Times Cryptic Jumbo 1465 – 24th October. Lots of highs

Hi everyone, and Happy Caturday.

A great crossword to savour, I thought.  It took me something like a couple of hours over a few sessions but yielded to applied thinking, with plenty of lovely aha! moments along the way.  Thanks, setter!

Definitions are underlined in the clues below.  In the explanations, quoted indicators are in italics, explicit [deletions] are in square brackets, and I’ve capitalised and emboldened letters which appear in the ANSWER.

1 Get beaten for holding bible class? That’s hairy! (11)
BEWHISKERED BE WHISKED (get beaten) containing (holding) RE (bible class)
7 Inferior sound device with important second function (6,5)
MICKEY MOUSE MIC (sound device) with KEY (important) + MO (second) + USE (function)
13 No going back — so suffer immediately (2,3,4)
ON THE NAIL NO reversed (going back) + THEN (so) + AIL (suffer)
14 Error diminished old Greek car manufacturer (7)
BUGATTI BUG (error) + all but the last letter of (diminished) ATTIc (Greek)
15 The crossword editor retained by Express is dull! (5)
SAMEY ME (the crossword editor) inside (retained by) SAY (express).  A clue to the setter?  Quite probably, but I think it works anyway since any setter will edit the crossword as part of the creation process
16 Waiting to connect leg with horse before getting on (2,4)
ON HOLD ON (leg) with H (horse) before OLD (getting on)
17 The woman chasing fairies finds little devil (8)
PERISHER HER (the woman) following (chasing) PERIS (fairies)
18 Against the current voting system, one’s put in united resistance (7)
UPRIVER PR (voting system) and IVE (one’s) put in between U (united) and R (resistance)
20 Female suffering terrific stress moved as queue dealt with? (5,4,5,6)
FIRST COME FIRST SERVED F (female) + an anagram of (suffering) TERRIFIC STRESS MOVED
23 Religion‘s expression of enlightenment in repeated Mass (7)
BAHAISM AHA (expression of enlightenment) in BIS (repeated) + M (mass)
24 Salty food Parisian prepared with article taken from fire (7)
PRETZEL PRET (Parisian prepared) with A (article) taken from ZE[a]L (fire)
26 With track race put back, athlete finally gets to train (7)
NURTURE RUT (track) and RUN (race) all reversed (put back) + athletE finally
28 Drive away unauthorised pair of canvassers at the front (4)
TWOC TWO (pair of) + the first letter of (… at the front) Canvassers
29 Kept in hand men’s prize at festival (5,3)
PALME D’OR PALMED (kept in hand) + OR (Other Ranks, men)
32 Go crawling along out of gear? (6-3)
SKINNY-DIP — A cryptic definition
35 Tries the lot again, mostly for practice (9)
REHEARSAL REHEARS ALl (tries the lot again), without the last letter (mostly)
36 Scrape trailer filling skip (8)
ESCAPADE AD (trailer) inside (filling) ESCAPE (skip)
37 Reaction to the cold basics of learning by the book? (4)
BRRR RRR (basics of learning: the so-called three Rs) next to (by) B (book)
39 Save one’s cheers for the person serving the drinks (7)
BARISTA BAR (save) + IS (one’s) + TA (cheers)
41 Knock one over: not exactly sweet! (7)
TAPIOCA TAP (knock) + I (one) + O (over) + CA (circa, not exactly)
44 Noble fellow cheated on the first female? (7)
GALAHAD HAD (cheated) next to (on) GAL A (the first female?)
45 Light work made of devout folk — how much punishment’s involved unknown (3,7,2,8)
THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE THE PI (devout folk), then RATES OF PENANCE (how much punishment) has inside it (‘s involved) Z (unknown)
49 Nearly all choose to accept current condition for peace (7)
PACIFIC — Most of (nearly all) PICk (choose) containing (to accept) AC (current) and IF (condition)
50 Material with which to test cosmetic (8)
TOILETRY TOILE (material) with TRY (test)
51 Publisher takes role of petitioner (6)
ISSUER IS SUER (takes role of petitioner)
53 Shaped outlines round first part of encyclopaedia? (5)
OVOLI O (round) + VOL I (Vol 1, first part of encyclopaedia?)
54 Fair, perhaps, to have teams in red (7)
MARXIST MART (fair, perhaps) containing (to have … in) XIS (teams)
55 Real nice uniform that’s worn (9)
AUTHENTIC NICE U (uniform) THAT is anagrammed (worn)
56 Neutral zone of old formerly swallowed up by Polish (6,5)
BUFFER STATE ERST (of old, formerly) and ATE (swallowed) next to (by) BUFF (polish)
57 Military command dispatched divisions in advance? (7,4)
PRESENT ARMS PRE-SENT (dispatched … in advance) ARMS (divisions)
1 Barrack the person that is heard sobbing (6)
BOOHOO BOO (barrack) + a homophone of (… that is heard) WHO (the person)
2 Kids TV shows cave containing possible emperor and queen (5,4,6)
WATCH WITH MOTHER WATCH (cave, Latin) + WITH (containing) + MOTH (possibly emperor, emperor moth) and ER (queen)
3 Romantic rendering italicised (10)
IDEALISTIC — An anagram of (rendering) ITALICISED
4 Old ruler shook hands, disappearing outside (4)
KHAN — ShooK HANds with some of the outside disappearing
5 What shows highs and lots of plot to remove the old guard? (6,3)
RELIEF MAP — The answer could be interpreted as a MAP (plot) of RELIEF – the replacement of the old guard, for example (indicated by the ?), with the new.  I presume that “lots” is a typo for “lows” and fortunately that’s how I read it when solving, but this caused much head-scratching when it came to writing the blog
6 Excellent, having cheese in grill (7)
DEBRIEF DEF (excellent, slang) containing (having … in) BRIE (cheese)
7 Radio unit taking great pains to broadcast (9)
MEGAHERTZ MEGA (great) + a homophone of (… to broadcast) HURTS (pains)
8 Just leave odd parts for Henry Archer (5)
CUTER — If you CUT ER, the even letters from h[E]n[R]y, you just leave the odd parts of it
9 I run peace movement for pleasure (9)
EPICUREAN I RUN PEACE, anagram (movement)
10 Archbishop‘s doctors turn out upset: RIP! (4,8)
MOST REVEREND MOS (doctors) + EVERT (turn out) reversed (upset) + REND (rip)
11 Calm as king must be prior to being taken to castle (7)
UNMOVED — In a game of chess, a king must not have moved at all in order to make the move known as castling (being taken to castle).  My initial parsing of “something to do with chess” had to be fleshed out slightly for the blog!
12 Friend to bear errors excepted long ago (6)
EEYORE EE (errors excepted) + YORE (long ago)
19 Rogues succeeded with much (8)
SCUMBAGS S (succeeded) + CUM (with) + BAGS (much)
21 Lectures on horses for touts (5,2)
TALKS UP TALKS (lectures) + UP (on horses)
22 Penny, coming in flushed after double PE, showered (8)
PEPPERED P (penny) inside (coming in) RED (flushed) after PE PE (double PE)
23 Albert’s heart, pounding inside loose garment (8)
BATHROBE — AlBErt’s heart with ATHROB (pounding) inside
25 Give in to the French: what’s expected (5)
ENDUE EN (in, to the French) + DUE (what’s expected)
27 One presumably telling too little about article illegally acquired (5-3-7)
UNDER-THE-COUNTER UNDER-COUNTER (one presumably telling too little) around (about) THE (article)
30 FA’s forerunner came down on one with a certain force (7)
MILITIA MI (fa’s forerunner, in the sol-fa system) + LIT (came down) preceding (on, in a down entry) I (one) with A
31 Play area closed — leaves to the right (5)
RECTO REC (play area) + TO (closed)
33 In dire need of film company dismissing English fellow (8)
INDIGENT INDI[e] (film company) without (dismissing) E (English) + GENT (fellow)
34 Serializes a fine novel, not interfering with anything? (7-5)
LAISSEZ-FAIRE SERIALIZES A F (fine) anagrammed (novel)
38 What’s somehow keeping everything out of Chelsea net? (5,5)
40 Friends, perhaps, in the main revolting, however (2,2,5)
AS IT COMES SITCOM (Friends, perhaps) in the reversal of (… revolting) SEA (the main)
42 Cliff, Charlie and I, dividing homework, finish off (9)
PRECIPICE C (Charlie) and I inside (dividing) PREP (homework) and ICE (finish off, kill)
43 Like normal, bland sweetener (9)
ASPARTAME AS (like) + PAR (normal) + TAME (bland)
45 Lecture Mark completed (4,3)
TICK OFF — A double definition
46 Be too generous, glaring at paltry sum (7)
OVERTIP OVERT (glaring) + IP (1p, paltry sum)
47 Being collected in a Post Office, large computer storage unit (6)
APLOMB In A PO (Post Office), L (large), then MB (computer storage unit)
48 Writes off to a dictator, the king (6)
WRECKS — Homophone of (to a dictator) REX (the king)
50 Film star in fur coat putting king in his place in Ireland? (5)
TARKA K (king) in TARA (his place in Ireland?)
52 Inflammation contracted last year (4)
STYE — The answer is found in a contracted laST YEar

