Times Cryptic Jumbo 1670 – 27 April 2024. Teddy Bears’ Picnic

Hi everyone.  Despite the title of this blog (inspired by 58a) this was not a picnic for me.  I recorded a total time of 75 minutes, although a large chunk of that was on the train, not the best puzzling environment.  A non-finish anyway, as I had a couple of vowels transposed in 44a.

It was quite a tricky one to blog too, especially as I try as much as possible to retain the structure of the clue in my explanations.  I also got a bit tired of typing “definition plus literal interpretation” – and now I have just gone and typed it again, voluntarily!

I didn’t make any notes about enjoyment when I solved, so in the absence of evidence to the contrary I will assume I enjoyed it.  Thanks setter!

Definitions are underlined in the clues below.  In the explanations, quoted indicators are in italics, specified [deletions] are in square brackets, and I’ve capitalised and emboldened letters which appear in the ANSWER.  For clarity, I omit most link words and some juxtaposition indicators.

1a Make quite clear what to do at end of holiday? (5,4)
DRIVE HOME — Two indications: a definition plus a literal interpretation of the answer
6a Vegetables, with lots of people in line for them, we hear; mind them? (2,3,2)
PS AND QS — PEAS (vegetables) AND (with) QUEUES (lots of people in line); soundalike (we hear)
10a Radiant with Russian girl returning (5)
AGLOW W (with) and OLGA (Russian girl) going backwards (returning)
13a Cold, simple chemical substance losing one electron at first becomes mild (7)
CLEMENT C (cold) + [e]LEMENT (simple chemical substance) losing an E, specifically the first one (one Electron at first)
14a Cries aloud for the country (5)
WALES — WAILS (cries) as heard (aloud)
15a Put name into small newspaper article, curving along the edges (9)
SCALLOPED — Insert (put) CALL (name) into S (small) and OPED (newspaper article)
16a Lifelong description of how “rock-a-bye-baby” fell to its death? (4,3,6,2,3,5)
FROM THE CRADLE TO THE GRAVE — Definition plus literal interpretation, referencing the song Rock-a-bye Baby
17a Singular taxi-driver making a crust (6)
SCABBY S (singular) + CABBY (taxi-driver)
18a This is me at college, before being covered in flour etc (8)
MEUNIÈRE — The answer is ME + UNI (college) + ERE (before)
19a Reminder to collect protective gear held up (7)
PROPPED PROD (reminder) containing (to collect) PPE (protective gear)
22a Figure Noah went swimming? Seems reasonable (4,6)
FAIR ENOUGH FIGURE NOAH anagrammed (went swimming)
23a Almost attractive at first not before time (6,6)
PRETTY NEARLY PRETTY (attractive) + at first Not + EARLY (before time)
27a Like to hear detective who lived in Mexico (5)
AZTEC AZ sounds like (… to hear) AS (like) + TEC (detective)
29a Recipe for astringent to be put on back (7)
FORMULA FOR with ALUM (astringent) added (to be put on) in reverse (back)
30a Great desire of Yankee as a salaryman? (8)
YEARNING Y (Yankee) + EARNING (as a salaryman?)
32a O my! — missing from holy book is the nucleus (8)
DEUTERON — O MY is missing from DEUTERON[omy] (holy book).  An isotope of hydrogen; the nucleus of deuterium (heavy hydrogen)
34a Overdo it regularly with friend of a parricide (7)
OEDIPAL OvErDo It regularly with PAL (friend)
36a Loves meeting in the street? Go ahead (5)
TRYST ST (street) with TRY (go) first (ahead)
39a Create storm to find necessary cash (5,3,4)
RAISE THE WIND — Two indications.  The first is another literal interpretation of the answer, the second an idiom I’m not familiar with
41a Tiny policeman is ineffective (3,4,3)
NOT MUCH COP NOT MUCH (tiny) COP (policeman).
I’ve just discovered It’s a Fair Cop on BBC R4, and the episodes I’ve listened to so far have been excellent
44a Loiters uncertainly in luxury resort (7)
ESTORIL LOITERS anagrammed (uncertainly)
46a Quietly leaves with order to remove underwear? (5,3)
SLIPS OFF — Another definition plus literal interpretation
48a Hostility as I am surrounded by a group of students (6)
ANIMUS IM (I am) surrounded by A and NUS (group of students)
50a Hate run-of-the-mill BBC type messing up patriotic song (6,4,2,3,8)
53a Universal train and air travel in the country one imagined (9)
RURITANIA — An anagram of (… travel) U (universal) TRAIN and AIR
54a A minor honour (5)
AWARD A + WARD (minor)
55a Cooking us one nice stew (7)
CUISINE — An anagram (stew) of US I (one) NICE
56a Parking vehicle first, go for long walk (5)
TRAMP P (parking),with TRAM (vehicle) first
57a In nervous state, throw coconut perhaps at head (7)
SHYNESS SHY (throw coconut perhaps) + NESS (head)
58a Considered odd, having been eaten by a bear? (9)
RUMINATED RUM (odd) + IN A TED (having been eaten by a bear?)
1d Unaware about cold drink (5)
DECAF DEAF (unaware) around (about) C (cold)
2d I can’t stand up straight to deliver patter song (3,3,1,6,4)
IVE GOT A LITTLE LIST — Another straight reading of the answer plus a definition: the “little list” song from The Mikado
3d Delightful daughter missing: with prospect of being returned? (9)
ELECTABLE — [d]ELECTABLE (delightful) with D (daughter) missing
4d Beginning two terms of tennis (6)
OUTSET — Two tennis terms, or terms of tennis, are OUT and SET
5d Degas perhaps broken by conflict with key enigmatic man (6,5)
EDWARD ELGAR EDGAR (Degas perhaps) interrupted by (broken by) WAR (conflict) and DEL (key)
6d Knights taking great care to protect youngster (8)
PALADINS — [taking] PAINS (great care) surrounding (to protect) LAD (youngster)
7d A part of Ireland, removing large English grave (7)
AUSTERE A + U[l]STER (part of Ireland) removing L (large) + E (English)
8d Not truly attractive, one way the dawning of love must break in (11)
DISHONESTLY DISHY (attractive) into which ONE, ST (way) and the first letter of (dawning of) Love is inserted (must break in)
9d Reckless with the cosmetics? (4-5)
SLAP-HAPPY — An alternative literal interpretation of the answer with a precise definition embedded
10d Without leader, orchestra try to keep right tempo (7)
ALLEGRO — Missing the first letter (without leader), [h]ALLÉ (orchestra) + GO (try) containing (to keep) R (right)
11d Slept again, concealing some small old coins (5)
LEPTA — sLEPT Again concealing the answer
12d Regular occasions when being married, say, ends in confusion (10)
WEDNESDAYS WED (married) + an anagram of (… in confusion) SAY, ENDS
17d Capital assembled in very short order (5)
SOFIA SO (very) + short FIAt (order)
20d Importantly, no cops interfered with this publication (8,9)
PORTNOY’S COMPLAINT IMPORTANTLY, NO COPS anagrammed (interfered with).  A 1969 novel by Philip Roth.  This rang a faint bell but took a lot of letter shuffling to uncover!
21d Chest: one heard having trouble with it? (6)
COFFER — Sounds like (heard) COUGHER (one having trouble with [chest])
24d Country golf club welcoming wife (6)
RWANDA R AND A (R&A: golf club) taking in (welcoming) W (wife)
25d Formerly holding name Max? (5)
ERNST ERST (formerly) holding N (name)
26d Illegally induce son, delivered by hairpin? (6)
SUBORN S (son) + BORN (delivered) by U (hairpin? – bend)
28d Smart person wiping chlorine from part of fingernail (5)
CUTIE — We are removing (wiping) CL (chlorine) from CUTI[cl]E (part of fingernail)
31d A fine fabric, very red (6)
AFLAME A + F (fine) + LAMÉ (fabric)
33d Briefing about problem, my answer’s complicated (4,7)
NEWS SUMMARY — Around (about) SUM (problem), MY ANSWER is anagrammed (complicated)
35d Galley slave toiling through passages in literal pursuit? (11)
PROOFREADER — Cryptic definition
37d Signal for bed, when eating a series of snacks (5)
TAPAS TAPS (signal for bed) around (eating) A
38d Commando in protected area out of line calling in engineers (5,5)
GREEN BERET GREEN BE[l]T (protected area) missing (out of) L (line) taking in (calling in) RE (engineers)
40d Hospital people who are experienced get together affectionately (4,5)
HOLD HANDS H (hospital) + OLD HANDS (people who are experienced)
42d Very old Roman soldier? (9)
CENTURION — Cryptic / double definition
43d A missing pet’s hard to catch, having fouled dishes (8)
ASHTRAYS A + STRAYS (missing pet’s) taking in (… to catch) H (hard)
45d Sort of desk surface: light lunch on it? (4-3)
ROLL-TOP TOP (surface) with ROLL (light lunch…?) on it
47d Take apart one section of roof: nothing in it (7)
ISOLATE I (one) + SLATE (section of roof) with O (nothing) in it
49d Trap eccentric viewer (6)
WEBCAM WEB (trap) + CAM (eccentric)
51d Time on boat for rescuing a creature in river (5)
TARKA T (time) + ARK (boat for rescuing) + A
52d One might believe this Indian died (5)
CREED CREE (Indian) + D (died)

