Times Cryptic Jumbo 1545 – 12 March 2022. A doceant solve

Hello everyone.  I left this until the eleventh hour – almost literally – so have been somewhat briefer than usual.  This would mean I have a proper time for a change, but unfortunately I managed to DNF by doing a couple of things too incredibly silly to mention.  Oh, well, I will admit that I invented the word DOCEANT for 14a (I will not confess what I entered into the crossing 5d!) …

If my sleepy state is to blame for my brain fail, then the puzzle must have been on the gentle side, as it took me 54 minutes.  I did very much enjoy it, particularly the more than usual flavour of science/maths.  Not that there has to be much scientific content in a crossword for it to me more than usual!  So many thanks to the setter for making my hurried solvage and bloggage much more fun than it might have been!

Fun and games with reverse cluing always goes down well with me, so FLAGRANCE and CUT A LONG STORY SHORT get a mention, as well as BUTTERFINGERED.

Definitions are underlined in the clues below.  In the explanations, quoted indicators are in italics, explicit [deletions] are in square brackets, and I’ve capitalised and emboldened letters which appear in the ANSWER.  For clarity, I omit most link words and some juxtaposition indicators.

1 Go to enlist jockeys surrounding horse race expert (11)
ETHNOLOGIST GO TO ENLIST is anagrammed (jockeys) around (surrounding) H (horse)
7 A benefit, with view to invest around developmental stage (11)
ADOLESCENCE A + DOLE (benefit) with SCENE (view) containing (to invest) C (circa, around)
13 Get lost in Amerindian territory’s westernmost part (3,2)
HOP IT HOPI (Amerindian) + Territory’s leftmost letter (westernmost part)
14 Abnormal beginnings of delirium tremens, drinking water (7)
DEVIANT — Initial letters (beginnings) of Delirium Tremens around (drinking) EVIAN (water)
15 Outrageous quality of criminal across the Channel, it’s suggested? (9)
FLAGRANCE LAG (criminal) in FRANCE (across the Channel, it’s suggested?)
16 Converted barn unfortunately bagging zero profit (4-5)
BORN-AGAIN — An anagram of (… unfortunately) BARN enclosing (bagging) O (zero) + GAIN (profit)
17 One makes request flexibly, mostly? It’s beyond me (10)
SUPPLICANT SUPPLy (flexibly) without the last letter (mostly) + I CANT (it’s beyond me)
20 Rang about Republican getting provoked (7)
TROLLED TOLLED (rang) around (about) R (Republican)
22 Shady way of working from the east, I sense (7)
OMINOUS MO (way of working) reversed (from the east) + I + NOUS (sense)
24 Clean frames using computers to make image (7)
PICTURE PURE (clean) goes around (frames) ICT (using computers)
25 In power lighting once again, it’s lacking (8)
REIGNING REIGN[it]ING (lighting once again) without IT (it’s lacking)
26 No cooler aboard vessel, touring delta in uncertain venture (1,4,2,3,4)
A SHOT IN THE DARK AS HOT (no cooler) + IN THE ARK (aboard vessel) going around (touring) D (delta)
28 Crooks in a car dropping back on motorway (5)
MAFIA A and FIAt (car) removing the last letter (dropping back) next to (on) M (motorway)
29 Taps in bathrooms turned for group under water (6)
SCHOOL CH (taps – cold and hot) in LOOS (bathrooms) reversed (turned)
30 Brought down personnel blocking public grant (10)
OVERTHROWN HR (personnel) inside (blocking) OVERT (public) and OWN (grant, as in admit)
33 Foolishly ennoble any wife at court (4,6)
ANNE BOLEYN — An anagram of (foolishly) ENNOBLE ANY
35 Jack getting together with Elizabeth’s sister (6)
ABBESS AB (Jack) + BESS (Elizabeth)
37 Publication with The Times is for enchanting fellow (5)
MAGUS MAG (publication) + US (The Times)
39 Likely to drop billions, say, implicated in crime (14)
BUTTERFINGERED B (billions) + UTTER (say) + FINGERED (implicated in crime)
41 We’re told superior room is suitable for priests (8)
HIERATIC — This sounds like (we’re told) HIGHER (superior) + ATTIC (room)
44 Not as engaging setter working for one with pride (7)
LIONESS LESS (not as) containing (engaging) I (setter) and ON (working)
45 One who throws out European champion (7)
EVICTOR E (European) + VICTOR (champion)
46 Winger to tip over, getting hold of small right back (7)
KESTREL KEEL (to tip over) around (getting hold of) S (small) and RT (right) reversed (back)
47 Appoint entertaining quartet, as the case may be (10)
NOMINATIVE NOMINATE (appoint) surrounding (entertaining) IV (quartet)
49 An evil is ultimately forgiven – it could be this one? (6,3)
VENIAL SIN AN EVIL IS + the last letter of (ultimately) forgiveN could be anagrammed to give this non-mortal sin
53 Supply fashionable and French fabric (9)
STOCKINET STOCK (supply) + IN (fashionable) + ET (and, French)
54 Clear a bishop found with crack (7)
ABSOLVE A + B (bishop) + SOLVE (crack)
55 Rubbish military decoration initially five times greater (5)
DROSS — cROSS (military decoration) with the first letter changed from C to D (initially five times greater – in Roman numerals)
56 Bachelor’s serious kind of crime in Washington? (5-6)
FIRST-DEGREE — A Bachelor’s [degree] is a FIRST DEGREE (not hyphenated) and FIRST-DEGREE [murder] is a serious kind of crime in the US
57 Man picked up drink for hotel employee (5,6)
NIGHT PORTER — A homophone of (… picked up) KNIGHT (man) + PORTER (drink)
1 Boxer hit out, punched by one in shower (9)
EXHIBITOR BOXER HIT anagrammed (out) with the insertion of (punched by) I (one)
2 Cosh, say, with excessive force and fake fervour (10,8)
HYPERBOLIC FUNCTION HYPERBOLIC (excessive) + F (force) + UNCTION (fake fervour)
3 East German capital erected in ancient Roman port (5)
OSTIA OST (east, German) + AI (A1, capital) reversed (erected)
4 Diverse articles coming from curious object in beach (4,3,4)
ODDS AND ENDS ODD (curious) + END (object) in SANDS (beach)
5 Bell, perhaps gold, under cool air (8)
INVENTOR OR (gold) under IN (cool) and VENT (air)
6 Tutors lacking current goal in broadcast (12)
TRANSMISSION TRA[i]NS (tutors) without I (lacking current) + MISSION (goal)
7 Particle, not ion, with part spinning round (10)
ANTIPROTON — An anagram of (… spinning around) NOT ION with PART
8 Tripe found by ancient king on line (5)
OFFAL OFFA (ancient king) on L (line)
9 A romance tip spread around, one ruling out bondage? (11)
EMANCIPATOR A ROMANCE TIP anagrammed (spread around)
10 Record lasting lifetime, but only the covers (9)
CHRONICLE CHRONIC (lasting) + LifetimE, but just the outer letters (only the covers)
11 Lacking class, like New Yorker’s behaviour? (3-1)
NON-U — The American spelling of behaviour lacks the U
12 Something that happens briefly in flat (4)
EVEN EVENt (something that happens) without the last letter (briefly)
18 Get to the point that may make saga sag? (3,1,4,5,5)
CUT A LONG STORY SHORT — If you remove the last letter from “saga”, and thus CUT A LONG STORY SHORT, it becomes “sag”
19 What gardener does without knowledge in time off (8)
WEEKENDS WEEDS (what gardener does) around (without) KEN (knowledge)
21 Old-fashioned script politician keeps close (6,1)
LINEAR B LIB (politician) contains (keeps) NEAR (close)
23 More than one domestic goes AWOL around six (8)
SKIVVIES SKIVES (goes AWOL) around VI (six)
27 Asian bread eaten by socialist born in US capital (8)
CHEYENNE YEN (Asian bread) inside (eaten by) CHE (socialist) and (born)
28 Tiring complaint where one sees dancers mince (8)
MEATBALL ME (tiring complaint) + AT BALL (where one sees dancers)
31 Contact sport breaking philosopher’s bone (7)
HUMERUS RU (contact sport) inserted into (breaking) HUMES (philosopher’s)
32 Don’t protest so much about perfect example (6,6)
OBJECT LESSON OBJECT LESS (don’t protest so much) + ON (about)
34 After sentence, con abandons morality for zoology? (4,7)
LIFE SCIENCE After LIFE (sentence), CON leaves (abandons) [con]SCIENCE (morality)
36 Possible pet to shove among group of extremists (5,6)
STICK INSECT STICK (to shove) + IN (among) + SECT (group of extremists)
38 Run over India and China is sensible (10)
LEGITIMATE LEG IT (run) + I (India) + MATE (China)
40 I heard hit film is one that grips the viewer (3,6)
EYE SOCKET EYE, a homophone of (… heard) I + SOCK (hit) + ET (film)
42 Criminal in cooler’s one appropriating territory (9)
COLONISER — An anagram of (criminal) IN COOLERS
43 Composer’s brought in to good account of American abroad? (8)
TRAVELOG RAVEL (composer) is put inside (brought in) TO + G (good), with the definition accounting for the American spelling
48 Tail of sea bird moving around (5)
ASTIR — The last letter (tail) of seA + STIR (bird)
50 Car wheel is sound (5)
AUDIO AUDI (car) + O (wheel)
51 A hand almost raised? Pull the other one (2,2)
AS IF A + FISt (hand) minus its last letter (almost) and reversed (raised)
52 Show derision before king, one wanting culture (4)
BOOR BOO (show derision) before R (king)

