Hi all. A little bird told me that this was a piece of cake eaten on a picnic during a walk in the park. Or words to that effect. Consequently I decided to tackle it in one sitting (and leave it to the last minute, but that’s normal for me). Indeed, I only needed to gather my fragmented concentration for the half hour it took to sort it all out. The crossword was not, however, without answers for which I had to lean heavily on the wordplay, notably PICOT and IDOLA.
A fine puzzle, and I have no complaints. I did notice quite a few negative adjectives, and perhaps they seeped into my subconscious and affected my enjoyment a smidge. I won’t let a passing mood cause me to forget my manners, though. Many thanks to the setter.
(And no, I did not eat that little bird!)
Definitions are underlined in the clues below. In the explanations, quoted indicators are in italics, explicit [deletions] are in square brackets, and I’ve capitalised and emboldened letters which appear in the ANSWER. For clarity, I omit most link words and some juxtaposition indicators.
Across | |
1 | Bat observed by queen, possibly, in tree (5,6) |
PUSSY WILLOW — WILLOW (bat) seen next to (observed by) PUSSY (queen, possibly – a queen is an unspayed female cat) | |
7 | Family member‘s move getting visitor finally into trouble (11) |
STEPBROTHER — STEP (move, e.g. a dance move) + the last letter of (… finally) visitoR inserted into BOTHER (trouble) | |
13 | Mad Finn began fiddling, swearing appallingly (6,3,8) |
14 | Piece of information corporation attorney provided first (5) |
DATUM — TUM (corporation), with DA (attorney) given beforehand (provided first) | |
15 | Harebrained son of spiteful disposition (6) |
SCATTY — S (son) + CATTY (of spiteful disposition) | |
16 | Revolutionary figure recalled in register (8) |
LENINIST — NINE (figure) reversed inside (recalled in) LIST (register) | |
17 | Footwear found in coach (7) |
TRAINER — Double definition | |
19 | Work with men broken by media tyrant (9) |
OPPRESSOR — OP (work) and OR (men) with the insertion of (broken by) PRESS (media) | |
21 | Like some highly flavoured cake Liberal consumed with caution (8) |
GINGERLY — GINGERY (like some highly flavoured cake) with L (Liberal) inside (consumed) | |
23 | Reportedly a female unit of heredity (4) |
GENE — Sounds like (reportedly) JEAN (a female) | |
25 | Severe pain encountered in French and African state (5) |
EGYPT — GYP (severe pain) is found inside (encountered in) ET (and, French) | |
27 | Crustacean current lawmaker found crossing Italian river? (6) |
ISOPOD — I (current) + SOD (lawmaker, whimsically) found around (crossing) PO (Italian river). My favourite subset of Sod’s Law is Muphry’s Law, which has tripped up many a contributor to crossword blogs | |
28 | Varsity athlete with courage, a member of the constabulary (10) |
BLUEBOTTLE — BLUE (varsity athlete) + BOTTLE (courage) | |
30 | Unworldly woman seen around army corps area (8) |
ETHEREAL — ETHEL (woman) seen around RE (army corps) and A (area) | |
31 | Omnipresence of posh bishop I left over by American cape (14) |
UBIQUITOUSNESS — U (posh) + B (bishop) + I + QUIT (left) + O (old) + US (American) + NESS (cape). Impressive! | |
34 | Terribly idle woman is not without depth (3-11) |
TWO-DIMENSIONAL — An anagram of (terribly) IDLE WOMAN IS NOT | |
35 | Malicious goddess ensnaring old doctor (8) |
VENOMOUS — VENUS (goddess) enclosing (ensnaring) O (old) and MO (doctor) | |
38 | Generous, though suffering from cardiomegaly? (3-7) |
BIG-HEARTED — Definition plus a literal interpretation of the answer | |
40 | Run into upholstered seat used by several in squat? (6) |
CROUCH — R (run) goes into COUCH (upholstered seat used by several) | |
41 | Hard man repeatedly supplying meat acceptable to Muslims (5) |
HALAL — H (hard) + AL AL (man, repeatedly) | |
43 | Censor both sides of agreement secured by company (4) |
CATO — The outer letters of (both sides of) AgreemenT inside (secured by) CO (company). I needed the wordplay to remember that Cato was a censor | |
44 | European embassy, one of those we’re trying to cut? (8) |
EMISSION — E (European) + MISSION (embassy) | |
45 | Role in theatrical do for men only (4,5) |
STAG PARTY — PART (role) in STAGY (theatrical) | |
48 | Exceed allotted time with respect to race (7) |
OVERRUN — OVER (with respect to) + RUN (race) | |
49 | Pitiful way it gets knocked back in City area (8) |
PATHETIC — PATH (way), then IT gets reversed inside (knocked back in) EC (City area) | |
50 | Cross about start of feisty female’s gag? (6) |
MUFFLE — MULE (cross) around (about) the first letter of (start of) Feisty and F (female) | |
53 | I visit the Hollywood area, having false notions (5) |
IDOLA — I + DO (visit, see the sights of) + LA (the Hollywood area) | |
54 | Injuries shown by Scottish poet with PhD, perhaps? (6-6,5) |
SECOND-DEGREE BURNS — BURNS (Scottish poet) is next to (shown by) SECOND DEGREE (PhD perhaps?) | |
55 | Remedial treatment for cutie following censure (11) |