6 comments on “Times Cryptic Jumbo 1465 – 24th October. Lots of highs”

  1. Ha, I read 5dn the same way you did .. and it is yet another answer we’ve seen twice recently, though whether this was its first or second appearance I can’t now remember.
    Wasn’t keen on 1dn. No problems otherwise

    Edited at 2020-11-07 07:30 am (UTC)

  2. I had real problems getting properly going on this one but eventually settled into some sort of rhythm and worked my way through it. I don’t understand what is supposed to be the definition at 38dn and wonder if it’s something to do with a football term I’m not familiar with. I don’t follow the sport so that’s perfectly possible. And speaking of which, I was distracted by football at 30dn and never explained MI = FA forerunner at 30dn.

    Edited at 2020-11-07 09:17 am (UTC)

  3. I enjoyed this a lot – quite chewy and it took me over twice my average time. Lots of ticks on my copy with double ticks for BEWHISKERED, UNMOVED and EEYORE. I needed an aid to find the unknown BAHAISM before I could spot BATHROBE. When I parsed 15A, I took it as a hint that Richard Rogan was the setter. Thanks Kitty and Richard(?)
  4. A side (or goalkeeper) is said to keep a clean sheet if they don’t let in any goals. I think it’s meant to be wry &lit.

    Edited at 2020-11-07 10:43 am (UTC)

    1. Many thanks, John. It seems to be such a general term for having an unblemished record and I wasn’t aware of this, nor indeed any, specific usage.
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