Times Cryptic Jumbo 1585 – 19 November 2022. Tomorrow is a 52a

Hi all.  For once I have a proper solving time to report as I put my head down for a single jumbo session.  I started well, with lots done after 20 minutes, but after that was surprised to finish in (just) under 45 minutes, which is good for me for a Jumbo.  Had to trust the wordplay in quite a few places, and the last quarter of an hour or so could have easily taken twice as long and ended with gaps or wrong answers, so I was lucky.  Thanks setter!

Definitions are underlined in the clues below.  In the explanations, quoted indicators are in italics, explicit [deletions] are in square brackets, and I’ve capitalised and emboldened letters which appear in the ANSWER.  For clarity, I omit most link words and some juxtaposition indicators.

1a Youngster initially enthused by Indonesian climber (5)
CUBEB CUB (youngster) + the first letters of (initially) Enthused By.  One of those where I had to trust the wordplay: it’s a tropical shrub of the pepper family bearing pungent berries
4a Struck, holding wife inside animal shelter (7)
COWSHED COSHED (struck) containing (holdinginside) W (wife)
8a Stew made by shy Liverpudlian (9)
LOBSCOUSE LOB (shy, as in throw) + SCOUSE (Liverpudlian).  I vaguely recalled scouse as a stew but don’t think I’ve met lobscouse before
13a Book of words governor’s kept in house (9)
THESAURUS HES (His Excellency’s; governor’s) inside (kept in) TAURUS (house)
14a Where courses may be provided along certain lines (10,3)
RESTAURANT CAR — A cryptic definition: food courses along railway lines
15a Owns gallery shaped like a spear (7)
HASTATE HAS (owns) + TATE (gallery).  Yet another new word for me, but nice clear wordplay
16a British soldiers given pay for preparing drinks (7)
BREWAGE B (British) + RE (soldiers) + WAGE (pay)
17a Happiest, surprisingly, when son leaves grave message (7)
EPITAPH — An anagram of (… surprisingly) HAPPIE[s]T when S is removed (when son leaves)
18a Face a hard task? As a popular journalist one might (4,4,4,3,3)
HAVE ONES WORK CUT OUT — A popular journalist might have their article(s)/work clipped or cut out from the publication – to keep, not to discard, which momentarily confused me!
21a Tyneside graduate goes west? So be it (4)
AMEN NE (Tyneside) and MA (graduate) is reversed (goes west, in an across answer)
23a Sailor originally involved in Beds town’s cleaning process (9)
ABLUTIONS AB (sailor) + the first letter of (originally) Involved in LUTONS (Beds town’s)
25a Extend downward dimension of enclosure by river (6)
DEEPEN PEN (enclosure) by DEE (river)
26a Medic swallowed by big fish in Arctic territory (6)
TUNDRA DR (medic) inside (swallowed by) TUNA (big fish)
28a Broken hearts originally haunting a ruler of great importance (12)
EARTHSHAKING — An anagram of (broken) HEARTS + the initial letter of (originally) Haunting + A + KING (ruler)
30a Final Greek poet beheaded in confines of bare cell (10)
BLASTOMERE LAST (final) plus hOMER (Greek poet) without the first letter (beheaded), all of which goes in the outer letters of (confines of) BarE
33a Give excessive work to old priest returning cross (10)
OVERBURDEN O (old) + REV (priest) reversed (returning) + BURDEN (cross)
34a Endless moral rectitude concerning ship’s owner (12)
PROPRIETRESS PROPRIETy (moral rectitude) without the last letter (endless …) + RE (concerning) + SS (ship)
37a Partner finally secures employment on European river (6)
SPOUSE — The last letter of (finally) secureS + USE (employment) next to (on) PO (European river).  It’s been a while since I’ve seen our old friend the Po in a crossword
39a Property in East, say (6)
ESTATE E (east) + STATE (say)
40a European prince, carrying cape, left social venue (9)
DANCEHALL DANE (European) and HAL (prince) containing (carrying) C (cape), followed by L (left)
42a Relax, having letters read aloud (4)
EASE — This sounds like (… read aloud) Es (letters)
43a Part of US which briefly employs leaders in Denver, Colorado (8,2,8)
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA — The abbreviation for the answer is given by the first letters of (leaders in) Denver Colorado
46a Reportedly regret dig in simulated conversation (7)
RHUBARB — The first syllable of the answer, RHU, sounds like (reportedly) RUE; the second is BARB (dig).  Extras in the UK might say “rhubarb” repeatedly when pretending to converse or making crowd noise.  Other words are available for use in different countries
47a Verse in ancient language also inspiring a NE European (7)
LATVIAN V (verse) in LATIN (ancient language), also taking in (also inspiring) A
48a Officers with notices, in French to begin with (7)
ENSIGNS SIGNS (notices) with EN (in, French) first (to begin with)
