    1. I’m surprised to see two concerns about the definition of trench. Trench warfare was a feature of the first world war, and those trenches were typically 12 feet deep.


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