Times Cryptic 27866
Solving time: 38 minutes with one partially wrong answer at 8dn.
As usual definitions are underlined in bold italics, {deletions and substitutions are in curly brackets} and [anagrinds, containment, reversal and other indicators in square ones]. I usually omit all reference to positional indicators unless there is a specific point that requires clarification.
Across | |
1 | Unexpected if tortuous novel (10) |
FORTUITOUS : Anagram [novel] of IF TORTUOUS | |
6 | Drink freshly made – and from bananas – containing energy (4) |
MEAD : Anagram [freshly] of MADE. Also MAD (bananas) containing E (energy). Two recipes for MEAD for the price of one! | |
10 | In the absence of authority, some seizing chief (7) |
ANARCHY : ANY (some) containing [seizing] ARCH (chief) | |
11 | Brickie’s eye needed to fill top part of course? (4,3) |
CHOC ICE : {bri}C{kie} [eye] contained by [to fill] CHOICE (top). An odd clue which I may have misunderstood. I take it that ‘eye’ refers to the middle letter of ‘brickie’ in the same way as ‘the eye of a storm’ represents its central point. I think of a CHOC ICE (more usually hyphenated) as a confection like an ice-cream tub or a lollipop to be eaten e.g. in the cinema of my youth, rather than something served at the table, but I just found it in a dictionary defined as ‘a frozen dessert’ which makes it sound more like a sweet course of a meal. But then why ‘part of a course’? I get the ‘course of bricks’ reference in the surface reading, but even so… | |
12 | Echo in written works? Check four to find it perhaps (9) |
LEITMOTIV : E (echo – NATO alphabet) contained by [in] LIT (written works – literature), MOT (check – Ministry of Transport road vehicle test), IV (four). This is a recurring idea or image in a literary work, music, etc. The definition might be the first word of the clue, or the first half, or perhaps the whole thing. | |
13 | Source of antiquated writings stocks a hoard (5) |
AMASS : A{ntiquated} [source of…], then MSS (writings – manuscripts) contains [stocks] A | |
14 | Quality one’s lacking in server (5) |
WATER : WA{i}TER (server) [one’s – i – lacking]. Of the first water / of excellent quality | |
15 | Resident entertaining a bishop’s relation (9) |
NARRATIVE : NATIVE (resident) containing [entertaining] A + RR (bishop – Right Reverend) | |
17 | Speaker’s earnings corrupt post-holder (9) |
INCUMBENT : INCUM sounds like [speaker’s] “income” (earnings), BENT (corrupt) | |
20 | Cool Dublin politician holds record, first in Ireland (5) |
TEPID : TD (Dublin politician – Teachta Dála) contains [holds] EP (record) + I{reland} [first] | |
21 | They make it easier to see small mushrooms, turned over (5) |
SPECS : S (small) + CEPS (mushrooms) reversed [turned over] | |
23 | During trip, Rhode Island pass makes one flag (9) |
TRICOLOUR : RI (Rhode Island) + COL (mountain pass) contained by [during] TOUR (trip) | |
25 | Nice mushroom a representative has left for bun (7) |
CHIGNON : CH{a mp}IGNON (Nice – French word for – mushroom) [a + representative – MP – has left]. It’s a hairstyle. | |
26 | Lost balance from West End rent (7) |
TRIPPED : {wes}T [end], RIPPED (rent – torn). There’s a lot of renting of clothes in the Bible. | |
27 | One of many concealed in wall at home? (4) |
LATH : Cryptic. In certain types of building construction laths are thin strips of wood designed to hold plaster or tiles in place. On edit: Thanks to pleasuredome8 for pointing out that the answer is also hidden [concealed] in {wal}L AT H{ome}. I had spotted this when solvng – honest! | |
28 | Welcome the way one’s accepted by cook repeatedly (3,2,3,2) |
HOW DO YOU DO : HOW (the way), then YOU (one) is contained by DO + DO (cook repeatedly – is the meat done yet?) |
Down | |
1 | Don’t pass round large flounder (5) |