6 comments on “Times Cryptic Jumbo 1545 – 12 March 2022. A doceant solve”

  1. This puzzle’s answers evoke a lot of movie titles- A Shot in the Dark,The Magus,Kes,The Night Porter,Weekend,The Cheyenne Social Club and Meatballs. And a movie is a PICTURE with AUDIO and the EXHIBITOR often runs a TRAVELOG before the main feature.
    1. With the help of Google/IMDB, you can add quite a few more: BORN AGAIN (1975) ANNE BOLEYN (2021 TV mini series), not to mention The Other Boleyn Girl, FIRST DEGREE (1923/1995), VENIAL SIN (1974 et al), BUTTER FINGERs (1923), To CUT A LONG STORY SHORT (2013) The OBJECT LESSON (2018), OMINOUS (2009), The DEVIANTs (2004), CHRONICLE (2012) and even STICKY a 2014 short about STICK INSECTs. Probably more, but hey, I had fun doing the (limited!) research!

      Edited at 2022-03-26 10:11 am (UTC)

  2. I didn’t understand MEATBALL, not knowing ME. And I never got ASTIR, failing to think of that ‘bird’. DNK SKIVVIES (thought they were underwear of some sort). Didn’t care for ‘wheel’=O. I liked OVERTHROWN.
  3. I found this on the tougher side, taking 87:37 to get through it. Sadly it was all in vain, as I had fat finger syndrome with NOMIVATIVE 🙁 Was quite pleased to remember HYPERBOLIC FUNCTION! Thanks setter and Kitty.
  4. Douglas Adams famously said that he loved deadlines, especially the whizzing noise they make as they fly past. I feel much the same about ninas, themes and pangrams … would love to spot them, but almost never do.
    In this case I suspect Z is right, and I/we have missed quite the Nina ..

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