Times Cryptic Jumbo 1399: If Life Seems Jolly Rotten, There’s Something You’ve Forgotten!

About as straightforward as Jumbos get, which was just as well when I hadn’t realised my weekend had come around again so soon. FOI 1ac, LOI 56ac as it took a while for me to confidently separate the definition part from the synonym for “high”. I liked the Shakespearean nods in ROBIN GOODFELLOW and ILLYRIA, and the harder GK to be found in LUCCA and LUCINA (both pleasingly Italianate!), but generally this proved a walk in the park, pace the mysterious (to me anyway) definition of 6dn.

Hope you all enjoyed it anyway and thanks for your forbearance in waiting till the very end of the weekend for the blog!

1 But mosaic is in pieces of very small size (9)
SUBATOMIC – (BUT MOSAIC*) [“is in pieces”]

6 Rum delivery in case (7)
ODDBALL – ODD BALL [rum | delivery]

10 Talks idly of tears when husband’s gone (5)
GASES – GAS{h}ES [tears, minus H for husband]

13 Quite happy to study wine (7)
CONTENT – CON TENT [to study | wine]

14 Casual assistance given to cricket side (7)
OFFHAND – HAND [assistance] given to OFF [cricket side]

15 Mediterranean boat’s fine, but not in Tuscan city (7)
FELUCCA – F{in}E [fine, but not “in”] + LUCCA [Tuscan city]

16 Be hopeful and view the less good single? That’s about correct (4,2,3,6,4)
LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE – LOOK ON THE B-SIDE [view the less good single], “about” RIGHT [correct]. An apposite question mark, as there are some bands, Suede springing to mind, whose B-sides were consistently as good as or better than their A-sides!

17 Dine on steak, say, but not medium (3)
EAT – {m}EAT [steak say, minus M for medium]

18 Make material that’s woven by demo (6)
EMBODY – (BY DEMO*) [“woven”]

20 Halt alien sea creature (6)
LIMPET – LIMP E.T. [halt | alien]

21 A fatal preparation of polonium’s working on defector (3,6)
RAT POISON – PO IS ON [polonium’s working] on RAT [defector]

23 One selling company of men in pursuit of £51 a time (10)
LIQUIDATOR – O.R. [men], in pursuit of LI QUID A T [51 | pounds | a | time]

25 Reason for being editor — earns fantastically (6,5)
RAISON D’ETRE – (EDITOR EARNS*) [“fantastically”]

29 Fish, angler’s first in northern lake (5)
LOACH – A{ngler} in LOCH [northern lake]

30 Cast in one broadcast on “Columbo” misses uniform (8)
MONOBLOC – (ON COL{u}MBO*) [“broadcast”]

31 Move downwards is concerning Papal ambassador (8)
RELEGATE – RE LEGATE [concerning | Papal ambassador]

34 What’s amusing in key National Executive Committee notes (8)
ANECDOTE – A NEC [key | National Executive Committee] + DO TE [(two) notes]

36 Poor Indian chap without an article (8)
INDIGENT – INDI{a} GENT [Indian | chap, minus A (an article)]

37 Place to stay right after golf? (5)
HOTEL – follows Golf in the phonetic alphabet

39 Speeding up wrecked oral cadence (11)

41 Who’s uninterested in the narrow catalogue of species groups? (10)
GENERALIST – or GENERA LIST [catalogue of species groups]

43 Quiet speaker with his quiet and repeated signs of hesitation (9)
WHISPERER – W HIS P [with | his | quiet] + ER ER [repeated signs of hesitation]

45 Went down, to come back gathering oxygen is empty (6)
DEVOID – reversed DIVED [went down], “gathering” O [oxygen]

47 Mostly odd echo with large chimney near bridge? (6)
FUNNEL – FUNN{y} [“mostly” odd] + E L [echo | large]. A chimney near the bridge of a ship.

49 Doctor covering up a breach (3)
GAP – GP [doctor] “covering up” A

50 Variety of round cogwheel which has some falling out (10,2,7)
DIFFERENCE OF OPINION – DIFFERENCE OF O PINION [variety | of | round | cogwheel]

52 Sound the alarm as “whiskey” is adopted for a time for Scots emblem (7)
WHISTLE – take THISTLE [Scots emblem] and replace W [whiskey] with T [time]

53 Off-colour and casual about old Balkan area (7)
ILLYRIA – ILL [off colour] + reversed AIRY [casual]

54 What some dancing fools hold — bishop must take steps to realise it (7)
BLADDER – B [bishop] must take LADDER [steps]

55 Stiff and cold, putting off female (5)
RIGID – {f}RIGID [cold, minus F for female]

56 Where all may go on a trip with style (7)
HIGHWAY – HIGH [on a trip] with WAY [style]

57 Clear former mate and English sailor returning outside unit (9)
EXONERATE – EX [former mate] + reversed E TAR [English | sailor], outside ONE [unit]