FLAIL : FAIL (don’t pass) containing [round] L (large). Floundering about. | |
2 | Note boxer’s twitching, with both feet on the ground? (9) |
REALISTIC : RE (note – music), ALI’S (boxer’s), TIC (twitching) | |
3 | Hardline United Nations committee with potential (14) |
UNCOMPROMISING : UN (United Nations), COM (committee), PROMISING (with potential). | |
4 | To be audacious, Yankee invested in satellite (3,2,2) |
TRY IT ON : Y (Yankee – NATO alphabet) contained by [invested in] TRITON (satellite – of Neptune) | |
5 | Find Republican following a foreign chap (7) |
UNCOVER : UN (a – foreign), COVE (chap), R (Republican) | |
7 | Individual in area brought up Heather (5) |
ERICA : I (individual) contained by [in] ACRE (area) reversed [brought up] | |
8 | Plant exotic yew with reeds at rear of bed (5-4) |
DYERS-WEED : {be}D [rear], anagram [exotic] of YEW REEDS. This was the one I got wrong, and it’s another of those infuriating anagram clues where if you don’t know the target word you just have to guess. On reflection I suppose ‘Dyer’s-weed’ is a more likely candidate than my answer ‘Drey’s-weed’ but who’s to know there wasn’t a botanist called Mr Drey, or perhaps it’s the plant of choice for squirrels when constructing their nests? | |
9 | Governing body putting writer in a spot (5,9) |
LOCAL AUTHORITY : AUTHOR (writer) contained by [in] LOCALITY (spot) | |
14 | Capricious wife greeting Hamilton, say, out of uniform (9) |
WHIMSICAL : W (wife), HI (greeting), M{u}SICAL (Hamilton, say) [out of uniform – NATO alphabet) | |
16 | Ad lib concert after the writer’s put out (9) |
IMPROMPTU : I’M (the writer’s), PROM (concert), anagram [out] of PUT | |
18 | Use cast during each round (3,4) |
EAT INTO : TINT (cast) contained by [during] EA (each) + O (round). SOED has ‘cast’ as: a dash of some colour; a tinge, a shade. I didn’t know that. If you use some of your supplies you eat into them. | |
19 | Warped eccentric wit’s dry (7) |
TWISTED : Anagram [eccentric] of WIT’S, then TED (dry). SOED has ‘ted’ as: spread out or strew new-mown grass, cut corn, or straw on the ground to dry. | |
22 | Correct to ring head of Charolais bull (5) |
EDICT : EDIT (correct) contains [to ring] C{harolais} [head]. As in ‘Papal Bull’. I learnt that Charolais is a breed of cattle, but one doesn’t need to know that. | |
24 | Commercial port screens broadcast (5) |
RADIO : RIO (port) contains [screens] AD (commercial) |
6-Across is a rare clue which contains more than one wordplay route to the answer. That’s a treat!
Not a terribly hard puzzle but lots of unknowns for me: MOT, DN, etc.
I didn’t flinch at CHOC ICE while solving but now that you point it out I’m also wondering if I missed something. DYER’S-WEED sucked — I guessed it right, but confess that I checked before submission.
Edited at 2021-01-05 02:13 am (UTC)
Edited at 2021-01-05 03:06 am (UTC)
We don’t often see double wordplay so MEAD was my highlight, the more so as it is an ‘Echo in written works’ at St. Elsewhere’s today.
ODE – preferred spelling is apparently LEXICO
My time 33 minutes
LOI 18dn EAT INTO yuk! Also 11ac CHOC ICE yuk!
COD 25ac CHIGNON ‘bunny rabbit’
Interesting day in the Land of Brother Jonathan – where old Pence is being devalued. Let’s hope Customer Service in Atlanta sorts things out tomorrow.
Edited at 2021-01-05 03:15 am (UTC)
Edited at 2021-01-05 11:37 am (UTC)
After 25 mins pre-brekker (which will be a Fat Rascal, hoorah) I was left with Choc Ice and the weed (or possibly reed). I guessed them both correctly, but these are terrible clues. Pity, because mostly I liked it.
Thanks setter and J.
PS I’ve just remembered Abraham Lincoln’s famous last words. “If they don’t have any tubs, I’ll have a choc ice.”
Edited at 2021-01-05 09:38 am (UTC)
And also A MASSive thank you”
Twas a very fine test
And 4 Down was the best
A treat for a space-nut – woo-hoo!
