Times Cryptic Jumbo 1575 – 10 September 2022. The Scottish Wordplay

Hello all.  I doubt I’ll be alone in nominating 14a as Clue of the Day – its subject is hardly going to be outside the solver’s sphere of interest, after all!  18a was also neat, and I liked the long answers too.  A happy cat (as seen today grinning in 32a) will always produce a happy Kitty, as will generally a reverse clue – and 35a was a little more interesting than standard.

I didn’t take much longer than 45 minutes to finish, which is a pretty decent Jumbo showing for me.  Time is always secondary to enjoyment, but I do very much appreciate a high enjoyment/time ratio.  Many thanks setter!

Definitions are underlined in the clues below.  In the explanations, quoted indicators are in italics, explicit [deletions] are in square brackets, and I’ve capitalised and emboldened letters which appear in the ANSWER.  For clarity, I omit most link words and some juxtaposition indicators.

1a So Roman hosts ladies perhaps from Prague? (6)
SLAVIC SIC (so, Roman) contains (hosts) LAV (ladies perhaps)
4a Once again gather take after pocketing a shilling (10)
REASSEMBLE RESEMBLE (take after) around (pocketing) A and S (shilling)
10a Filled with seasoning, starter of lamb cut (5)
SATED SA[l]TED (with seasoning), the first letter (starter) of Lamb removed (cut)
14a Battling with setter primarily what cryptic crosswords offer (9)
SWORDPLAY — The first letter of (… primarily) Setter + WORDPLAY (what cryptic crosswords offer)
15a Worst rogue caught in lie, ultimately shady, could be described thus? (13)
UNTRUSTWORTHY — An anagram of (… rogue) WORST inside (caught in) UNTRUTH (lie) + the last letter of (ultimately) shadY
16a Extremely eccentric discussion item is misplaced (7)
ECTOPIC — The outer letters of (extremely) EccentriC + TOPIC (discussion item)
17a Reptile wanting soft ground (7)
TERRAIN TERRA[p]IN (reptile) without (wanting) P (soft)
18a Public flogging for all to see during battle (7)
AUCTION U (for all to see) inside (during) ACTION (battle)
19a What the Globe Theatre might tell us? (3,3,6,1,5)
ALL THE WORLDS A STAGE — Cryptic definition, punning on globe = world and theatre = stage.  And, of course, this would be said during a production of As You Like It at the Globe Theatre
21a Tot losing heart in nightmare? (4)
DRAM — We are losing the middle letter of (heart in) DReAM (nightmare?)
24a Former leader Macbeth’s seen here (5)
HEATH — Two definitions: Ted Heath, and the “blasted heath” of Macbeth
26a Figure working picked out tool (5,3)
TENON SAW TEN (figure) + ON (working) + SAW (picked out)
27a Day fashion journalist gets ahead in capital city (8)
EDMONTON — We start with MON (day) and TON (fashion); ED (journalist) goes first (gets ahead)
29a Play — if given this? (1,5,5)
A DOLL’S HOUSE — Two meanings: the Ibsen play, and if given A DOLL’S HOUSE one might play with it
30a Coming to pass, right back hoping to hold Arsenal’s No. 5 (11)
TRANSPIRING RT (right) reversed (back) + ASPIRING (hoping) containing (to hold) ArseNal’s fifth letter (No. 5)
32a One grinning teacher is travelling past Switzerland (8,3)
CHESHIRE CAT — An anagram of (… travelling) TEACHER IS after (past) CH (Switzerland)
35a Cryptic indication of “par” or standard (3,3,5)
OLD MAN RIVER — An inverse clue: a cryptic indication of “par” could be OLD MAN (PA) + RIVER (R)
37a Duck sandwiches left with old piece of meat (8)
ESCALOPE ESCAPE (duck) goes around (sandwiches) L (left) and O (old)
39a A politician sacked at first for explosive stuff (8)
FIREDAMP A and MP (politician) with FIRED (sacked) at first
40a Biblical figure, one keen to head west (5)
NAOMI I (one) and MOAN (keen) going backwards (to head west)
43a Group of students finally pay attention (4)
YEAR — The last letter of (finally) paY + EAR (attention)
44a Try hard to move away from kerb everywhere you can catch a bus (4,3,3,3,5)
PULL OUT ALL THE STOPS PULL OUT (to move away from kerb) + ALL THE STOPS (everywhere you can catch a bus)
47a Agreeable overlooking lake for rustic sort (7)
PEASANT P[l]EASANT (agreeable) without (overlooking) L (lake)
48a Bank bordering Severn periodically smaller (7)
TEENIER TIER (bank) around (bordering) sEvErN, alternate letters (periodically)
50a Concerning vision of the compiler in plump state (7)
OPTICAL I (the compiler) in OPT (plump) and CAL (state)
51a Person displaying dog I wrapped in brown waterproof sheet (6,7)