1 Supposed codes all must be broken (2-6)
SO-CALLED – (CODES ALL*) [“must be broken”]

2 House with rubbish container on drive (5)
BINGO – BIN [rubbish container] on GO [drive]

3 Film bird around ruined lodge (3,4,4)
THE GOLD RUSH – THRUSH [bird] “around” (LODGE*) [“ruined”]

4 Speechless about a temperature change (6)
MUTATE – MUTE [speechless] “about” A T [a | temperature]

5 Plug suiting that’s figure-hugging (5-7)
CLOSE-FITTING – CLOSE [plug] + FITTING [suiting]

6 Test for fixing promotion has ended (5,2)
OFFER UP – OFFER [promotion] has UP [ended]. I was none the wiser about the definition part, but per Collins: “in eg joinery, to position on a trial basis, in order to test for size or suitability before fixing”.

7 Swallow perched initially on housetop avoiding gusts of wind (15)
DRAUGHTPROOFING – DRAUGHT [swallow] + P{erched} + ROOFING [housetop]

8 Financial record of motor company on Tourist Trophy track (5,5)
AUDIT TRAIL – AUDI [motor company] on TT RAIL [Tourist Trophy | track]

9 That’s it! Fellow running from the right is where he’s at (7)
LEFTIST – hidden reversed in {tha}T’S IT FEL{low}, &lit

10 Good vintage single turning up, cut out for evergreen (6,5)
GOLDEN OLDIE – G OLD [good | vintage] + reversed LONE [single] + DIE [cut out]

11 Connector on television which needs a wrench to use (6,3)
SOCKET SET – SOCKET [connector] on SET [television]

12 Hardy box bark (7)
SPARTAN – SPAR TAN [box | bark]

19 Body of troops commanded to carry equipment (7)
BRIGADE – BADE [commanded] “to carry” RIG [equipment]

22 What shows movement of old building and every other one in theory (8)
ODOMETER – O DOME [old | building] + T{h}E{o}R{y}

24 Mischievous sprite contrived woe for old goblin (5,10)

26 Exhaust excessively visible, leading to anger (8)
OVERTIRE – OVERT [excessively visible], leading to IRE [anger]

27 Waugh, perhaps, has name coming up constantly (6)
EVENLY – take EVELYN [Waugh], and move the N for N two positions up

28 Mountain animal covering Andes, primarily (6)
ALPACA – ALP [mountain] + A{nimal} C{overing} A{ndes}, &lit

32 Insides of parts list covers article needed for mechanic? (7)
ARTISAN – {p}ART{s} {l}IS{t} covers AN [article]

33 Gave interior reworking to lend a new vitality (12)

35 Broken-down and obsolete covers one circuit I had (11)
DILAPIDATED – DATED [obsolete] “covers” I LAP I’D [one | circuit | I had]

37 See things mostly stopped when Roman goddess enters (11)
HALLUCINATE – HALTE{d} [“mostly” stopped] when LUCINA [Roman goddess (of childbirth)] enters

38 Diner being given wrong order, a cause of some illnesses (10)
INBREEDING – (DINER BEING*) [“given wrong order”]

40 Fretting under constant and disastrous undermining (9)
CRIPPLING – RIPPLING [fretting] under C [constant]

42 Casual walking enthusiast around Lake Erie (8)
FLANERIE – FAN [enthusiast] “around” L [Lake] + ERIE

43 Worker’s pay was cut back, right? Be belligerent (4,3)
WAGE WAR – WAGE [worker’s pay] + WA{s} + R [right]

44 Update reference concerning small hotel (7)
REFRESH – REF RE S H [reference | concerning | small | hotel]

46 Governor’s wicked behaviour over chap (7)
VICEROY – VICE [wicked behaviour] over ROY [chap]

48 Reserve volume endlessly in error (3-3)
BOO-BOO – BOO{k} BOO{k} [reserve | volume, both missing their “ends”]

51 Home help turned up in a state (5)
INDIA – IN [home] + reversed AID [help]

5 comments on “Times Cryptic Jumbo 1399: If Life Seems Jolly Rotten, There’s Something You’ve Forgotten!”

  1. It took me 65:02 to do this one, so not so difficult. I needed assistance with FELUCCA, not knowing the city and being unsure of the spelling of the boat. ROBIN GOODFELLOW was vaguely familiar once I had enough checkers. Thanks setter and V.
    On edit: FLANERIE was new to me too.

    Edited at 2019-09-16 04:03 pm (UTC)

  2. I found this mostly very straight-forward, but my GK was lacking when it came to LUCCA and FELUCCA and ILLYRA nad FLANERIE was a new word to me. SPARTAN my LOI. COD to ALPACA. Thanks V and setter. 42:56.
    1. Needless to say (in the light of my avatar pic) I spend plenty of time being a self-styled flaneur so that one didn’t cause me any trouble!

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