A very fast one for me with multiple biffs including the luckily correctly guessed weed, the CHOC ICE (who has ever eaten one of those as part of a meal?) and WHIMSICAL, as I have NHO the musical. Thanks for revealing the machinery as always Jack.
I am with the esteemed breakfaster Myrtilus: a good puzzle marred by those two poor clues in the NE.
Edited at 2021-01-05 09:46 am (UTC)
Apparently the weed produces a bright yellow dye, which when mixed with woad gives you Lincoln green.
Perhaps the community would have preferred a “terrible Scandinavian” homophone clue to reduce doubt.
I confess to not completely parsing either LEITMOTIV or CHIGNON, the latter I should have done as in our house Queen’s “We Are the Champions” is often rendered as “we are the mushrooms”. It’s a laugh a minute round here.
I (just) managed to revise LOTS to LATH at 27, reading only the word many in my first skim of the clue.
Thanks to Jack for persistence in solving everything and sympathy for inventing the other weed.
< 16′, slowed down by inserting leitmotif and misspelling IMPROMPTU. The CHOC ICE took quite a while too.
Thanks jack and setter.
I agree with others that the CHOC ICE definition is strange. When has one of these ever been ‘part of’ a dessert?
Five days into 2021 and I have yet to solve a daily puzzle correctly. Perhaps tomorrow will be my day.
CHOC ICE – same thoughts as others, not sure how that it meant to be constructed, but guessable with checkers.
TEPID – didn’t know the Dublin politician TD
CHIGNON – saw the bun without thinking of the French for mushroom
WHIMSICAL – NHO Hamilton the musical
ERICA – didn’t twig how that was constructed
DYERS-WEED – hit and hope
IMPROMPTU – saw the prom, didn’t bother parsing the rest
Fortunately, LOCAL AUTHORITY was the second authority I thought of, after Port Of London Authority!
Edited at 2021-01-05 11:38 am (UTC)
Edited at 2021-01-05 02:50 pm (UTC)
I’m confident I’ve never eaten a CHOC ICE as part of a course… and I also biffed LEITMOTIF at first.
6m 41s with the error.
Failed to solve: 11A and first part of 9D
I’ll be interested to read comments re 11A. I suppose I could have guessed the first part of 9D with some further thought, and that then might have led me to guess 11A (I could only come up with ICE for the second word).
Thanks to jacket and the setter.
If we all did that, this would simply be a scroll-fest!
And who is jacket!?
I must say I don’t usually scroll back up to see what people are talking about when they reference clue numbers like this but this can easily be mentioned as a helpful tip (making it more likely that what you write will be understood) rather than a criticism!
Edited at 2021-01-05 06:30 pm (UTC)
Agree with everything that’s been said about Choc Ice (neither a course nor part of a course).
I didn’t know “Ted” = “dry” but will try to remember it henceforward.
Also spent a while trying to justify “Improvise” before I spotted “Impromptu”.
Overall, nice puzzle, 11a notwithstanding.
Thanks for the blog.
Anyway once I got going this was not too hard. Started with SPECS and EDICT. LOI was CHIGNON, a word I vaguely remembered. I had a leitmotif, until a change was forced and I too wondered about CHOC ICE. NHO of DYERS WEED but that seemed the best option; and I spotted the hidden LATH without knowing its meaning.
31:48 on the clock. I’m very pleased with that.
Alternatively, a brickie’s eye might be his best, or CHOICE brick, also fixing the first letter of ‘course’ giving a marginally better CHOC ICE. Plumped for the latter. Right for the wrong reason! Thanks for the correct parsing Jackkt.
18’54” to keep the 2021 green streak going.
Thanks jack.
LOI MEAD (excellent clue !)
COD WHIMSICAL (by a whisker)
TIME 7:51
Good stuff.
FOI Erica
LOI Dyers weed
COD Incumbent
NHO dyers weed but was a 50/50 guess which worked out. Same with choc ice. Didn’t get the formula but nicely explained by the blogger. I agree that choc ice would be a strange selection for a course, espeif you want to keep your friends.
Ted was a new one on me. Presumably in a stately home you edward your grass?
Of course, I still think the “part” belongs to “choice” rather than “dessert”, but the setter’s not even technically wrong. In some circles.