THERAPEUTIC — An anagram of (treatment for) CUTIE following THE RAP (censure) | |
56 | Uncommon process involving fluorine becoming less dense (11) |
RAREFACTION — RARE (uncommon) and ACTION (process) containing (involving) F (fluorine) |
Down | |
1 | Silence poet’s representation of a prehistoric age (11) |
PLEISTOCENE — SILENCE POET‘s anagram (representation) | |
2 | Capital I invested in upholstered seat (5) |
SOFIA — I inserted into (invested in) SOFA (upholstered seat) | |
3 | Dread losing son before sharp double bend: you must cross that river! (7) |
YANGTZE — ANG[s]T (dread) without S (losing son) before Z (sharp double bend): YE (you) goes around (must cross) that | |
4 | Terrible ruler‘s current form of transport (4) |
IVAN — I (current) + VAN (form of transport) | |
5 | New maid’s role involving old women’s retreat? (6,4) |
LADIES ROOM — An anagram of (new) MAID’S ROLE containing (involving) O (old) | |
6 | Western jazzman too biased at first over footwear (10,4) |
WELLINGTON BOOT — W (western) + ELLINGTON (jazzman) + the reversal of (… over) TOO and B (biased at first) | |
7 | Feeling transmitted by head of Irish hospital department (8) |
SENTIENT — SENT (transmitted) + the first letter (head) of Irish + ENT (hospital department) | |
8 | Time to get upset about Conservative decree (5) |
EDICT — TIDE (time) reversed (to get upset) around (about) C (Conservative) | |
9 | Beautiful girl holding a gun? A thing of little significance (9) |
BAGATELLE — BELLE (beautiful girl) containing (holding) A GAT (a gun) | |
10 | Nightmare of French exam taken externally (6) |
ORDEAL — DE (of, French) with ORAL (exam) around it (taken externally) | |
11 | Very angry, like a boxer on a sweltering day? (3,5,3,6) |
HOT UNDER THE COLLAR — A boxer (of the canine variety) might literally get HOT UNDER THE COLLAR when it’s very warm | |
12 | Hard-hearted note on inspector? Not so (11) |
REMORSELESS — RE (note) on MORSE (inspector) + LESS (not so) | |
18 | Evaluate French art this writer’s exhibited in gallery (8) |
ESTIMATE — ES (French art, art as in “thou art”) + I’M (this writer’s, this writer is) inside (exhibited in) TATE (gallery) | |
20 | Settle extortionate bill involving hooter? (3,7,3,4) |
PAY THROUGH THE NOSE — Cryptic definition | |
22 | Rich confection English girl left unfinished (6) |
ÉCLAIR — E (English) + CLAIRe (girl) without the final letter (left unfinished). This will be old news to old-timers, but it may be worth mentioning the famous definition of éclair in Chambers: “a cake, long in shape but short in duration” | |
24 | Thus otters originally plunged into river — truly (8) |
FORSOOTH — SO (thus) and the first letter of (… originally) Otters inserted into (plunged in) FORTH (river) | |
26 | Name one’s used to cover extremities of these insects (8) |
TERMITES — TERM (name) + I’S (one’s) around (to cover) the outer letters (extremities) of ThesE | |
29 | RAF officer “S”? (8,6) |
SQUADRON LEADER — Reverse clue for “S” – Squadron leader | |
32 | Become excessively agitated about eliminating round (8) |
OVERHEAT — OVER (about) + HEAT (eliminating round) | |
33 | Evaluate merchandise ultimately carried in a couple of ships (6) |
ASSESS — The last letter of (… ultimately) merchandisE inside (carried in) A and SS SS (couple of ships) | |
34 | Trader‘s con cost a bit, unfortunately (11) |
TOBACCONIST — CON COST A BIT anagrammed (unfortunately) | |
36 | Poor ass is lonely — nothing much happening now (5,6) |
SILLY SEASON — An anagram of (poor) ASS IS LONELY | |
37 | Greek characters hang about, arresting duke’s malicious vilifier (10) |
MUDSLINGER — MUS (Greek characters – more than one μ) and LINGER (hang about) containing (arresting) D (duke) | |
39 | Recapture thoughts about skirts causing excitement at first (9) |
REMINISCE — RE (about) + MINIS (skirts) + initial letters of (… at first) Causing Excitement | |
42 | Like works of poet and philosopher briefly taking pick-me-up (8) |
MILTONIC — MILl (philosopher) without the last letter (briefly) + TONIC (pick-me-up) | |
46 | Sound iron chest primarily containing lead (7) |
PLUMBIC — PLUMB (sound) + the first letters of (… primarily) Iron Chest | |
47 | A jolly girl — and fleet (6) |
ARMADA — A + RM (jolly, slang for a Royal Marine) + ADA (girl) | |
49 | Feature of needlework originally produced in bed (5) |
PICOT — Initial letters of (originally) Produced In + COT (bed) | |
51 | Asian language principally spoken in remote island (5) |
FARSI — The first letter of (principally) Spoken in FAR (remote) and I (island) | |
52 | Man once bound to take to the waves, do we hear? (4) |
SERF — SURF (to take the waves), homophone (we hear) |
Murphy’s Law is a variant on Sod’s: if anything can go wrong, it will. Same idea, but without the malevolence.
must have expensive carpets, I suppose ..
COD SECOND DEGREE BURNS. but also strong mention to the seven part UBIQUITOUSNESS.
At 37d [MUDSLINGER] I tried to fit IAGO as the only vilifier I could think of.
I just learnt jolly=Royal Marine on a puzzle prior to this, pleased to be able to use it straight away.