SHOWER CURTAIN SHOWER (person displaying) + CUR (dog) + I surrounded by (wrapped in) TAN (brown)
52a Red part in shell of vacant vehicle (9)
CHEVROLET CHE (red) + ROLE (part) in the outer letters (shell) of VacantT
53a Silly billy possibly picked up frozen water (5)
RHYME — Sounds like (picked up) RIME (frozen water)
54a After school, foolishly indulge in timetabling (10)
SCHEDULING After SCH (school), an anagram of (foolishly) INDULGE
55a Look, what striking clothes! (6)
BEHOLD EH (what), which BOLD (striking) surrounds (clothes)
1d Cheek on knight pinched by every Englishman (9)
SASSENACH SASS (cheek) before (on, in a down entry) N (knight) inside (pinched by) EACH (every)
2d American, working as a cashier, has a party drink (11)
AMONTILLADO AM (American) + ON TILL (working as a cashier) + A + DO (party)
3d Pint he’d drunk to the bottom (2,5)
IN DEPTH PINT HED anagrammed (drunk)
5d Pain to enter borders of easternmost land (5)
EGYPT GYP (pain) inserted into (to enter) the outside letters (borders) of EasternmosT
6d Activity for couples, uncool, inside European clubs (6,5)
SQUARE DANCE SQUARE (uncool), then inside DANE (European) is C (clubs)
7d Run with wanderer, no run going too far (11)
EXTRAVAGANT EXTRA (run) + VAG[r]ANT (wanderer) without R (no run)
8d Sporty student lifted weight with energy in reduced interval (4,4)
BLUE NOTE BLUE (sporty student) + the reversal of (lifted) TON (weight) + E (energy)
9d Distant way over mountains crossed by Edward (9)
ESTRANGED ST (way) preceding (over) RANGE (mountains), all surrounded by (crossed by) ED (Edward)
10d Brit getting taps or knock on the head (6)
SCOTCH SCOT (Brit) + CH (taps: cold and hot)
11d I disapprove about providing king with vermouth served up for dessert (5-6)
TUTTI-FRUTTI TUT-TUT (I disapprove) around (about) IF (providing) and R (king) + the reversal of (… served up) IT (Vermouth)
12d Master cook given foreign bread (5)
DOYEN DO (cook) + YEN (foreign bread)
13d Observe timepiece, having disheartened employer? This person may (5-7)
CLOCK-WATCHER CLOCK (observe) + WATCH (timepiece) + EmployeR without the middle letters (disheartened …)
20d Drop of whiskey rejected by flier that’s put on a little weight (8)
RENOUNCE — W (whiskey) is ousted from (rejected by) [w]REN (flier) which is placed above (that’s put on) OUNCE (a little weight)
22d Coach and horse surrounded by horse with raised tail (7)
MANAGER NAG (horse) surrounded by MARE (horse) with the last letter moved up (with raised tail)
23d Place with resistance for current particle (8)
POSITRON POSIT[i]ON (place) with R replacing I (resistance for current)
25d Male golfer’s going to succeed in awful place (8)
HELLHOLE HELL HOLE (male golfer’s going to succeed)
28d Possible reason for booking hotel as well as formal do (8)
HANDBALL H (hotel) + AND (as well as) + BALL (formal do)
29d Learner in pain with fancy, spurious science (7)
ALCHEMY L (learner) in ACHE (pain) + MY (fancy)
31d Might one snipe start to sing, interrupting clever owl? (12)
SHARPSHOOTER — The first letter of (start to) Sing going inside (interrupting) SHARP (clever) and HOOTER (owl?)
33d Old priest with Conservatives on both sides expressing sudden emotion (11)
EXCLAMATORY EX (old) + LAMA (priest) with C and TORY (Conservatives) before and after (on both sides)
34d Queen’s stand-in, perhaps, in bar butted in rudely (7,4)
TRIBUTE BAND BAR BUTTED IN anagrammed (rudely)
35d Running round before games, using good sense (11)
OPERATIONAL O (round) before PE (games) + RATIONAL (using good sense)
36d After 5.10, I’m leaving Italian liqueur for one in orchestra (11)
VIOLONCELLO After V (5) is IO (10) + I’M removed from (leaving) L[im]ONCELLO (Italian liqueur)
38d Young bird with chills getting medical treatments (9)
POULTICES POULT (young bird) + ICES (chills)
41d Covered area, slated on the outside (9)
INSULATED A (area) with INSULTED (slated) around it (on the outside)
42d Phrase containing line by mischievous Greek writer (8)
PLUTARCH PUT (phrase) containing L (line) followed by ARCH (mischievous)
45d Release group without charge (3,4)
SET FREE SET (group) + FREE (without charge)
46d Cell‘s entrance blocked by this person (6)
GAMETE GATE (entrance) containing (blocked by) ME (this person)
47d Someone sitting in more upmarket hospital departs (5)
POSER POS[h]ER (more upmarket) in which H (hospital) leaves (departs)
49d Suppose king’s gone scouting in the US (5)
RECON REC[k]ON (suppose); K (king)’s removed (gone)

