Times Cryptic Jumbo 1625 – 15 July 2023. We need to talk about 43d

Hello everybody.  It felt like I had to work quite hard at this but I surprised myself by having all but a handful of entries at the hour mark.  Two intersecting pairs (8a/10d and 47a/43d) caused me some head-scratching at the close though.

BAKSHEESH/HYDRA felt impossible until I thought of the right monster, after which I could complete the tip from the wordplay only.  It took even more pondering to get TOGETHER/ANGEVIN.  No real excuse for the former except that the checkers weren’t spectacularly helpful (unlike with BAKSHEESH whose pattern was driving me bonkers).  Once I’d got [it] TOGETHER I carefully dug through my brain for the right treasure to (nearly) precede the VIN until I finally hit gold.  Phew!

All in all, 71:23 of concentrated concentration but also of concentrated enjoyment.  I thought this was full of good stuff and am glad I dedicated a proper sitting to it rather than grazing, as I sometimes do with Jumbos.  Thanks setter!

Definitions are underlined in the clues below.  In the explanations, quoted indicators are in italics, specified [deletions] are in square brackets, and I’ve capitalised and emboldened letters which appear in the ANSWER.  For clarity, I omit most link words and some juxtaposition indicators.

1a Reconsidered a processed flavour enhancer (9,4)
CORIANDER SEED — An anagram of (… processed) RECONSIDERED A
8a That woman cooks hot wraps, giving tip (9)
BAKSHEESH SHE (that woman), which BAKES (cooks) and H (hot) surrounds (wraps).
A new word for me, constructed (eventually) from wordplay and checkers
13a Heavy metal piece from The Smiths? (5)
ANVIL — A cryptic definition
14a Make popular display one’s installed in old car (11)
DEMOCRATISE DEMO (display) + IS (one’s) inside (installed in) CRATE (old car)
15a Bore medic with symptoms (5)
DRILL DR (medic) + ILL (with symptoms)
16a Fruit in a lot of muesli monk distributed (9)
MUSKMELON A lot of MUESLi and MONK anagrammed (distributed)
17a Spaniard’s words for the lady (4)
ELLA EL and LA (Spaniard’s words for the)
18a Protested about working, given a little work (8)
SONATINA SAT IN (protested) around (about) ON (working) + A
20a Character left out of neutral ground (6)
NATURE — L (left) comes out of an anagram of (… ground) NEUTRAl
21a Large volume of metal found in day by keen competitors (5,11)
DAVID COPPERFIELD COPPER (metal) is inside (found in) D (day) by AVID (keen) and FIELD (competitors)
24a Greedy king of an enormous size losing face (9)
RAPACIOUS R (king) + cAPACIOUS (of an enormous size) missing its first letter (losing face)
26a Fancy receiving education in modern language (7)
SWEDISH SWISH (fancy) containing (receiving) ED (education)
27a Moulding, very large, interspersed with spheres (5)
OVOLO V (very) and L (large) interspersed with O O O (spheres).
Nice construction
29a Is a teacher at Hogwarts perhaps in anorak? (12)
TRAINSPOTTER TRAINS POTTER (is a teacher at Hogwarts perhaps).
I’ve seen this before more than once and knew I knew it, yet still couldn’t think of it on first pass – grr!
31a Hurry to catch a film I will leave playing (3,1,4,2)
GET A MOVE ON GET (to catch) + A + MOV[i]E (film) without I (I will leave) + ON (playing)
33a Corrupt MP, alas, with urge for sweetener (5,5)
MAPLE SUGAR — An anagram of (corrupt) MP, ALAS, with URGE
35a One surprisingly got up in a bad mood with furniture item (5-7)
CROSS-DRESSER CROSS (in a bad mood) + DRESSER (furniture item).
I like the definition
38a November in the past or current period (5)
NONCE N (November) + ONCE (in the past)
39a Superior feeling policeman’s ace, stopping racket (7)
DISDAIN DIS (policeman’s) + A (ace) inside (stopping) DIN (racket)
40a After whiskey, eat fish sandwiches, being rude (9)
BAWDINESS After W (whiskey) is DINE (eat); BASS (fish) goes around (sandwiches) this
42a Unfortunately Cinderella got fat whilst transgressing (9,7)
FLAGRANTE DELICTO — An anagram of (unfortunately) CINDERELLA GOT FAT
44a Investigated no amateur teacher (6)
PROBED PRO (no amateur) + BED (teacher)
47a Understood about number in sum (8)
TOGETHER GOT (understood) backwards (about) + ETHER (number).
I hardy ever get caught out by this kind of number, but today it didn’t occur to me and I kept trying to shoehorn TEN in there – d’oh!
49a Either end of terrific old necklace (4)
TORC T OR C (either end of TerrifiC)
50a Passage in French performance intended for the radio (9)