50a French writer, chap with castle at end of wood (13)
CHATEAUBRIAND BRIAN (chap) next to (with) CHATEAU (castle) + the end of wooD.  The writer the dish is named after
51a Plotter, one who fascinates? (9)
INTRIGUER — Two definitions
52a Modern way to dip into coffee? Certainly (6-3)
LATTER-DAY RD (way) going inside (to dip into) LATTE (coffee) and AY (certainly)
53a US city taking ages to accept a British monarch (7)
YONKERS YONKS (ages) taking in (to accept) ER (a British monarch)
54a Perceived as only a subsidiary journalist? (5)
NOTED — A journalist who is only subsidiary one, not the boss, would be NOT ED
1d Net wears thin, we hear? It’s something often delivered (11)
CATCHPHRASE CATCH (net) + a homophone of (… we hear) FRAYS (wears thin)
2d Consecrate land originally held by good queen (5)
BLESS — The initial letter of (… originally) Land inside (held by) BESS (good queen: “Good Queen Bess”)
3d Prevaricate, but attend a fight over the Aussie outback (4,5,3,4)
BEAT ABOUT THE BUSH BE AT (attend) + A + ROUND (fight) + THE BUSH (Aussie outback)
4d Funeral procession my sheep ultimately impede (7)
CORTEGE COR (my) + TEG (sheep) + the last letter of (ultimately) impedE
5d Used to be game, installing hotel’s facilities for 23 (9)
WASHBOWLS WAS (used to be) and BOWLS (game) taking in (installing) H (hotel).  23 = 23a ABLUTIONS
6d Hard bargaining involving Arabs and Andalusians, perhaps? (5,7)
HORSE TRADING — A cryptic definition, the Arabs and Andalusians being horses
7d Underworld boss having quick fix is bumped off (10)
DISPATCHED DIS (underworld boss) + PATCHED (having quick fix)
8d Give up holiday (5)
LEAVE — A double definition
9d Pub sign covering live outdoor meal (8)
BARBECUE BAR (pub) and CUE (sign) around (covering) BE (live)
10d Plain as peel may be, releasing energy (6)
CANDID CANDI[e]D (as peel may be) omitting (releasing) E (energy)
11d Object taken in by pawnbroker, note, awaiting applicant (9)
UNCLAIMED AIM (object) inside (taken in by) UNCLE (pawnbroker) + D (note)
12d Turbulent weather near pottery (11)
EARTHENWARE — An anagram of (turbulent) WEATHER NEAR
19d Woman heading for vessel on a large lake (7)
VALERIE — The first letter of (heading for) Vessel + A + L (large) + ERIE (lake)
20d Part of pedal pilot used going north round City (7)
TOECLIP PILOT written in reverse (used going north) outside (round) EC (City)
22d Impossible? Not in the search I mount regularly (3,2,3,8)
OUT OF THE QUESTION OUT OF THE QUEST (not in the search) + regular letters of (… regularly) I mOuNt.  (You could also take the I first and then take the regular letters of mount, which works equally well)
24d Neat woman’s daughter, an animal minder (6)
OXHERD OX (neat) + HER (the woman’s) + D (daughter)
27d A function for the speaker to fix (6)
ASSIGN A + SINE (function), sound-alike (for the speaker)
29d Joints English rejected, laid for foreign parliament (7)
KNESSET KNE[e]S (joints) missing an E (English rejected) + SET (laid).  Another parliament to add to my list: the parliament of Israel
31d Prize possession we associated with English essayist (3-4)
EWE-LAMB WE next to (associated with) E (English) followed by LAMB (essayist, Charles Lamb)
32d Fishermen’s club freed study dominated by ministers (6-6)
PRIEST-RIDDEN PRIEST (fisherman’s club) + RID (freed) + DEN (study).  I didn’t know priest as a club or mallet for killing fish, but what else was it going to be?
33d Like the treatment of those expecting somehow to steal crib (11)
OBSTETRICAL — An anagram of (somehow) TO STEAL CRIB
35d Confident lasses Freud mismanaged (4-7)
SELF-ASSURED LASSES FREUD anagrammed (mismanaged)
36d Wise men initially supporting female law administrators collectively (10)
MAGISTRACY MAGI (wise men) + the first letter of (initially) Supporting + TRACY (female)
38d Alumni blunt about an opposer of enlightenment (9)
OBSCURANT OBS (alumni) + CURT (blunt) around (about) AN
40d Protective of duck crossing eastern marshes (9)
DEFENSIVE DIVE (duck) around (crossing) E (eastern) and FENS (marshes)
41d Detectives certain to be removed from cover (8)
DISBOUND DIS (detectives) + BOUND (certain)
44d Mycenaean prince of old relaxes, conserving energy (7)
ORESTES O (old) + RESTS (relaxes) containing (conserving) E (energy).  He sounded likely; on looking him up I find Orestes is a figure in Greek mythology
45d Flower-cluster European male kept in stock (6)
RACEME E (European) and M (male) kept in RACE (stock)
47d Truck, possibly, taking parrot across river (5)
LORRY LORY (parrot) written around (taken … across) R (river)
49d Scrawny relative holding up beginning of game (5)
GAUNT AUNT (relative) under (holding up) the first letter of (beginning of) Game