9 comments on “Times Cryptic Jumbo 1670 – 27 April 2024. Teddy Bears’ Picnic”

  1. DNK DEUTERON. DNK RAISE THE WIND, which isn’t in ODE (but is in my English-Japanese dictionary, which marks it as ‘dated’). 50ac is an impressive anagram; but I was able to biff it from the B and L.

  2. I had this noted as ‘quite easy’ but for all that I had an error, at least according to the published answer – how about PENCAM as an alternative answer at 49dn based on pen / enclose / trap?

    I needed aids for 32ac although I might have got it from ‘Deuteronomy’ if I’d tried a bit harder.

    Thanks for the blog, Kitty. I was reminded last Saturday that writing a Jumbo blog can sometimes be harder than the puzzle itself.

    1. Thanks Jackkt. Yes, the Jumbo is my least favourite blogging gig, especially with my habit of leaving blogs until the last minute. This is semi-deliberate, as if I allow longer it tends to take longer – and with a Jumbo it seems to take forever in the first place!

      I would certainly give PENCAM the green light. I doubt many people would think of it before WEBCAM but at least one person (you) did.

  3. Why ‘order’ in 46a? It adds nothing to the clue that I can see.

    I had COFFIN instead of COFFER in 21d. It nearly works …

    Didn’t like TED=’bear’ in 58a. Teddy yes, Ted no.

    1. ‘Order’ implies the answer is an instruction, ‘Slips off!’, not likely ever to be given, but ‘Hats off!’ is a more plausible example that demonstrates the construction.

    1. Thanks Branch. Not sure where the EL went, but appreciate you taking the trouble to point it out so I can correct the error, which I’ll do now.


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