11 comments on “Times Cryptic Jumbo 1575 – 10 September 2022. The Scottish Wordplay”

  1. I had no idea what to do with 10d; I didn’t know SCOTCH=knock on the head (and I don’t find it in ODE or Collins). I also didn’t understand HANDBALL, but at least I got the parsing. I liked OLD MAN RIVER.

    1. Not sure if you’re aware that ‘scotch’ and ‘knock on the head’ can both mean ‘put an end to’? In that sense ‘scotch’ is the first meaning listed in Collins. ‘Scotch a rumour ‘ is the most common phrase in which it’s said.

      1. I knew ‘scotch’–scotch a rumor, etc.–although I tend to think of it as in Macbeth’s “We have scotch’d the snake, not killed it”–but I don’t think I knew ‘knock on the head’ other than non-metaphorically, which is where my problem arose. (I wouldn’t say, e.g., “I knocked the rumor on its head”.)

        1. Your example is almost exactly what some people might say. It doesn’t sound odd to me in the slightest although I might substitute ‘the’ for ‘its’.

  2. I had no queries and only a couple of workings on my printout so I must have found this quite easy. Evidently I ran out of steam at the end though, because I used aids for OPERATIONAL and the unknown RECON – on this side of the pond we say (or used to) ‘recce’.

  3. No issues with this… nothing whatsoever written on my printout beyond the completed grid. That is probably a good thing, until you come to comment a fortnight later!
    Still, a jumbo completed with no issues, thank you setter! And Kitty of course

  4. Just under an hour and a half. I’m fine with that. And, yes, it’s always hard to remember after two weeks, but particularly good this week to read the blog and enjoy the clues all over again. I don’t think I can have parsed TUTTI-FRUTTI (King Tut was one of the tuts in my mind) but it was no problem. I enjoyed BEHOLD and PULL OUT ALL THE STOPS and the duck sandwiches and “par”

  5. I brought this puzzle away on holiday so that I’d be able to solve it on the day of the blog and improve Kitty’s viewing figures.

    It’s a pity there isn’t much to say about it. It was very easy with no real talking points. I didn’t manage to parse tutti-fritti so thanks for that, and only know Blue Note as a record label.

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