6 comments on “Times Cryptic Jumbo 1585 – 19 November 2022. Tomorrow is a 52a”

  1. DNK HASTATE, of course, PRIEST, DISBOUND; DNK that CUBEB was Indonesian or a climber, or that Andalusians were horses. No COD.

  2. I knew the priest (we had it, years and years ago, as part of a clue), but not Lobscouse or Hastate. I’ll probably remember them, but likely I’ll just let Cubeb drift away. Nice blog, kitty, and nice time

  3. Also solved in one session but I didn’t time myself.

    I made a note on my copy that I found the top half easy but the lower half less so. Looking back on it now and seeing unknown words such as CUBEB, HASTATE and BLASTOMERE in the top half I can only conclude that their transparent wordplay must have led me to the answers with complete confidence.

    Further down the grid I was not so fortunate and ended with an error by writing CANEME, at 45dn based on ‘stock = CANE’, thinking of ‘stock’ as a walking stick, a meaning I can’t now find in an English dictionary although I know it can mean that in German.

  4. 1:05:22. At last, an end to my run of very slow solves, with a personal best by 18 seconds. Mostly the same unknowns as others, but the cluing was very helpful. Most trouble I think with BLASTOMERE. I don’t like the idea of clubbing fish to death, but it’s good to know they use a PRIEST to administer the last rites. Thank you Kitty for the blog

  5. On the easier side of average, I thought, finishing in 38:45. Held up at the end by the unknown BASTOMERE my LOI by having WEE LAMB for 31D. Also DNK HASTATE, the horse or fish-beating stick but I did know CUBEB as it’s one of my aromatics for my gin-making. I had appreciative ticks for EPITAPH, HAVE ONES WORK CUT OUT, LATTER-DAY and UNCLAIMED. Thanks Kitty and setter.

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