ENACTMENT EN (in, French) + ACT (performance) + MENT, which sounds like (… for the radio) MEANT (intended)
52a Little fish constantly circling lake (5)
ELVER EVER (constantly) going around (circling) L (lake)
53a Almost begrudge tough guys time in living space (11)
ENVIRONMENT Almost ENVy (begrudge) + IRON MEN (tough guys) + T (time)
54a Sailor also called for port where sake’s served? (5)
OSAKA OS (sailor) + AKA (also called)
55a Carol revealed one’s footloose and fancy-free (9)
SINGLETON SING (carol) + LET ON (revealed)
56a Exposure to current kind of blue and white clothing succeeded (8,5)
ELECTRIC SHOCK ELECTRIC (kind of blue) and HOCK (white) around (clothing) S (succeeded)
1d Labourer, one making money receiving lots of charity (4,5)
COAL MINER COINER (one making money) taking in (receiving) all but the  last letter of (lots of) ALMs (charity)
2d Newly examine gun, is that right? (7)
REVISIT REV (gun) + IS IT (is that right?).
Took me a while to get the right gun: to gun/rev an engine
3d Call a marine out, which is ideal across the ocean (3-8)
4d Comedian with case of lemonade for picnic (6)
DODDLE DODD (comedian, Ken) + the outer letters of (case of) LemonadE
5d Europeans who could come from San Marino (9)
ROMANIANS — The answer is an anagram of (could come from) SAN MARINO
6d Book fancy sites around area in Manchester town (12)
ECCLESIASTES — An anagram of (fancy) SITES around A (area) all in ECCLES (Manchester town)
7d Unable to move without resistance like a Rastafarian (10)
DEADLOCKED Without R (resistance) D[r]EADLOCKED (like a Rastafarian)
8d Jingoistic colonel missing Mass is an aberration (4)
BLIP BLI[m]P (Jingoistic colonel) missing M (mass)
9d Avoid trouble with drink — remain calm at first (4,4,4,4)
KEEP ONES HEAD DOWN DOWN (drink) with KEEP ONE’S HEAD (remain calm) at first
10d Monster shrubs with flower clusters half cut (5)
HYDRA HYDRAngeas (shrubs with flower clusters) half cut
11d Hendrix, regularly loud, rocks building (7)
EDIFICE — Alternate letters of (… regularly) hEnDrIx + F (loud) + ICE (rocks)
12d Secretive husband and old, legendary lover pinching ear? (4-3-6)
HOLE-AND-CORNER H (husband) + O (old) + LEANDER (legendary lover) around (pinching) CORN (ear?)
19d Swag bags extortioner emptied, giving clues to plot (8)
SPOILERS SPOILS (swag) contains (bags) ExtortioneR without the inner letters (emptied)
22d Tolkien character following ring, clutching staff (5)
FRODO F (following) and O (ring) holding (clutching) ROD (staff)
23d Business concern banking millions with sterling financial reward (8,8)
COMPOUND INTEREST CO (business) and INTEREST (concern) around (banking) M (millions) with POUND (sterling)
25d What dramatist may do, cycling in safe enclosure (7)
PLAYPEN PEN PLAY (what dramatist may do) moving the component parts round (cycling)
28d Run faster than the speed of light, we hear (7)
OVERSEE OVER C (faster than the speed of light), homophone (we hear)
29d Misanthrope to skip around with skinny birds only? (5,2,6)
TIMON OF ATHENS OMIT (to skip) reversed (around) + NO FAT HENS (skinny birds only?).
30d Move faster, travelling around head of Niger River (8)
TRANSFER — An anagram of (… travelling) FASTER around the first letter (head) of Niger + R (river)
32d Open nark’s Yuletide gift (12)
34d Muslim VIP — poet’s always around this person (5)
EMEER EER (poet’s always) around ME (this person)
36d Supply air time with song for departures (11)
EMIGRATIONS — An anagram of (supply) AIR TIME with SONG
37d Bolt part of meal in Doncaster or York? (10)
RACECOURSE RACE (bolt) + COURSE (part of meal)
40d Most resentful German’s request to take it easy (9)
BITTEREST BITTE (German’s request) + REST (to take it easy)
41d Perhaps left dog, getting lead off elsewhere (9)
SIDETRACK SIDE (perhaps left) + TRACK (dog)
43d E.g. King John‘s treasure mostly foreign wine (7)
ANGEVIN ANGEl (treasure) without the last letter (mostly) + VIN (foreign wine).  A member of the house of Anjou, especially one of the kings of England from Henry II to John.
Last in by some way, but I was just happy to get it!
45d Look after grouse, a source of meat (7)
BEEFALO LO (look) after BEEF (grouse) and A
46d Heard what’s round my neck is a rum concoction (3,3)
MAI TAI — Sounds like (heard) MY TIE (what’s round my neck)
48d Briefly ordered to have year in Innsbruck region (5)
TYROL — Without the last letter (briefly) TOLd (ordered) containing (to have … in) YR (year)
51d Terrible autocrat hiding diamonds in sofa (4)
IVAN — We are hiding the D (diamonds) in [d]IVAN (sofa)

4 comments on “Times Cryptic Jumbo 1625 – 15 July 2023. We need to talk about 43d”

  1. I can’t remember anything about this. FOI 15acDRILL, LOI 37d RACECOURSE; DNK that either one was one. Knew ECCLES (6d), as always DNK where it is. I liked BAKSHEESH.

  2. I needed aids to polish off the last two intersecting answers, TOGETHER and ANGEVIN. I must have missed something at school as I don’t recall ever hearing of ANGEVIN let alone that King John was one. I’m sure I was taught he was Plantagenet. If I’d looked that answer up first, the G-checker might have brought TOGETHER to mind at 47ac, but unfortunately I tackled them the other way round.

    A rather disturbing thing is that I deduced the unknown MUSK MELON from wordplay and looked it up later to see what it was. Yet when the same answer came up mid-week in a Guardian puzzle I didn’t remember it and looked it up again!

  3. A pink square as I got a letter wrong on transcribing ANGEVIN from my paper copy entering online. Grr. DNK HOLE-AND-CORNER and had HAND AND …. for a long time based on the wordplay, fixed only when I got DRILL. LOI BAWDINESS after SIDETRACK. All done in 43:49. COD to REVISIT. Thanks Kitty and setter.

  4. Yes. A surprisingly hard one. It took me 2 hours 25 minutes in total but well worth the struggle.
    The ones holding out at the end included TOGETHER and TRANSFER, which I just couldn’t see. And of course ANGEVIN. Even if I’d known the House of Anjou I still wouldn’t have known it. The PDM came from spotting angel as treasure. Nor did I know that Timon of Athens was a misanthrope, but I loved the construction of the clue, my COD.
    Thank you, Kitty, for the blog

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